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The effect of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction is far underestimated

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

The effect of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction is far underestimated
I introduced Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction to you before, and now there are various preparations for sale in pharmacies, such as Xuefu Zhuyu Pills, Xuefu Zhuyu Capsules, Xuefu Zhuyu Granules and so on. However, many people do not understand this medicine, so it is rarely used. This is very regrettable. I think the curative effect of this prescription is very good, and it will save people from illness. Most people in modern society may have the opportunity to use this medicine. We must understand it, so I will talk more about it. I hope that through my explanation, everyone can increase their understanding.

So, everyone will ask this question: Since this prescription is so effective, why didn’t everyone know enough about it before?

I think one of the reasons is: its curative effect is so good that the diseases it treats are of all kinds and are distributed in various difficult and miscellaneous diseases. At first glance, it seems that there are not many laws that can be summarized, so many doctors use The application essentials of this method are not known, so its application is also limited.

And another reason is: Wang Qingren, the founder of this prescription, wrote about the corresponding symptoms of this prescription in a scattered manner. In fact, most of what he wrote were symptoms of treatment, but when analyzing the etiology and pathogenesis, he put this prescription The basis of this is based on a concept of "Blood House" created by himself, but the concept of "Blood House" is obviously vague, and he himself did not analyze the idea of ​​creating this prescription, which greatly affected later generations of doctors. Fang’s understanding. In fact, other prescriptions he created were also somewhat influenced by this.

Many famous TCM doctors of later generations, because they understood the purpose of this prescription, used this prescription to save countless people.

So, what diseases does this prescription treat?

My point of view is: This prescription treats symptoms of qi stagnation and blood stasis caused by poor mood, uncomfortable liver qi, and stagnation of liver qi.

This is a concept that I want to introduce to Chinese medicine enthusiasts. Many people do not understand this principle and will use medicine indiscriminately. What is the reason? That is, Chinese medicine treats diseases based on "syndrome", which is called syndrome differentiation and treatment.

For example, when I wrote about Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction to treat headaches, many fans with headaches would immediately buy it and take it. This is because they do not understand traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, there are many types of headaches, such as those caused by cold, blood deficiency, blood stasis, liver fire, qi deficiency, phlegm dampness, etc. Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction can treat liver fire and blood stasis at the same time The effect is very good, but for other syndrome types, you will not have very good effects after taking it.

For example, other diseases, such as heartache, chest pain, and heart diseases, can also be divided into those caused by cold, blood deficiency, blood stasis, liver fire, etc. In such diseases, there are also liver fire and blood stasis. For syndrome types that are combined, the effect of this prescription is good, but for other syndrome types, the effect is not so good. Therefore, it is not right for TCM enthusiasts to buy and take it when they hear about the disease it cures. Instead, they should learn to analyze the "syndrome" and dialectical medicine. This is the essence of TCM.

In fact, many Chinese medicine practitioners now have the problem of using medicines for treatment of diseases. For skin diseases, they use Kochia chinensis and Baixianpi for skin diseases.

Again, I think the prescription of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction is basically designed for liver qi stagnation and blood stasis caused by stagnation of liver qi. Of course, the two are mutually causal, and blood stasis can also lead to stagnation of qi . From another point of view, Qi stagnation is not all caused by liver Qi discomfort, but also caused by cold, injury, and incorrect work and rest postures, but as long as there is evidence of Qi stagnation and blood stasis It can be applied to any type of disease. However, according to my observation, in modern society, the majority of diseases are caused by liver qi discomfort.

Below, we analyze the mechanism of clinical application of this prescription to treat various diseases in the literature to facilitate everyone's understanding of this prescription.

01Skin diseases

There are reports in the literature of cases of neurodermatitis treated with this prescription, in which the patient's condition worsened in spring and when he was in a bad mood. Judging from the symptoms, such patients have obvious liver qi discomfort, and the indication of blood stasis is often a dark tongue. Therefore, this is a syndrome of blood stasis caused by liver qi discomfort. Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction should be used Treatment and recovery. There are many syndrome types of this disease, but emotions are indeed one of the important causes.

