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The Chinese patent medicine Xuefu Zhuyu Pills turns out to be so useful!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   13 minute read

The Chinese patent medicine Xuefu Zhuyu Pills turns out to be so useful!
This is a magical recipe. Before I talk about it, let me talk about it a few more words.
I often observe in pharmacies and see many Chinese patent medicines lying on the counter and no one cares about them. I feel very sorry. In fact, these Chinese patent medicines are made according to famous prescriptions. Know how to use, so there are few users. Therefore, we should not blame Chinese patent medicine for its good development in Japan. Many of our own medicines are still sleeping on it!

Therefore, I will introduce Chinese patent medicines to you one by one. The one I introduce today is the Xuefu Zhuyu Pill.

The original recipe of this prescription is Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction, which was created by Wang Qingren, a famous Chinese medicine doctor in the Qing Dynasty. Today, there are various Chinese patent medicine products, such as Xuefu Zhuyu Capsules, Xuefu Zhuyu Tablets, and Xuefu Zhuyu Pills. You can buy it at a pharmacy or online.

Let me tell you a story first.

One of my brothers, who is middle-aged, has elevated blood pressure and feels bloated and has a headache. At the same time, I feel upset and tight in the chest, and I feel my heart is beating wildly. There were many other miscellaneous diseases at that time, but the most painful thing for him was headache. He felt that he was suffering from it all the time, especially the back of the neck, which always felt hard and painful.

In fact, his symptoms are quite complex, so it is difficult to analyze, but I saw that his tongue was fat and large, with a dark texture and a slightly purple color. Pulse number.

I just judged that he had blood stasis based on the dark color of his tongue, and at the same time judged that his liver qi was uncomfortable according to the pulse condition. Most of the tongues with uncomfortable liver qi were pointed, but there were also fat and dull tongues. Most of them are the kind of people who have a sullen personality and like to be sulky.

After making a clear judgment, I recommended him Xuefu Zhuyu Pills. He went to the pharmacy to buy it, took it for only one day, and told me the next day that his headache was gone, and his blood pressure gradually dropped. He was amazed and will continue to recuperate later.

So why is this formula so effective? What disease does it treat? Let's break it down.

In Wang Qingren's "Yielin Gaicuo", there are 19 diseases or symptoms that this prescription treats, namely: headache, chest pain, nothing on the chest, heavy objects on the chest, sweating at dawn, eating from the right side of the chest Down, heat in the heart (called lantern disease), stuffy (mào), irritability, sleepiness at night, hiccups (commonly known as Dagute), choking when drinking water, insomnia, children cry at night, busy heartbeat, restless nights, common saying liver qi Sickness, retching, late onset of fever.

These symptoms, or diseases, are all in a mess, and at first glance, they don’t seem to be close to each other.

But Wang Qingren's description is even more chaotic. He said that this prescription is blood stasis in the blood palace, and the concept of "blood palace" he described is somewhat untenable. The blood palace he said is:

"The blood house is a piece of diaphragm under the human chest. It is as thin as paper and is the most solid. The front length is in line with the hollow of the heart. There is blood in the pool, which is transformed into semen, and it is called the Blood Mansion."

Although Wang Qingren attaches great importance to anatomy, this view is not recognized by later generations of anatomy experts. Therefore, based on this argument, what exactly is the prescription created to treat?

It can be said that because Wang Qingren's own discussion of the Blood Mansion was rather strange, and he himself did not explain the original meaning of his cube, this greatly affected the popularity of this cube in later generations.

And Wang Qingren himself said that the prescription was refined over thousands of times and the effect was extraordinary. Later generations of doctors also highly praised this prescription and believed that the efficacy was indeed true. For example, the late famous Chinese medicine doctor Yan Dexin in Shanghai particularly praised this prescription, saying that it was extremely useful and could almost conquer the world. According to Yan Lao's disciples, many The patient Yan Lao used this recipe as a primer, and the effect was really good.

So, what disease does this prescription treat?

The composition of this prescription is: 9 grams of angelica root, 9 grams of raw rehmannia root, 12 grams of peach kernel, 9 grams of safflower, 6 grams of citrus aurantium, 6 grams of red peony root, 3 grams of bupleurum, 3 grams of licorice, 4.5 grams of platycodon, Chuanxiong 4.5 grams, Achyranthes bidentata 9 grams.

The basic components are Sini Powder, which soothes the liver and regulates qi, and Taohong Siwu Decoction, which activates and nourishes blood. He added platycodon and achyranthes root, raising and lowering them one by one to regulate the Qi movement.

Soothe the liver and regulate qi, and promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis?
So, what disease does this prescription treat?
Let’s look for clues from Wang Qingren’s narrative and the recipe itself!

Among the symptoms described by Wang Qingren, the first ones are related to emotions:

1 "As the saying goes, liver qi disease: getting angry for no reason, it is blood stasis in the blood house, it cannot be cured by qi, this prescription should work by hand."

