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The method of replenishing essence in spring—rehmannia glutinosa with great kidney essence

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

The method of replenishing essence in spring—rehmannia glutinosa with great kidney essence
Rehmannia glutinosa, we refer to as rehmannia glutinosa for short, the most authentic origin of this medicine is in Jiaozuo, Henan Province, which is the place where Huai yam is produced in loamy soil. When I went to inspect Huai yam, I saw a lot of rehmannia glutinosa growing in the field. The ancients believed that the land there was good, that is, the middle soil, and medicines such as yam and rehmannia glutinosa were the thickest. Therefore, Zhang Jingyue of the Ming Dynasty said: "Fudihuang is produced in the fertile soil of Zhongzhou, and it is the one with the strongest rustic flavor. Its yellow color is also the color of the earth. Its taste is sweet and the taste of the earth is also."

This raw rehmannia, after steaming, drying and other processes, becomes Shudi.

The ancients believed: "Rehmannia glutinosa, sweet in taste, warm in nature, sinking, yang in the yin, non-toxic. It enters the liver and kidney meridians. It produces blood and essence, and the marrow in the brain in the long bones."

"Compendium of Materia Medica" believes that the functions of Rehmannia glutinosa are:

"Fills bone marrow, grows muscles, produces essence and blood. Replenishes deficiencies in five viscera and internal injuries, unblocks blood vessels, sharpens eyes and ears, black beard and hair, five labors and seven injuries in men, leakage of cells in women's injuries, irregular menstruation, and all kinds of fetal and childbirth diseases."

After studying Chinese medicine for so many years, my experience is: Among the medicines for invigorating kidney essence, rehmannia glutinosa is the well-deserved leader, and other medicines can only be used in combination. Except for rehmannia glutinosa, no medicine can take on this important task.

In Liuwei Dihuang Wan, a prescription for nourishing liver and kidney yin, the monarch drug is rehmannia glutinosa; and in Jinkui Shenqi Wan, which warms and nourishes kidney yang, the monarch drug is also rehmannia glutinosa, and the weight is relatively heavy. The important thing is that it has the effect of nourishing kidney essence . Among the prescriptions for nourishing liver and kidney in the past dynasties, rehmannia glutinosa has been used in countless places. For example, in "Danxi Heart Method", Dabuyin Pill is used to treat hot flashes caused by Yin deficiency and bone steam; Soft Huqian Pills and more.

In the Ming Dynasty, there appeared two doctors, both of whom were Taoist figures, and both liked to use Shudi. One was Zhang Jingyue and the other was Chen Shiduo.

Zhang Jingyue has made great contributions in the field of internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine. He wrote "Jingyue Quanshu". He is particularly good at using Shudi, and he is nicknamed "Zhang Shudi". Inside, if you look through it carefully, you will find that the recipes using Shudi account for a large part, and there are more discussions about Shudi, even surpassing Zhang Jingyue. The fire-fire soup I often use comes from Chen Shiduo's book. These two physicians both believe that the human kidney is the foundation, and only when the kidney essence is sufficient can the harmony of yin and yang be reconciled.

In modern society, the deficiency of kidney essence is more common. Nowadays, there are many things that damage the essence and consume essence. People are tired of work and cannot rest when it is time to rest; there are too many miscellaneous things and overthinking. These situations will cause the consumption of kidney essence. . Therefore, nourishing kidney essence is a problem that must be paid attention to.

So, today I will introduce to you a diet therapy method, which is often used by Cantonese people, called raw and cooked keel. In general Cantonese restaurants, this kind of soup is very common.

The recipe for this soup is as follows: first prepare the ingredients, 500 grams of pork keel (that is, pork spine) with meat; 30 grams of cooked ground, 20 grams of raw ground, three candied dates, three peeled dried longan, five slices of ginger, pinch of salt.

1. First peel the ginger, put the cut ginger skin and pig keel into the water, boil it in boiling water, and then take it out. Throw away the ginger skin.

2. Boil rehmannia and raw rehmannia for half an hour, slice the peeled ginger, and then add pork keel, ginger slices, and candied dates to cook together, preferably for about an hour.

3. About ten minutes before turning off the fire, add longan meat (some soup methods do not put longan in it).

4. Add a little salt and season until you can accept it.

In this way, this raw and cooked keel soup is ready. This soup is especially suitable for people with insufficient kidney essence and kidney yin, especially in spring, if you feel hot, upset, and have various skin problems, if you make this soup twice a week, it will be good for you. The body is very beneficial.

The reason why raw land is used in the prescription is mainly because in the south, the weather is relatively hot and the body fluid is damaged, so there will be a problem of hurting yin. At this time, if raw land and cooked land are combined, the effect will be better.

For those who suffer from yang deficiency and have loose stools, this soup cannot be used.

If you are a vegetarian, you can use rehmannia glutinosa alone to make soup without pork, and add some lotus root and yam, which can also play a very good nourishing effect.

The beauty of this familiar place is hard to describe in words. A friend asked me these days, saying that she started to have swelling and pain in her nasopharynx on the 17th, and then coughed on the 19th, and then her entire head swelled. She started asking me on the 28th.

At that time, I asked her to send a picture of her tongue. I thought it was due to the deficiency of kidney essence. At the same time, I judged that it had been ten days in a row, and the traditional Chinese medicine for clearing away heat and detoxification and erythromycin were ineffective, indicating that the main energy was insufficient, so I prescribed Rehmannia glutinosa. As much as 90 grams of rehmannia glutinosa are used in the main fire soup. She took the medicine on the 28th, and sent me a WeChat message the next day: "Dr. Luo, after taking the medicine at noon yesterday, the swelling and pain of the nasopharynx have been relieved a lot. When I woke up in the morning, I felt a little sticky phlegm in my throat and a little dry cough. Everything else is fine, continue to take medicine today." I hope this friend will recover soon.

Such an example has been recorded in Zhang Jingyue's book. This kind of upper burn syndrome is a virtual fire, which needs to be replenished with kidney essence to draw down the virtual fire. Only Shudi can take on this important task.

Therefore, Chen Shiduo, who is good at using Shudi, praised Shudi like this: "The qi of true yin must be born without this, and the flames of false fire must not fall. Xun (xún) is the god of killing life, and the wonderful taste of prolonging life!"
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