There are also reports of cases of alopecia areata treated with this recipe. Emotional factors are also more obvious. “The patient suffered from depression due to work reasons half a year ago. He was silent and rarely spoke. Later, he suddenly found that the hair on his head fell out in a round shape.” , pain in the chest and hypochondrium, dark tongue, thin yellow coating, and stringy pulse." Please pay attention to the indication of "dark tongue" again, which is a symptom of blood stasis in the tongue. This situation can also be judged as blood stasis caused by liver qi discomfort, so this prescription can be used to achieve recovery.

There is also the treatment of chloasma. There are many reports on this. Even many fans of traditional Chinese medicine have experience. The causes of chloasma include deficiency of kidney essence, blood deficiency, spleen deficiency and excess dampness, etc. However, the liver qi and blood stasis are not the same. Blood is also an important cause. In the process of conditioning, the deficiencies are replenished, but for cases of qi stagnation and blood stasis, the effect of applying this prescription is very good.

In addition, this prescription can be used for various stubborn skin diseases, such as chronic urticaria, eczema, dermatitis, etc., as long as there are factors of liver qi discomfort and indications of blood stasis in syndrome differentiation, and there are good clinical reports. curative effect.

So, why is this prescription effective for stubborn and difficult skin diseases?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lungs govern the fur, and people with poor liver qi will have liver fire invading the lungs. When there is a problem with the lungs, problems will naturally occur with the fur. However, as the disease progresses for a long time, the liver loses its ability to regulate circulation and the local skin naturally becomes stagnant, resulting in blood stasis. Therefore, if you encounter factors causing liver qi discomfort and blood stasis, this recipe can resolve it. This is the mechanism.

02Thorax and hypochondrium diseases

When Wang Qingren created this prescription, he said that this prescription could resolve blood stasis in the Blood Palace. He said that the location of the Blood Palace was right at the chest and diaphragm, so this prescription had a very good effect on the stasis of Qi and blood in the chest. Regulate qi and disperse blood stasis. In modern times, this prescription is often used in the treatment of chest and hypochondral pain diseases, such as coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, pulmonary heart disease, pleurisy, costochondritis, chest trauma, intercostal neuralgia and other diseases, as long as there is Qi and blood stasis syndrome. , this method can be applied.

Let’s take an example. For example, women’s breast hyperplasia diseases are often caused by emotional disorders and stagnation of liver qi, leading to stagnation of qi and blood. Therefore, in the treatment, it is necessary to soothe the liver and regulate qi, and activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Therefore, the blood house gradually Yu Tang has a relatively good curative effect.

It is worth mentioning that when regulating diseases of the chest and hypochondrium, blood stasis is not necessarily caused by liver qi discomfort. It can also be used to treat qi stagnation and blood stasis caused by other reasons. At this time, sometimes qi stagnation and blood stasis are caused by some bad postures, such as lying down frequently, which causes compression of the meridians, etc.

03Headache and other head diseases

Wang Qingren said: "If you check for headaches, there will be no external symptoms, no internal symptoms, no signs of qi deficiency, phlegm, and fluid retention. The symptoms will come and go. All prescriptions will not work. Use this prescription and you will be cured with one dose." Here, he himself Other syndrome types of headache were ruled out. The rest are basically headaches caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis, and the most common ones are probably qi stagnation and blood stasis caused by unsatisfactory liver qi. In clinical practice, it is used for head diseases caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis, such as neurological headaches, hypertension, cerebral arteriosclerotic headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, traumatic headaches, post-concussion headaches, migraines, epilepsy, craniocerebral trauma, etc. , even dizziness, the effect is good.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, you may consider using this prescription when encountering the following situations:

1) Those with a history of head trauma;

2) The headache is ineffective after being treated with various methods;

3) Fix the headache area;

4) Severe headache, like a knife or acupuncture, accompanied by nausea and vomiting;

5) Those who have headaches with no obvious external symptoms, internal heat syndrome, qi deficiency and phlegm retention, etc. whose causes can be investigated;

6) The headache lasts for a long time, is persistent, or comes and goes.

I think the above experience can be used as a reference, but the most reliable diagnostic indication is still the symptoms of liver qi discomfort and blood stasis, and the combination of the two is the basis for diagnosis.

