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Self-diagnosis and Foot Soaking Recipe for Discomfort of Liver Qi

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Self-diagnosis and Foot Soaking Recipe for Discomfort of Liver Qi
Friends often ask me, I get angry when I take supplements. A few days ago, I took blood-enriching nutrients, and immediately developed ulcers in my mouth. I couldn’t sleep at 2 or 3 o’clock in the evening, and I was very irritable. Why? ?

In fact, according to my opinion, such a problem is mostly due to the fact that the person has anger in his liver, so he cannot nourish it. He needs to nourish the liver after purging the fire.

In modern society, there are too many people with bad mood. People are busy with work, and all kinds of pressure come one after another. Therefore, there are many people with bad mood. How to adjust everyone's mood is a problem that we must think about.

When I was a Ph.D. student, I once heard that a certain old Chinese doctor used one prescription for his whole life, adding and subtracting Xiao Chaihu Decoction, and the patients were so numerous. I thought to myself, how is it possible?

After I graduated, I found that the prescriptions recommended to everyone every day were all Bupleurum-like prescriptions, which soothe the liver and regulate qi, with few exceptions.

This shows that most of our physical problems are caused by poor emotions. In other words, basically all of our physical problems are caused by emotional disorders. Therefore, regulating liver qi is the most important part of it.

People who study health preservation, if they can't see this key problem, then it is estimated that the conditioning of the body will take a lot of effort. In the case of anger, if you nourish indiscriminately, you will get angry immediately.

So, how to clear up liver qi?

I have been recommending Bupleurum plus keel oyster soup to soak your feet, but because I wrote a prescription for treating insomnia, you may limit the scope of application of this prescription to the treatment of insomnia In fact, this prescription can basically be used for the discomfort of liver qi caused by bad mood.

If you really identify with your emotions as a problem, this recipe can really help you.

So, what are the symptoms of poor mood and uncomfortable liver qi?

First of all, the tongue shape of this kind of person may be pointed and the tip is a little red, but it is very likely that if you let her stick out her tongue again, some people's tongue shape will change from pointy to round Chubby.

Second, there are these symptoms:

1. Bitter mouth. Especially when waking up in the morning, many people report that their mouths are bitter.

2. Dry throat. In the mouth, the throat always feels very dry and there is no body fluid. In fact, looking at the tongue, it is still covered with saliva. Dry mouth is just a feeling.

3. The throat always feels that there is something that cannot be swallowed. I always feel that there is something stuck there, like a bayberry pit I have eaten, and I can't spit it out or swallow it. In the past, this was called "plum nuclear gas".

4. Vertigo. Some people often feel dizzy, some dizzy all day, some suddenly dizzy several times. Some people even experience headaches.

5. Poor appetite. This includes various problems of the spleen and stomach, such as bloating and stomach pain, etc., because the liver wood counteracts the spleen soil, so most of the problems of the spleen and stomach are related to emotions.
6. Upset. People with uncomfortable liver qi are irritable, easy to get angry, and easy to sulk.

7. Easy to vomit. I always feel stomach qi going up, or vomiting, belching, hiccups, or even returning acid water.

8. Chest tightness. Feeling chest tightness, even palpitations, was diagnosed with a heart problem. I think people with heart problems, as long as the tongue is pointed, should first soothe the liver and regulate qi, so that the heart problem will be resolved.

9. Rib pain. There is always a feeling of swelling in some parts of the ribs.

10. Insomnia and dreaminess. Among the people with insomnia, I think the main cause is blood deficiency, and the other is liver qi discomfort and high pressure. Dreaming is also a manifestation of anger. Such people have continuous dreams every night, which is related to the discomfort of liver qi.

11. Like to sigh, emotionally sensitive.

12. Cold limbs and hands and feet. There are several reasons for cold hands and feet, including yang deficiency, blood deficiency, blood stasis, and liver qi discomfort. Among them, cold limbs caused by discomfort of liver qi are the most confusing. As long as the hands and feet are cold and the previous symptoms are met, it is necessary to consider whether the liver qi is uncomfortable.

The above are the symptoms of liver qi discomfort. If the tongue is pointed, as long as one or two of these symptoms match, it can be inferred that it is liver qi discomfort.

But in fact, even if you don’t look at these symptoms, you are the most clear about whether you are in a good mood. No one can understand yourself better about what you have encountered and what you are unhappy about.

That's why I always say that the real diagnostic criteria for liver qi discomfort lies in your own heart.

At this time, I again recommend the foot-soaking formula for soothing the liver and regulating qi:

Six grams of Bupleurum bupleurum, six grams of Scutellaria baicalensis, six grams of Fabanxia, six grams of Codonopsis pilosula, six grams of roasted licorice, thirty grams of poria cocos, three grams of cassia twig, thirty grams of calcined keel, thirty grams of calcined oyster, and six grams of turmeric , six grams of polygala, six grams of Cyperus cyperi, six grams of Shichangpu, six grams of paeonol, six grams of fried gardenia, three slices of ginger, and two jujubes.

Add six grams of raw rehmannia with red tongue and thin fur, and reduce it to nine grams of Poria cocos.
Boil this recipe for 40 minutes, divide the concoction into two parts, mix them with warm water to soak your feet, one in the morning and one in the evening. Soak for 20 minutes each time, one pair a day.

Under normal circumstances, soaking for a week or two will relieve the discomfort of liver qi. The most important change should be that the quality of sleep will be improved, the body will become more relaxed, and the state of anxiety will be relieved.
There are still many TCM ideas for dredging liver qi, and I will gradually introduce more ways to you in the future.

However, this prescription is a prescription after all, so don’t soak your feet for several months in a row. While prescribing this prescription, I generally propose more conditioning ideas:

1. Sports. For those who are in a bad mood, participating in sports is a good way to relieve them.

2. Travel. If you can travel frequently, you can get yourself out of the original environment and look at the problem from another angle.

3. Sing. This is the way I always recommend, singing happy songs helps to regulate emotions.

4. Religious belief. This is a special adjustment method, but the wisdom of religion will indeed make people let go of many entanglements and release inner pressure. And, in many cases, this may be the most efficient way.

In short, there are too many people with liver qi discomfort now. If we are thinking about health preservation, everyone should remember that we must first investigate whether we have this kind of situation. It will lead to weakness of the temper, stagnation of water and dampness; discomfort of liver qi will lead to deficiency of yin and hyperactivity of yang, etc. In short, various physical problems may have the shadow of discomfort of liver qi in it. Only when we have cleared the liver qi and adjusted the qi mechanism, can we better use other health-preserving methods.
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