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Several medical cases of self-regulation of the body by learning TCM

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   12 minute read

Several medical cases of self-regulation of the body by learning TCM
I am fifty-three years old and I am a staff member of the township government. I became interested in Chinese medicine when I watched Dr. Luo's talk on "Great National Medicine" in "Lectures of Hundred Schools". I like Dr. Luo's voice, the way Dr. Luo teaches Chinese medicine, and Dr. Luo's kind, simple, steady and elegant image. Listening to Dr. Luo's wonderful and easy-to-understand narration, I seem to see the sacred and mysterious ancient Chinese medicine being lifted up by Dr. Luo, revealing a desirable beauty. The vivid images of great national doctors reading medical books, exploring medical principles and treating patients often come to mind. Gradually aroused in my heart the respect for those ancient and modern people with lofty ideals who relentlessly pursued, advocated, studied and practiced Chinese medicine, and then gave birth to bursts of impulses to love Chinese medicine and practice Chinese medicine. Since then, I have read a lot of Chinese medicine books for many years, and tried to use the prescriptions and knowledge of Chinese medicine taught by Dr. Luo in the books to regulate the body of myself and my family, and it works like a drum every time. I am very fortunate to have met Dr. Luo, and I am very grateful to Dr. Luo for teaching us Chinese medicine knowledge and treatment methods in books and WeChat official accounts. I have benefited a lot from it. Here are a few examples of my own healing.

Treat Toothache with Ochre and Achyranthes Knuckle

In the early winter of 2013, I was still laying the summer bamboo pillow mat on the cotton pillow. Lie on the right side every night, with the right side of the face and temple close to the bamboo mat. Late one night, I woke up from a deep sleep with pain in my right temple. Immediately realized that it was caused by the cold invasion of the bamboo mat for the headrest, immediately removed the bamboo mat, buried the head deeply in the cotton pillow and covered the quilt tightly. I thought it would be fine after warming it up for a while, but the pain at the temple not only did not relieve, but also caused the upper right tooth to ache. The two pains were either together or alternately, and I could no longer sleep, which was extremely uncomfortable. The next day, I went to the county hospital to see a doctor. After taking two Chinese medicines, the pain was relieved, but I was afraid of the wind and cold at the temple. Three days later, the pain started again in two places. Changed prescriptions and took two more Chinese medicines, but this time it only relieved the pain. There is no way the doctor changed the prescription again, and all scorpions and centipedes were used, but there was no effect at all. Those innocents were depressed, listless, miserable, helpless and helpless.

This continued for more than ten days, and I suddenly thought, why not find a prescription from an ancient medical book and try it? Dr. Luo often said that Zhang Xichun used medicine like a god, so he searched Zhang Xichun's "Medical Hearts and Candidates" on the Internet, and found a section about his own treatment of toothache. After reading it, I think the cause of my toothache should be the same as his. So I decided to buy 20 grams of ocher and Achyranthes bidentata each and boil water to drink. I remember that it was a cold noon, and I took a bowl of red medicine soup after dinner and then covered myself with a quilt to sleep. Because of the short lunch break, I lay down on the folded quilt with all my clothes on, covered my body with a pair of quilts, and put my feet on the bedside stool with boots exposed outside the quilt. The temples and teeth on the top hurt, and the feet on the bottom are cold and not warm. I can't sleep at all, I just close my eyes and wait for time. After about twenty minutes, a miracle happened. At first, I just felt a hot head, and then I felt a warm current around the painful temple. The warm current moved slowly, and slowly, the painful spots the size of the palm felt like cracks were gradually stretched and broken, like a whole piece of thin ice being pressed to open the cracks. The warm current poured in and gathered along the gap, as if melting the long-frozen ice, giving it a hot and warm feeling. Then the warm current moves from top to bottom, and wherever it passes, it is relaxed and comfortable without pain. When I reached the upper teeth, a gust of air flowed out from between the teeth, and I suddenly felt that the teeth did not have the slightest pain. I quietly felt the relaxation and comfort brought by this magical power, and I was extremely happy in my heart. I am secretly glad that I met Dr. Luo, and cured my strange disease with the prescriptions in the Chinese medicine book. I was happy in my heart, feeling that the power of the medicine was still going down. The upper body gradually warmed up from chest to belly, from shoulders to fingers. Then the warm current flows to the lower abdomen, to the legs, and finally to the feet. The muscles and joints where the warm current passes are very warm and comfortable. From then on, there was no more pain at the right temple, no fear of cold or wind, and no recurrence of toothache.
Use Huang Yuan Yu Xia Qi Decoction to Treat Liver Pain