04Obstetric and gynecological diseases

Because women are most affected by liver qi discomfort, and the liver meridian circulates through the female reproductive system, it should be said that qi stagnation and blood stasis are most obvious in women, and women's gynecology is the hardest hit area.

For example, for female infertility patients, there is pain in the lower abdomen and waist during menstruation, light menstrual flow, purple and black lumps, chest tightness and discomfort, and swelling and pain in the flanks and breasts. If the tongue is dark purple, there are ecchymosis, and the pulse is heavy and astringent, it can be judged to be qi stagnation and blood stasis caused by unsatisfactory liver qi. Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction can be used to regulate the condition, and the effect is good.

In addition, for patients with dysmenorrhea, if they have symptoms such as poor mood, irritability, unbearable abdominal pain during menstruation, low blood volume, purple-black color with lumps, pain when pressing the lower abdomen, dark or blue tongue, slow and slow pulse, etc. , it can be judged as qi stagnation and blood stasis. You can use Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction to regulate Qi, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, stimulate menstruation and relieve pain. Then menstruation will be smooth and pain will stop.

Therefore, such obstetric and gynecological diseases, such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease, fallopian tube obstruction, infertility, ectopic pregnancy, amenorrhea, menopausal syndrome, low back pain and bleeding after abortion, breast hyperplasia and other diseases, if there is liver qi deficiency, Those who have symptoms of relaxation and indications of blood stasis can use this prescription to regulate the condition, or use this prescription in stages to regulate qi, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, open up the situation, and then treat other things, the effect will be faster.

05 Nervous system disorders

Wang Qingren listed insomnia among the indications of the original prescription. A clinical review showed that this prescription is indeed effective for refractory insomnia. The general characteristics are: insomnia persists for a long time, various methods are ineffective, and is accompanied by depression, dizziness and headaches. Symptoms of liver qi discomfort such as dreaminess, dry mouth and unwillingness to drink, poor memory, dull tongue with ecchymosis and other blood stasis symptoms, the effect of applying this prescription is very good. I think among people with insomnia, the two biggest groups are blood deficiency and liver qi discomfort. Among them, liver qi discomfort is very easy to cause blood stasis. When blood stasis occurs, ordinary drugs for regulating liver qi will not be effective. Only drugs that activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis can solve the problem and cure the disease.

In addition, Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction has good effects on nocturnal wandering syndrome, epilepsy, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis.

06 Limb Disorders

This prescription also has a good effect on patients with limb diseases caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis. Some doctors use this prescription to treat senile lower limb weakness. Patients are upset and irritable, have abdominal distension and pain, have slowed down gas flow, and have uncomfortable bowel movements. There was no edema in both lower limbs, the tongue was slightly dark, the coating was thin, and the pulse was heavy and astringent. The diagnosis was blood stasis and qi stagnation, and the meridians were blocked. Then use Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction with addition or subtraction for recovery.

In addition, for thrombophlebitis, as well as wind-induced meridian deviation in the mouth and eyes, numbness in the hands and feet and other symptoms, as long as the patient is judged to be in a bad mood and has blood stasis, this prescription can be used to increase or decrease the clinical effect. good.

The above is my simple summary, but it can only reflect a small part of the clinical application scope of this prescription. In fact, it is also used in many fields such as digestive system diseases, and it is used in more difficult and complicated diseases. It is more widely used. The application characteristic of this prescription is that it is distributed in various ways and it is difficult to count them one by one. However, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, this prescription can be used as long as there are two symptoms of qi stagnation and blood stasis. Not suitable for pregnant women.

Therefore, according to my analysis, blood stasis caused by uncomfortable liver qi and stagnant qi is very common in modern society. This prescription may not have been used so much in ancient times, but modern society is fast-paced and stressful. Big, the application of this prescription is obviously much wider than in ancient times. In fact, I think its status is the same as Xiaoyao Wan, Buzhong Yiqi Wan and other prescriptions, and it is one of the most commonly used prescriptions in our lives.

Therefore, I keep repeating this recipe again and again, hoping that it can really help everyone.
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