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The hawthorn of the must-have series for new year's goods?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

The hawthorn of the must-have series for new year's goods?
It's finally the new year, are you ready to eat stove candy? From the day of childhood until New Year's Eve, there will be things to do to welcome the Spring Festival every day. This is a grand festival that we have passed down for thousands of years, and it is a time of joy and celebration for the people of the whole country. How much work remains to be done, and at this point, my heart can always be filled with anticipation and joy for this festival.

After the new year, we are getting closer and closer to the New (fàng) Spring (jià) Jia (wán) Festival (shuǎ), and the festive atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger. I don’t know if friends who haven’t had a holiday yet have already Home like an arrow? When you go home, remember to serve the barley tea we introduced to you yesterday! But don't worry, because, besides barley tea, you can also prepare a lot of Chinese New Year greetings.

Today, in our New Year’s must-have series, we will introduce to you another must-have product for the holidays at home-hawthorn.

When it comes to hawthorn, no one is familiar with it. It can be said that it is a very delicious traditional Chinese medicine in our daily life. Candied haws, haw jelly, canned hawthorn, hawthorn slices, hawthorn rolls...all are sweet and sour Delicious snacks suitable for all ages, even the traditional Chinese medicine Dashanzha pills containing hawthorn ingredients, Jianweixiaoshi tablets, etc., also have the sweet and sour taste of hawthorn, and we all know that when you are full, eat some Hawthorn products will help us digest food.

Friends who often follow Dr. Luo know that when it comes to accumulated food, Dr. Luo will definitely introduce "Jiao Sanxian". Jiao Sanxian, namely: Jiao Hawthorn, Jiao Maiya, Jiao Shenqu, the barley tea we introduced to you yesterday is made from ungerminated barley, and after the barley is germinated, it is called malt, and after the malt is fried, it is Jiaomaiya; , it is the fried hawthorn, which belongs to the product of the same medicine and food, and the burnt hawthorn has the best effect on eliminating meat.

Hawthorn is the dry and mature fruit of the Rosaceae plant Shanlihong or Hawthorn. Mainly produced in Shandong, Henan, Hebei and Liaoning. Autumn is the season for harvesting ripe fruits. At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, Yun Shao’s family will boil canned hawthorn to drink. The recipe is probably hawthorn, apple, rock sugar, or a combination of hawthorn, pear, and rock sugar. Children in Northeast China have seasonal snacks from childhood to adulthood.

Hawthorn, a traditional Chinese medicine, was first recorded in "Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu". After the fresh fruit is harvested, it is sliced, dried, and used raw or fried yellow or burnt. Hawthorn is sour and sweet in taste, slightly warm in nature. Return spleen, stomach, liver channel. It has the effects of eliminating food and invigorating the stomach, promoting qi and dispelling blood stasis, and reducing turbidity and fat.

"Compendium of Materia Medica · Fruit Department" records hawthorn: "Release the name of red melon seeds, rat hawthorn, monkey hawthorn, mao hawthorn, yanghuanqiu, tangqiuzi, and mountain fruit. The smell is sour, cold, and non-toxic. It is mainly used to treat meat. Hernia, intestinal wind and blood, acne rash."

Hawthorn is good at digesting and dissolving food accumulation, and can cure various dietary stagnation, especially the main medicine for digesting greasy meat stagnation. It can treat all abdominal distension, belching and acid regurgitation, abdominal pain and diarrhea caused by meat stagnation. Hawthorn enters the liver meridian, can circulate qi and blood, and has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It can be used to treat postpartum stasis, abdominal pain, lochia, blood stagnation, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea. The roasted hawthorn can also relieve diarrhea dysentery. In addition to these, hawthorn can also reduce turbidity and reduce fat. It is compatible with other traditional Chinese medicines and can be used to treat hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure and other diseases.

Although hawthorn is good, there are many things to pay attention to when eating it:

What you should pay attention to when eating hawthorn is that Dr. Luo mentioned when talking about children's food accumulation, raw hawthorn has the effect of removing blood stasis and digestion, but it is too strong for children. Generally, traditional Chinese medicine uses fried black burnt hawthorn to digest food. , the effect will be better. According to traditional Chinese medicine, fried burnt things have the effect of digestion, such as fried burnt malt, which has the effect of digestion. Burnt hawthorn is actually the same as raw hawthorn. It has the medicinal properties of hawthorn, but it is not so violent, so it is more suitable for children. But do not eat the burnt hawthorn directly, the effect of boiling water with burnt hawthorn is relatively peaceful.

It is recommended that you go to the pharmacy to buy burnt hawthorn, do not make it yourself, it is easy to be unevenly heated. Burnt hawthorn mainly eliminates meat, so it is very suitable for conditioning after a fat, sweet and delicious diet during the festival, especially for children, and it is very convenient, as long as you just use boiled water to drink.

In addition, friends with weak spleen and stomach without stagnation and excessive gastric acid secretion should eat hawthorn cautiously; fresh hawthorn can be eaten at most about five pieces at a time, and it is best to eat them cooked. When choosing hawthorn, it is better to be large, red in skin, thick in flesh and few in core.

Finally, let me share with you a little story about hawthorn:

During the reign of Shaoxi in the Southern Song Dynasty, Song Guangzong's favorite concubine fell ill with a strange disease. She suddenly became pale and emaciated, and didn't want to eat or drink. The imperial physician used many expensive medicines, but to no avail. Seeing that the imperial concubine became seriously ill day by day, the emperor had no choice but to seek medical advice. A quack doctor entered the palace, and after checking the pulse of the imperial concubine, he tormented the "tang ball" (that is, hawthorn) and brown sugar, and ordered the imperial concubine to eat 5-10 pieces before each meal, and the imperial concubine took half of it. After a month, he really recovered. Later, this recipe spread to the folks, and the common people cooked it in the same way, and it evolved into candied haws.
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