Wang Qingren believes that blood stasis causes poor mood. In fact, in most cases, it is poor mood and uncomfortable liver qi, and stagnation of liver qi leads to blood stasis, and the two are cause and effect of each other.
2 "Anxiety: It means that small things can't be carried out, that is, blood stasis. Three doses are good."

In fact, this is also an emotional disease, which is what we usually call sulking. Wang Qingren’s description is not clear, but he was actually sulky, which led to stagnation of liver qi and blood stasis.

3 "Irritability: usually peaceful, but sick and impatient, it is blood stasis. One or two doses will surely heal."

This is also an emotional disease. Wang Qingren believes that blood stasis will cause irritability, which is correct. Indeed, such patients will have chest tightness and shortness of breath, and their mood will also be affected. However, liver qi discomfort and blood stasis are cause and effect of each other.
4 "Sleeping and dreaming a lot at night: Sleeping and dreaming a lot at night is caused by blood stasis. One or two doses of this prescription will cure the problem. There is no good prescription."

In this case, there are many people with uncomfortable liver qi. In the past, Mr. Zhao Shaoqin of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine used the method of activating blood and cooling blood to treat kidney disease. However, during diagnosis, he would ask the patient: "Do you have many dreams at night?" When the patient answered that he had many dreams, Mr. Zhao would add Bupleurum and Scutellaria baicalensis to the prescription. , Sophora japonica and three herbs are used to soothe the liver. Mr. Zhao’s experience is: People with unsatisfied liver qi will have more night dreams.

5 "Sleeplessness: If you can't sleep at night, and the soothing and blood-nourishing medicines are not effective, this prescription is like a god."

6 "Restless night: If you are restless at night, you will get up when you are about to lie down, you will feel sleepy again before you sit down, and you will have no peace for a whole night. In severe cases, you will roll around in the bed, causing blood stasis in the blood. Taking more than ten doses of this prescription can remove the root cause."

The insomnia I have seen is basically caused by two major reasons: blood deficiency and liver qi discomfort. One of the two must be one, so Wang Qingren himself said that if calming the nerves and nourishing the blood does not work, use this prescription.

7 "Retching: no other symptoms, only retching and blood stasis. Use this prescription to dissolve blood, and vomiting will stop immediately."

8 "Hiccus (commonly known as Dagutu): due to blood stasis in the blood house, the left air valve and right air valve are merged into a trachea above the heart, which is tightly squeezed from the outside, and the inhalation cannot go downward, and it follows the upward and out, so the qi of hiccup. It is like blood The blood stasis is severe, the trachea is blocked, the air in and out is blocked, and he died of depression. The ancients did not know the cause of the disease, and used Tangerine Peel and Zhuru Decoction, Chengqi Decoction, Duqi Decoction, Clove Persimmon Decoction, Fuzi Lizhong Decoction, Ginger Xiexin Decoction, Dai Zhexuanfu decoction, Daxiexiong and other decoctions have no effect. According to legend, it hurts the widow, and the plague of the disease is fatal. Physicians have no good methods in ancient times. , when you see hiccups, use this prescription quickly, regardless of severity, it will take effect immediately. The rest of the mind is also."

Retching and hiccups are caused by liver wood overpowering the spleen earth and causing stomach qi to rise. An important symptom of liver qi discomfort is vomiting, which includes acid reflux, vomiting, hiccups, retching, etc. Wang Qingren is just The symptoms were listed, but failed to be related to the discomfort of liver qi.

9 "Heartbeat and heart are busy: Heart is beating and heart is busy, and other prescriptions such as Gui Spleen and Calming down the nerves are not effective. Use this prescription to achieve perfect results."

People with blazing liver fire will also have their heart affected, because wood is used to generate fire. Therefore, symptoms of liver qi discomfort include upset and chest tightness. From a clinical point of view, patients with unsatisfactory liver qi will have various heart problems. Wang Qingren himself said that if methods such as calming the nerves are ineffective, this method will always hit the target. This is a method of elimination.

10 "Headache: If the headache is exogenous, it must have symptoms of fever and aversion to cold, which can be cured by dispersing; if there is accumulated heat, it must be dry tongue and thirst, which can be cured by using Qi Qi; if there is Qi deficiency, it must be painful or not, and it can be cured by using ginseng. The patient can be cured. If the patient suffers from headache, there are no superficial symptoms, no internal symptoms, no symptoms of qi deficiency, phlegm and retention, etc. The symptoms come and go, and various prescriptions are given, and the patient is cured with one dose of this prescription."

There are many cases of headaches and dizziness caused by liver qi stagnation. Wang Qingren himself has ruled out some headaches caused by deficiency of qi and blood and external factors. By analyzing it ourselves, we can clearly understand the causes he mentioned.

Among the symptoms described by Wang Qingren, the above are typical causes of liver qi discomfort. The following symptoms are closely related to blood stasis:
1. Chest pain: Chest pain in the front can be cured by using Mujin Powder. Pain in the back can be cured by using Trichosanthes trichosanthes and Baijiu decoction. For typhoid fever, use Trichosanthes trichosanthes, Xianxiong, Bupleurum, etc., all can be cured. If there is sudden chest pain, and there is no pain in the front, use this prescription to treat it, and the pain will stop immediately."