I am introverted and prone to sulking, and have suffered from dull pain in the liver area for many years. Whenever I turned around, bent over, or stretched my right arm, the pain intensified. Sometimes after I continuously stretched the liver by bending from right to left, the pain was relieved, and the pain returned when the movement stopped. Anyway, when I get busy, I don't feel any pain, and it doesn't affect anything. I also told the doctor about other minor ailments when I went to see a Chinese medicine doctor, and I also added medicines such as soothing the liver and regulating qi, but none of them worked. After listening to Dr. Luo's introduction of the book "Four Sacred Heart Origins" by Huang Yuanyu, I saw the prescription of "Xiaqi Decoction" on the Internet, and felt that it was very suitable for the disease. Grab two pairs according to the original amount. That night, I took a bowl of tea-like medicinal soup and went to bed. It was amazing to say that after a while, I felt that the right side of the liver was stretched and tensed to relaxed and comfortable, and it slowly moved from the top to the bottom, with a strong sense of hierarchy. Not long after, the pain and discomfort on the entire right side disappeared completely. When I woke up the next day, I felt extremely relaxed even on my right shoulder. In this way, the problem that has been tormenting me for many years has been cured with one dose of medicine. The joy and excitement in my heart is beyond words. How great is the miraculous power of traditional Chinese medicine! Since then, I have strengthened my determination to follow Dr. Luo to learn traditional Chinese medicine, and I am full of confidence in the future health of myself and my family because of Dr. Luo's support.

Using Maruiting Xiaqi Decoction to Treat Upper Heat and Lower Cold

For a few days in the early autumn of 2015, I was in a bad mood, poor appetite, nausea, hot air coming out of the nostrils, yellow and white thick and greasy tongue coating, and my head was stuffy like wearing a thick cotton cap. I saw two doctors of traditional Chinese medicine took six doses of traditional Chinese medicine and spent nearly 200 yuan, but the nausea was relieved, and a new disease was added. Six small bumps grew symmetrically in three rows up and down on both sides of the mandible under the nose. I dare not ask anyone to see it. According to a doctor's oral examination, I said that my throat was red (but I didn't feel pain), and it was associated with symptoms such as hot breath in the nostrils and nocturnal emission. According to Huang Yuanyu's theory of "left-up and right-down circle movement", I used Ma Ruiting's "Xiaqi Decoction" plus a little each of Suji, Scutellaria, and Bergamot, and it cost 16 yuan to take four pairs. As a result, the tongue coating turned normal, the six small bumps disappeared, the appetite recovered, the mind became clear, and the mood improved.

Through these several successful treatments, I am full of gratitude to Dr. Luo. Dr. Luo is like a bright and dazzling lighthouse, standing tall on the vast sea in the dark night, attracting me to approach the correct course of traditional Chinese medicine, so that I can experience the joy of curing diseases without detours or detours when treating diseases and a great sense of accomplishment.

Using Chaigui Wendan Dingzhi Decoction to Treat Depression

Don’t be afraid of your jokes. I’ve been sullen for many years, and I’ve always been emotionally depressed. Whenever I get angry in a quarrel, I’ll be depressed for a long time. I’m depressed, unresponsive, and have no interest in anything. In the past, my mood gradually improved by self-regulation for a long time. After watching Professor Hao Wanshan's "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" on the Internet, I knew that I was suffering from mental depression. First of all, set a bottom line for yourself, no matter how strong the idea of suicide or how impulsive your heart is when you are sick, you will never implement it. Second, active treatment. In the past two years, I have taken Professor Hao Wanshan's Chaigui Wendan Dingzhi Decoction every time I fell ill. Sometimes I take two medicines, and sometimes I take one medicine, and I no longer have random thoughts, and my mood gradually returns to normal.

