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The magic medicine for treating yin deficiency and hyperactivity of fire——Zhibai Dihuang Pills

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

The magic medicine for treating yin deficiency and hyperactivity of fire-Zhibai Dihuang Pills
Let me first talk about a friend's night sweat. This night sweat is when the body sweats during sleep at night, and it feels like it is coming out secretly, so it is called night sweat. My friend sweats very badly, to what extent? He said that the pillow must be divided into two areas, sleep for a while, the pillow towel in the left area is soaked with sweat, change to the right side, and then turn the pillow over and use the other side, so that you can sleep all night, and the pillow towel is wet The degree of transparency, he said, is like being fished out of the water. He often wakes up at night and feels his head is lying in cold water. This has been the case for a long time.

I looked at his tongue at the time, and to be honest, it was not as red as the typical yin deficiency tongue, but his pulse rate, coupled with other symptoms, I judged that it was a deficiency fire, so I suggested him to take Zhibai Dihuang Pills.

As a result, he told me that after taking just one pill, the night sweats basically stopped! He himself said: "How is this possible?" After treating the symptoms, I suggested that he take a few more pills, and then started to use Liuwei Dihuang Wan for conditioning, and at the same time added a little Yupingfeng Granules. As a result, there was no problem at all. .

So, what kind of medicine is this Zhibai Dihuang Pill?

Today we will talk about it, maybe it can help you.

Generally speaking, this Zhibai Dihuang Pill nourishes yin and purifies fire, and it is especially effective for the condition of yin deficiency and excessive fire, which causes heat in the upper burnt or damp heat in the lower burnt. This kind of hyperactivity of fire due to deficiency of yin, especially the inflammation caused by deficiency of liver and kidney yin, is mostly caused by fire syndrome, such as dizziness, tinnitus and deafness, deficiency fire and toothache, five upset and fever, sore waist and knees, bloody urine pain, and dream of spermatorrhea Ejaculation, bone steaming, hot flashes, night sweats, red cheeks, dry throat, red tongue, thready pulse, etc. If you have the symptoms mentioned above, you can consider this Chinese patent medicine.

So, where did this Zhibai Dihuang Wan come from?

In fact, it is a flavored prescription of Liuwei Dihuang Wan, which is based on Liuwei Dihuang Wan, adding Zhimu and Phellodendron Phellodendri.

"Ziyin Bawei Pills: Treat Yin Deficiency and Huo Excessiveness, Dampness and Heat in Xiajiao and other syndromes. This prescription turns pills into soup, which is called Ziyin Bawei Decoction: four liang of yam, three liang of paeonol, three liang of white poria cocos, dogwood (meat) Four liang, three liang of Alisma, three liang of Cortex Phellodendri (stir-fried in salt water), three liang of Rehmannia glutinosa (steamed), Anemarrhena anemarrhena (stir-fried in salt water) three liang. Add refined honey and pound balls, phoenix seeds are big. Or hollow, or before noon , send more than a hundred pills with boiling white soup or light salt soup."

In this prescription, first of all, the foundation of Liuwei Dihuang Wan is based on nourishment. We must see that the fire at this time is based on virtual fire, so at this time it is mainly nourishing. The rehmannia glutinosa in the prescription , is what Zhang Jingyue is best at using. Rehmannia glutinosa, Chinese medicine believes that it can nourish yin and blood, benefit essence and fill marrow. It is used to treat liver and kidney yin deficiency, soreness of waist and knees, bone steaming and hot flashes, night sweats and spermatorrhea, internal heat and thirst, blood deficiency and chlorosis, palpitations, irregular menstruation, and collapse. Leaking blood, dizziness, tinnitus, premature graying of beard and hair, etc., Zhang Jingyue is particularly good at using Shudi, nicknamed "Zhang Shudi", and it is good.

The second medicine in the prescription is yam, which is used to nourish the spleen and stomach, promote body fluid and benefit the lungs, and nourish the kidney and astringent essence. The best gift of the Chinese is the national treasure of China.

The other blind medicine is cornus, which can nourish the liver and kidney, astringent essence and solidify, and is the most important medicine for nourishing the liver. Rehmannia glutinosa, yam, and cornus, the use of these three herbs originated from Zhongjing, and many famous doctors in later generations were good at using them. For example, Zhang Xichun, a famous doctor in the Republic of China, used these three herbs to perfection. I have been studying Zhang Xichun’s medication methods every day these days. The place is full of admiration. I think that by making good use of these three medicines, you can basically master the nourishing method, and I will share it with you in detail when I have the opportunity in the future.

The paeonol, Poria cocos, and Alisma pilosula in the prescription are to clear away the evil spirits of the liver, spleen, and kidney respectively. I mentioned it when I was talking about Liuwei Dihuang Wan. You can take a look when you have time.

As for the prescription of Zhibai Dihuang Wan, the most important thing is to add two herbs of Anemarrhena and Cortex Phellodendri.

Anemarrhena is bitter and cold, enters the lung, stomach, and kidney meridians, clears heat and purifies fire, promotes body fluid and moisturizes dryness, and is used for febrile diseases caused by exogenous pathogenesis, high fever and polydipsia, dry cough due to lung heat, hot flashes due to bone steaming, internal heat quenching thirst, intestinal dryness and constipation. But its main action points are the lung meridian and kidney meridian, among which the effect of clearing lung heat is the most prominent, because lung gold is the mother of kidney water, and when the mother is clear, the child is safe, so it has a good effect on the deficiency heat of the kidney meridian. Li Shizhen believes that it is a medicine for qi, while Phellodendron is a medicine for blood, and the combination of the two works better. He said:

"Anemarrhena anemarrhena is hard and cold, the lower part moistens the kidneys and nourishes the yin, and the upper part clears the lungs and purifies the fire, and it is the medicine of the two meridians; Phellodendron Phellodendri is the medicine of the blood of the kidney meridian, so the two medicines must work together. People in the past compared shrimp and jellyfish to each other."

