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Suggestion: Poor people should not learn Chinese medicine

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Suggestion: Poor people should not learn Chinese medicine
Recently, there has been a wave of Chinese medicine fever on the Internet and in daily life. Many people have started to buy two books on basic knowledge of Chinese medicine or "Huangdi Neijing", "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and so on, and start learning in conjunction with the teaching videos on the Internet.

But I'm sure that with this wave of TCM craze, 90% of those who started to learn TCM on impulse, no matter whether it's self-study, reading books, buying courses on the Internet, or learning from teachers offline, will not insist. down. why?

Reason 1: Difficulty persisting

Because most of these people are already in their twenties and thirties, and Chinese medicine is a very complicated subject, which involves a lot of knowledge of classical philosophy and traditional Chinese studies, and requires a very long period of accumulation and special training.

Many Chinese medicine practitioners have parents or grandparents who are Chinese medicine practitioners, and they have been influenced by them since they were young, reciting Chinese medicine classics, getting in touch with important things, and even coming into contact with patients.

Now, the people who follow the trend almost don't have such foundation and conditions, and there is no practitioner of Chinese medicine at home. It's just a dream to think that you can treat yourself and your family members by reading a few books and videos.

What's more, with the reading ability of many people nowadays, it is impossible to persist in reading slightly longer texts, let alone persist in reading a large number of ancient Chinese works for a long time. Enlightenment, it is not realistic at all, and it is extremely difficult to achieve anything.

Of course, most people learn Chinese medicine as a hobby, which is not advisable. My official account is to let those who have achieved nothing in their thirties recognize the reality and seize the last chance to counterattack life.

Let me tell you clearly, for people like you, at this stage, there is only one hobby, and that is to make money.

All other hobbies are a waste of life, even Chinese medicine, which is not what you should have!

Reason 2: Difficult to Achieve

The existing TCM can be roughly divided into three groups:

One type is the graduates of modern Chinese medicine universities, because there are systematic Chinese medicine teaching materials and training programs.

Although they are despised by many traditional Chinese medicine doctors, but limited by the requirements of the education system and medical qualification system, they will definitely be the mainstream force of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals now and in the long-term future.

The second category is various independent TCM clinics, most of which are TCM doctors from generations of TCM families, or TCM doctors who have retired from TCM hospitals or work part-time outside.

The third category is all kinds of folk Chinese medicine, Taoist medicine, and apprentices brought out by "barefoot doctors" in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

(The concept of barefoot doctors originated from Chinese traditions, which can be traced back to the 1960s. At that time, medical resources in rural areas of China were very limited, and many farmers could not receive timely medical assistance. Some doctors responded to policy calls or voluntarily Abandoning high-paying jobs in the city to go to the rural land, wearing bare feet, and providing medical services. Not only do they have to face difficult living conditions, but they also face various medical challenges and difficulties.)

The characteristic of this part of doctors is that they have experienced part of the education of Chinese medicine knowledge or have been taught by some Chinese medicine doctors, and some even have many magical secret recipes. The biggest characteristic of this part of people is that they have rich practical experience in treatment.

Generally, the third category is relatively recognized in small areas, but the problem is that with the gradual establishment of the practice qualification system, many people in this category do not have the qualification to practice medicine, and they seldom practice medicine publicly.

But generally speaking, these people have received at least ten years of specialized education and training.

Ordinary people who are not in professional classes want to achieve the level of healing through self-study, it is better to learn some health-preserving exercises such as Baduanjin and Daoyinshu.

Reason 3: The direction is wrong

This is what I want to tell you the most. I have said it more than once before, don’t mess around. If you really want to change your career and do something else, you must do something that will pay off as soon as possible, even if the reward is very small. Small, it is easier to form a positive cycle.

At this stage, you should do everything for the first purpose of making money. Traditional Chinese medicine is a profession with long-term investment and no short-term profit. It is not suitable for you to learn, and even your next generation should not learn it.

Of course, it does not mean that Chinese medicine is not good, but that it is not suitable for people with poor economic conditions to learn it. If you really have feelings for Chinese medicine culture, wait until you earn money to support those Chinese medicine families with deep family knowledge;

If you believe in Chinese medicine more when treating diseases, just spend money to find the best local Chinese medicine doctor.

Because I also like the culture of Chinese medicine, so I have always had an old Chinese medicine doctor who I am very familiar with in the past few years. If I feel uncomfortable at any stage, I can go to him to recuperate and chat. I will never ask him to learn Chinese medicine knowledge. idea.

There are specializations in the art industry, and what you focus on should be to make money, and then use the money you earn to buy top services in other industries. I hope you can keep this idea firmly in mind.
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