In fact, this is a typical reaction of liver qi stagnation. The qi movement in the chest is blocked, leading to blood stasis.

2 "The chest is not allowed to hold anything. It has been seven years since Alingong, the governor of Jiangxi, was seventy-four years old. He could sleep with his chest exposed at night, but he could not sleep if he covered it with a layer of cloth. He called me for a diagnosis and found that he was completely cured after five treatments. "

3. "Heavy load on the chest: A twenty-two-year-old woman lay down at night and asked her servant to sit on her chest and then fell asleep. It has been two years. I have also used this prescription and recovered after three treatments. If I ask about the cause of the disease together, how can I answer it?"

These two symptoms are caused by blood stasis in the chest, resulting in Qi disorder and sensory imbalance. They are rather strange, but there are indeed such patients.

4 "Sweating at dawn: sweating after waking up is called spontaneous sweating; waking up due to sweating is called night sweating, which steals away people's qi and blood. This is a hard-to-find conclusion through the ages. For those who take the medicine but have an effect but get worse, they don’t know that blood stasis can also cause spontaneous sweating and night sweats. Use Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction, one or two doses, and the sweating will stop."

Blood stasis will cause disorders in the movement of qi, blood and body fluids in the body, resulting in abnormal sweating. I once said that I once treated an elderly relative of mine, a woman, who had profuse sweating on her legs every morning, especially in her groin. Two months of treatment with traditional Chinese medicine was ineffective. At that time, I judged that this was the circulation route of the liver meridian, which was caused by blood stasis caused by uncomfortable liver qi, so I used the method of soothing the liver and activating blood circulation to remove blood stasis, and the three medicines were used to reduce sweating.

5. "Hot in the heart (named lantern disease): cold outside the body, hot in the heart, hence the name lantern disease, with blood stasis inside. If it is considered as deficient heat, the more it is nourished, the more blood stasis will heal; if it is considered as excess fire, the cooler it is, the more coagulated it will be. Three or two treatments , the blood activates and the heat subsides."

Commonly known as "external cold and internal heat", this is not caused by external factors, but caused by poor circulation of qi and blood, yang qi is blocked inside, and yin is blocked outside. It is similar to the Sini San syndrome.

6 "Late-onset fever: internal heat and skin heat for a while every night. One dose of this prescription can heal, and two doses for severe cases."

There are many reasons for fever at night, and blood stasis is also one of the reasons.

The above are symptoms related to blood stasis, and other symptoms are strange phenomena observed by Wang Qingren. We cannot fully understand them now, but we cannot deny them subjectively:

1 "Food from the lower right side of the chest: food comes down from the stomach tube, preferably from the center. Food enters the pharynx, and some people swallow from the right side of the chest. Go down to the front of the lungs, exit the diaphragm and enter the abdomen, the lung duct is in the middle, there is blood stasis in the blood chamber, squeeze the stomach tube to the right. If it is light, it is easy to treat and does not hinder diet; if it is severe, it is difficult to treat. And thin, it hinders diet. This method is effective, but it is more difficult to complete."

The problem described by Wang Qingren is puzzling. Could it be an esophageal disease? Like esophageal cancer? He also said recovery is difficult and that it's a mystery.

2 "Coughing after drinking water: Choking after drinking water is caused by blood stagnation in the epiglottis. This prescription is extremely effective. The ancient comments are completely wrong, and the remaining details are in the article on acne."

I have observed this phenomenon. Some patients choke on their saliva. This prescription is indeed effective. What is the mechanism? To be studied.

3 "Children cry at night: How come they don't cry during the day but cry at night? It's blood stasis. One or two doses of this prescription will cure the problem."

I haven't observed this yet. If you have the opportunity, you guys can try it. The principle needs to be studied.

Through the analysis of the symptoms described by Wang Qingren, we can see that the main treatment of this prescription is discomfort of liver qi and blood stasis. These two causes will cause and effect each other. From our current point of view, blood stasis caused by uncomfortable liver qi is more common.

There are many modern people who are in a bad mood. Therefore, blood stasis caused by uncomfortable liver qi is as common as a feather. I see a lot of tongue congestion every day, and I believe that the main culprit behind these congestions is poor liver qi.

Therefore, if you find that you have blood stasis and symptoms of liver qi discomfort, you can use this Chinese patent medicine to regulate it. If you combine it with some products such as Panax notoginseng powder to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, I think our body will gradually recover.

I feel that the important status of this Chinese patent medicine has not been fully developed, and people may not have thought that modern society needs this prescription so much. According to my judgment, the value of this prescription is on the same level as Xiaoyao Wan. It has many uses in regulating the body of modern people.

From this point of view, it makes sense that Mr. Yan Dexin, the late famous master of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai, could treat so many patients by focusing on this prescription throughout his life. With great insight, I carefully chose this ancient famous prescription.
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