Phellodendron Phellodendri is also a medicine for bitter cold. It enters the kidney and bladder meridians. It mainly acts on clearing dampness and heat in the lower energizer. Athlete's foot, flaccidity, bone steaming, fatigue and fever, night sweats, nocturnal emission, sores and swelling, eczema and itching. "Medical Genesis" said: "Purge bladder dragon fire, facilitate urination, dampness and swelling of the lower burner, dysentery with blood first, pain in the umbilical cord, and insufficient kidney water."

On the basis of Liuwei Dihuang Pills, after adding Zhimu and Phellodendron Phellodendron, the effect on the symptoms of asthenic fire upper inflammation caused by yin deficiency and heat disturbance of lower burnt syndrome has been significantly improved. Therefore, if it is caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency, such as dizziness, tinnitus and deafness, toothache due to deficiency fire, five upset fever, sore waist and knees, bloody urine pain, nocturnal emission, dream release, bone steaming and hot flashes, night sweat and flushed cheeks , dry throat, red tongue, thready pulse and other symptoms, using this prescription, the effect is excellent.

In general, the function of this prescription is just like what Wu Kun, a medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty, discussed in his prescription monograph "Yi Fang Kao":

"Rehmannia glutinosa and cornus have a strong taste. The thick taste is the yin in the yin, so it is enough to nourish the yin and blood between the kidneys; yam, poria cocos, and sweet and light. The sweet can control dampness, and the light can penetrate dampness, so it is enough to eliminate kidney deficiency. Alisma, Cortex Cortex, are salty and cold, salty can moisten the lower body, cold can overcome heat, so it is enough to remove dampness and heat between the kidneys; Cortex Phellodendri, Anemarrhena, bitter moisturizing, moistening can nourish yin, and bitterness can Purging the fire is enough to subdue the phase fire of the dragon and thunder. Remove the fire that scorches the yin and nourish the water that nourishes the fire. Then the essence and blood between the kidneys will be born day by day. Wang Bing said: The master of strong water is to control the sun. This That's what it is."

So at this time, let's review again, what are the manifestations of people with yin deficiency and fire? Understanding this problem can prevent us from taking the wrong medicine. If you don’t have yang deficiency and still take this medicine, it will be the opposite.
Symptoms of yin deficiency are:

1. Conscious fever in the afternoon or night, hot hands, feet, heart, night sweats, insomnia and dreaminess, dry mouth and throat. This is endogenous deficiency heat, and it is a hot flash syndrome caused by deficiency of liver and kidney yin.

2. Sweating when sleeping, sweating stops when waking up, five upset and hot, tired and less sleepy, emaciated body. This is forced fluid leakage, and it is a night sweat syndrome caused by yin deficiency and hyperactivity of fire.

3. Restless sleeping at night, dizziness and upset, five heart flashes, less and hot urination, red tongue, rapid pulse, men's nocturnal emission. This is the nocturnal emission syndrome caused by deficiency of yin and excessive fire, heat disturbing the essence orifices, and dereliction of duty in sealing.

4. Burning, hot, astringent urine, or even hematuria, dark red color, low back pain, or hot flashes, or nocturnal emission, or restlessness, dry red tongue, deep and thready pulse. This is the syndrome of short red urine due to yin deficiency and hyperactivity of fire caused by decoction.

If you find that you have the above symptoms, you should consider whether you are suffering from deficiency of yin and hyperactivity of fire.

In the current clinic, we use Zhibai Dihuang Pills to treat many diseases, such as solitary thyroid nodule caused by yin deficiency and fire excess, spermatorrhea caused by yin deficiency and fire excess, male infertility, and obstinate thyroid caused by yin deficiency and fire excess Night sweats and many other diseases, as long as it is caused by yin deficiency and fire excess, the effect is good. My experience is that night sweats are caused by yin deficiency and excessive fire. Generally, one pill will be effective, and taking several pills can turn the situation around. Sometimes urination is dripping, astringent and painful. If it is caused by yin deficiency and fire, there is no need to worry about mixed dampness and heat, because Zhang Jingyue said that this prescription can treat dampness and heat in the lower jiao, and using this prescription at this time will also have an immediate effect.

The ancient prescriptions, as long as the symptoms are right, the effect is immediate, this is the charm of the classic prescription, this prescription is generally not taken seriously, after everyone understands it, you can refer to it. Pregnant women should use it under the guidance of a doctor.

It is worth mentioning that this kind of heat-clearing medicine does not need to be used for a long time, and the disease will stop immediately. In the past, Li Dongyuan used Anemarrhena anemarrhena and Phellodendron Phellodendri to treat dampness and heat in the lower jiao, and the effect was excellent. After the patient recovered, he wanted to take it for a long time, and asked for a lot of money, but Li Dongyuan refused. Therefore, after the fever is cleared, the key is to cultivate the righteousness.

Well, I will introduce here the content of taking Zhibai Dihuang Pills for yin deficiency and night sweats. I hope that in this season of flowers and flowers, everyone can relax physically and mentally to enjoy the scenery and feel the warmth of spring!
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