As far as my personal experience is concerned, depression cannot be cured. Because the patient's living and working environment and family and social relationships are relatively stable, it is difficult to change the patient's personality, temper, way of thinking and way of dealing with people, and there will always be various conflicts with others. Normal people will also become depressed or even schizophrenic due to stimulation, not to mention patients who have suffered from depression for many years. In my opinion, as long as you understand the disease of depression, understand and treat it correctly, you can get relief through self-regulation or drug treatment. As long as you don't get stimulated and keep a good mood as much as possible, depression will not be a disease. Even if you are sick, timely and active treatment can relieve it. This is how I am. When you get angry, you get sick, and when you get sick, you take Chaigui Wendan Dingzhi Decoction to relieve it. It's also possible that I'm a special case, or that I'm a milder form of depression. Anyway, I have taken Chaigui Wendan Dingzhi Decoction many times, and I will definitely take it again in the future. But my heart is very at ease, I don't have to worry about getting sick, and I don't have to suffer from the pain and torture of depression for a long time like before.

Rub itchy pimples with mint leaves

One day in the summer of the previous year, my son who was in the sixth grade had many flat bumps of various sizes. In rural areas, it is commonly known as "grabbing lumps", scratching itchingly. At the beginning, after taking western medicine tablets for three days, it took effect, and the itching reappeared after the medicine was stopped. Seeing my son scratching in pain, I was also very anxious. Thinking of what method to use to relieve itching and pimples the fastest? I looked up and saw mint growing in my yard. Based on my self-taught knowledge of Chinese medicine, I felt that there was a certain connection between mint and itchy bumps. Holding the attitude of giving it a try, I picked some leaves and asked my son to wipe them directly on the flat bumps. After his son wiped his whole body again, he said that the itching was much lighter. He picked mint leaves himself and wiped the itches. After stopping for a while and looking again, the big bumps shrunk and the small bumps disappeared. My son and I were very happy. Last summer, my son got pimples again. He picked mint leaves and rubbed them several times, and the itching and pimples disappeared.
Knock gallbladder meridian to eliminate meat lumps

I don’t know when a pimple appeared on my right forehead near the temple. It was very small at first, but I didn’t care about it because it didn’t hurt or itch. This summer, it grows into the size of a pea, which is very conspicuous. Well-meaning people introduced folk remedies, some said to use the smelly mud of the sewer to smear, some said to use waste dry battery paste to smear, and some said to tie the root of the pimple with a thin thread and tighten it until it was strangled. I've heard of these methods as well, but have no intention of using them at all. The knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine I have read has come in handy. I think that the lump grows on the route of the liver and gallbladder meridian, and I often get angry, which is probably caused by stagnation of liver qi. So every morning, noon, afternoon, and evening, tap the Gallbladder Meridian four times, 40 times each time. Twenty days later, the pimples gradually shrunk and disappeared completely after one month. People who know this are all amazed. A few days ago, when I combed my hair to a certain point on the left sideburn, it was very painful. It didn’t feel protruding to the touch, but it hurt when I touched that point. I still had to tap the Gallbladder Meridian for three days and it was completely healed.
Fuzi Lizhong Pills for Stomach Pain

Both my son and I have experienced pain and diarrhea due to cold stomach. Remembering Dr. Luo's medical case about the same situation, I bought Fuzi Lizhong Pills without hesitation and took them. The effect was immediate, and my abdomen became warm and comfortable soon, and I didn't have diarrhea anymore.
There are also many cases of using the prescriptions taught by Dr. Luo to regulate the body, such as using perilla leaves to boil water to treat early colds, using Sanren Decoction to treat dampness and heat, and using Jigeng Yuanshen Decoction to treat son's rhinitis, etc., all of which have very good curative effects , will not be described in detail one by one.
In recent years, I have basically never seen a doctor, but I often go to take Chinese medicine. It's just that other people's prescriptions have a lot of herbs, each of which is dozens of grams, but mine is a few simple herbs, each of which is less than ten grams, and each medicine is only three to four yuan, but it has a good effect. Effect. The pharmacist asked me who prescribed the prescription, and I proudly said that it was the prescription of a great national doctor that even Emperor Qianlong could not live without, and it was the prescription of a famous Chinese medicine expert, etc.
In recent years, I have made great achievements in self-regulation of the body and health care according to the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. The body has changed from being weak and sick in the past to being able to eat, sleep and excrete now. It is strong, healthy and happy! Neighbors and colleagues all praise and envy me, and they all love to ask me about health care, and I answer every question. Dr. Luo's books and WeChat official account are like a bag full of countless clever ideas. I am fortunate to have this important magic weapon, and I no longer have fear and worry about diseases. Here, I sincerely say: Thank you, Dr. Luo!
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