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Skin problems in hot weather, try honeysuckle dew!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Skin problems in hot weather, try honeysuckle dew!
Recently, some friends asked me, the weather in the south is hot now, children have prickly heat, some have inexplicable red bumps and other skin problems, what should I do?

Most of these problems are caused by heat, which leads to skin problems. Therefore, today I will introduce a Chinese patent medicine drink that can be used to clear up heat: honeysuckle dew.

Honeysuckle dew is available in every pharmacy. It is a very clear glass bottle, which contains a faint yellow-green liquid with a sweet taste. However, many parents do not know what this thing is for.

Well, I will introduce it to you today, but if you want to understand honeysuckle dew, you must first understand what honeysuckle does.

Honeysuckle is found in many areas of our country. Maybe, honeysuckle is planted in your community. Honeysuckle, because it blooms with gold and silver at the same time, so it is called honeysuckle, and it is also called double flower in Chinese medicine, so when a doctor writes "double flower" in a prescription, it refers to honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle has been widely known for its medicinal value since ancient times. Its efficacy is mainly to clear heat and detoxify, and mainly treat febrile disease fever, heat-toxin blood dysentery, carbuncle (yōng) gangrene (jū) furuncle (dīng) poison, etc. Modern studies have proved that honeysuckle contains chlorogenic acid, luteolin and other pharmacologically active ingredients, which have strong inhibitory effect on various pathogenic bacteria such as hemolytic streptococcus and staphylococcus aureus and pathogenic viruses of upper respiratory tract infection. It has a wide range of clinical applications and can be used in combination with other drugs to treat respiratory infections, bacillary dysentery, and acute urinary tract infections.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that honeysuckle is cold in nature, sweet in taste, enters the lungs, heart, and stomach meridian, and has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. For various infectious diseases, when the evil heat is overwhelming, Chinese medicine often uses honeysuckle in combination with other medicines to treat various diseases. Detoxification.

The Yinqiao Jiedu pills we usually use contain honeysuckle, and the famous Shuanghuanglian oral liquid, the "double" in it means "double flower".

So, how did this honeysuckle dew come from?

What does it do?

It turns out that honeysuckle dew has the functions of clearing away heat, relieving summer heat and detoxifying. It can be used to treat summer heat and thirst, heat poisonous sores and furuncles, and has the effect of clearing prickly heat.

So, why is it called honeysuckle dew?

Where did this dew come from?

Speaking of this, there is a lot of knowledge. In Chinese medicine, there is a special method of extracting medicine.

The preparation method is as follows: select the medicine, wash it, put it into a medicine jar, add an appropriate amount of water, cover it with a sleeve, insert it into the medicine jar, and cover it tightly. After first boiling with strong fire, switch to slow fire to decoct slowly, so that water vapor flows out from the nozzle, collect and bottle. This process is the process of distillation. Through the distillation process, the active ingredients of the medicine are stored in the medicine dew.

Wang Mengying, a famous Chinese doctor in the Qing Dynasty, said in his "Suixiju Diet Spectrum":

"One name is sweat, and it is also called water dew. Although it is sea water, the dew obtained by steaming is light and drinkable, and it cannot rise due to salty turbidity."

Wang Mengying believes that taking dew from medicine can "be good at regulating the lifting and filling body fluid, nourishing water and clearing gold and benefiting the spleen." You may wonder why taking dew from medicine can better regulate the ups and downs of Qi machine? It turns out that the ancients believed that the earth’s air rises, encounters cold air, and then the weather descends. This cycle is the process of heaven and earth reconciliation. Distillation seems to imitate this process, so Wang Mengying said:

"When the lungs are hot and the kidneys are dry, the body fluid will rise when the gold is cleared, and the gas will turn into water, and the weather will become rain. When the kidneys are dry and the lungs are hot, the body fluid will rise when the yin is nourished, and the water will turn into gas, and the earth's gas will become clouds. Also. Steaming water turns water into qi, and qi turns into water again, which has the wonderful effect of circulation and mutual generation. As for the mechanism of ascending and descending, the spleen is the master, so it also governs the central nervous system.

Therefore, Wang Mengying paid special attention to the dew preparation method of medicines. He said, "All grains, fruits, vegetables, grasses, flowers, trees, leaves, and other water-based things should be fresh and timely, and put into the steamer (zèng) according to law." , Distilled to get water, called dew. Used properly, it is far better than other medicines", "Zhulu promotes body fluid and relieves heat, it is a wonderful product".

Now, we can extract honeysuckle dew and make it into drinks through modern technology. All kinds of red, swollen boils (jiē), or prickly heat, have a good therapeutic effect.

Therefore, when I meet children with skin problems in summer, as long as they see red and itchy parts, they start to think whether this is caused by heat, so I have to ask the parents, how much does the child’s urine have? Is the sky starting to turn yellow? Are you a little irritable? Are the stools dry? If you combine the tongue and see that the tongue is red, I will recommend this honeysuckle dew to them and tell them that they can drink some every day in these days. Children over five years old can generally drink one bottle a day (about 300 ml) ) or so, divided into several times to take.

From my personal experience, this honeysuckle dew, compared with honeysuckle boiled water, has lighter medicinal properties, maybe the effect of detoxification is not so great, and the cold and cold nature is reduced. In the treatment of heat evil in the body, honeysuckle dew has the effect It may not be as good as pure honeysuckle boiled water, but it is more effective in treating this kind of skin disease. Its clear power is more obvious, and its effect of dispelling heat is more obvious. Too big and it hurts.

How can I describe this feeling? Let me give you an example like this: if a mosquito lands on the glass window, if you use a bench to slap it violently, the glass will definitely be smashed. At this time, you can use a towel, hold one end with your hand, and shake the other end to the window quickly, the mosquitoes are just killed, and the window is safe and sound.

Therefore, to treat diseases, sometimes it is enough to use powerful medicines, and sometimes it is enough to use light medicines. Our ancestors came up with many methods for us. This method of extracting dew, is one of them.

I am writing here about children's problems, but if adults have the same problems, of course it also applies!

However, what needs to be reminded is that this honeysuckle dew tastes sweet and delicious, but it is really not a drink. Don’t give it to children every day in summer. It can be used when curing diseases. When the disease is cured, just eat normally. There is no need to use it at will.
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