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the treatment and prevention of diabetes and related complications

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Evidence-based nutritional principles and recommendations for the treatment and prevention of diabetes and related complications
Nutritional therapy is an integral part of diabetes management and self-management education, however, there are still many misconceptions about nutrition and diabetes. What is more, clinically, nutritional advice for diabetics with little or no supporting evidence has been and is being given. This position statement therefore seeks to provide evidence-based principles and recommendations for nutritional therapy in diabetes. The rationale for this position statement is discussed in the American Diabetes Association technical review, "Evidence-Based Nutrition Principles and Recommendations for the Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes and Related Complications," which discusses in detail what is relevant to each principle and recommendation published research (Note 1).
In the past, nutritional recommendations for diabetes and related complications were based on scientific knowledge, clinical experience, and expert consensus; however, it is often difficult to discern the level of evidence that constitutes recommendations. To address this issue, the 2002 Technical Review (Note 1) and this position statement provide principles and recommendations based on levels of evidence using the American Diabetes Association's evidence scoring system. However, the best current evidence still must take into account individual circumstances and preferences as well as cultural and ethnic preferences, and the person with diabetes must be involved in the decision-making process. The goal of evidence-based recommendations is to improve diabetes care by informing physicians and patients of beneficial nutritional treatments.
Because of the complexity of nutrition issues, it is recommended that a licensed dietitian with the knowledge and skills to implement nutrition therapy into diabetes management and education serve as a member of the team delivering nutrition therapy. It is important, however, that all team members understand nutritional therapy and support people with diabetes who require lifestyle changes. 【Remark】
The recommendations in this research report are based on evidence reviewed in the following publications: Evidence-Based Nutritional Principles and Recommendations for the Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes and Related Complications (Technical Review), Diabetes Care, Volume 25, Pages 148-198, 2002 Year. (Evidence-basednutritionprinciplesandrecommendationsforthetreatmentandpreventionofdiabetesandrelatedcomplications(TechnicalReview).DiabetesCare25:148-198,2002.)
Original manuscripts for this story were submitted by: MarionJ.Franz, RD, CDE (co-chair), JohnP.Bantle, MD (co-chair); ChristineA.Beebe, RD, CDE; JohnD.Brunzell, MD ; Jean-Louis Chiasson, MD; Abhimanyu Garg, MD; Lea Ann Holzmeister, RD, CDE; Byron Hoogwerf, MD; Elizabeth Mayer-Davis, MS, RD; This report has been peer reviewed, revised, and approved by the Professional Practice Committee and Executive Committee in October 2001. [Abbreviation] VLCD (very low calorie diet), very low calorie diet [Reviewer] Zheng Huiwen, Ph.D. of Pharmacy, University of California, USA [Introduction to reading: There are 28 articles in this series] This article is a review published by the American Diabetes Association (American Diabetes Association). The English title is: Evidence-Based Nutrition Principles and Recommendations for the Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes and Related Complications (Evidence-Based Nutrition Principles and Recommendations for the Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes and Related Complications) (There are 28 in this series, this is the first one)
The above article is eloquent and endorsed by many experts. It seems to be very good. In fact, the readers have no help at all. This kind of research report can be seen everywhere. These so-called scholars just write something quickly because they have received research funding, otherwise Research grants will be removed next year. Such a crappy research report not only misleads the masses, but also proves their ignorance. You just have to look carefully to see that it is not helpful.
The only way to treat and prevent diabetes is to know where the disease comes from. In fact, diabetes is a disease caused by eating midnight snacks. Taiwanese people are famous for eating midnight snacks. There are night markets everywhere. Taiwanese people like to eat midnight snacks. This is the habit of the Chinese, and because they go to bed immediately after eating midnight snacks, when the food is still in the stomach, the human body enters a sleep state, which slows down the digestion of the stomach, and the food stays in the stomach for too long, thus causing the secretion of sugar If too much, enters the blood, and accumulates over time, it is diabetes. In the past, people said that "rich man's disease" means that only rich people used to eat midnight snacks. Now that people are rich, eating midnight snacks is very common, so the number of diabetic patients is increasing year by year.
If the patient does not know where the diabetes comes from, even if it is cured, it will recur. As for the treatment of diabetes, it is best to use traditional Chinese medicine, that is, to use the most natural method, such as exercising more, Eat more fruits and vegetables, maintain mental health, and eat less root plants. As for rice and noodles, it’s okay, stay away from desserts and snacks. It will heal naturally after a long time.
[Medical News] US study finds that pancreatic cells can self-renew, which will help develop new treatments for type 1 diabetes
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pancreatic cells that make insulin can replicate themselves, U.S. scientists said on Wednesday. The results of the study suggest that patients with juvenile onset diabetes, or type 1 diabetes, may find new treatments.
The findings also support the idea that controversial research using embryonic stem cells may be the best way to find a cure for the condition, experts say. The research report was published this week in the journal Nature.
Dr. Douglas Melton of Harvard University and the Howard Hughes School of Medicine and colleagues discovered self-renewing pancreatic cells in mice.
These cells, called beta cells, make insulin. But in people with type 1 diabetes, the immune system mistakenly destroys these cells.
Melton and colleagues looked for evidence of adult stem cells in the pancreas of mice. They gave mice the anticancer drug tamoxifen, using it as an intracellular tracker. The drug persists in mature beta cells.
Melton reported that all of the new beta cells they found contained tamoxifen, proving that they were produced by preexisting beta cells.
Dr. Ken Zaret of the FoxChase Cancer Center in Philadelphia said the study did not prove that adult stem cells do not exist in the pancreas. "But it does give us
indicates a resource: a cell capable of making insulin has always been there, the beta cells themselves," Zaret wrote in a commentary. (over)
Regarding diabetes, I don’t know how many such patients have been treated. Western medicine divides it into two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and Chinese medicine divides it into three types of diabetes. All of them can be treated and improved, and they are indeed what Western medicine calls Type 1 diabetes is difficult to treat, I have encountered many such type 1 diabetes, and now I have found a way to solve this intractable disease, Type 2 diabetes can almost be treated to a normal blood sugar index, type 1 diabetes It will take more time to cure, but the chance is less. The cause of type 1 diabetes is caused by the vaccine of western medicine.
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