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Sample Summer Recipes for Adults with Diabetes

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Sample Summer Recipes for Adults with Diabetes by Region Published

Diabetes is a chronic, systemic and metabolic disease caused by long-term interaction of genetic factors and environmental factors.

According to the "Report on the Status of Nutrition and Chronic Diseases of Chinese Residents (2020)", the prevalence of diabetes among residents aged 18 and over in my country is 11.9%, and the detection rate of pre-diabetes is 35.2%. Adults over the age of 10 have a higher prevalence.

The risk factors of diabetes are mostly related to unreasonable diet, including long-term high-sugar, high-fat, high-energy diet and so on. In order to help adults with type 2 diabetes better control blood sugar, prevent complications, and improve their quality of life, the General Office of the National Health Commission issued the "Guidelines on Food and Nutrition for Adults with Diabetes (2023 Edition)".

The guide is based on nutrition, based on modern nutrition theory and the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, and puts forward 8 daily nutrition principles and suggestions, food choices and examples of nutrition recipes, as well as tools such as recipe examples and food exchange tables.

adult diabetic

Nutritional Principles and Recommendations

NO.1: Variety of food, develop and establish reasonable eating habits

★ The core method for diabetic patients to control blood sugar is dietary management and treatment. The principle of a balanced diet should be followed to achieve a variety of foods.

★ With the goal of controlling blood sugar, adjust and optimize food types and weights to ensure adequate daily energy and nutrient intake.

★ A balanced diet should include five major types of food. The staple food should be rationed, fruits should be limited, vegetables should be included in every meal, milk beans should be eaten every day, fish and poultry should be eaten frequently, eggs and livestock meat should be eaten in moderation, and the consumption of salt, sugar and oil should be controlled.

NO.2: Appropriate energy, controlling overweight and obesity and preventing emaciation

★ Dietary energy is the core of weight management and blood sugar control. The ratios of macronutrients to total energy recommended for dietary energy for diabetic patients are: protein 15%-20%, carbohydrate 45%-60%, and fat 20%-35%.

★ Nutrition instructors should be consulted to help determine energy intake and exercise throughout the day, and develop individualized dietary management, blood sugar and weight control programs.

★ Diabetic patients should pay special attention to keeping their weight within the ideal range, improving the body's immunity, and reducing the risk of disease occurrence and development.

★ Obese patients can improve insulin resistance and blood sugar control after losing weight. It is recommended that overweight and obese patients lose 5% to 10% of their body weight in 3 to 6 months at a rate of 1 to 2 kg per month.

★ Patients with emaciation or malnutrition should increase their dietary energy and protein supply, combined with resistance exercise, under the guidance of nutrition instructors, to increase their weight to achieve and maintain their ideal weight. Elderly patients should pay special attention to preventing muscle attenuation and maintaining a healthy weight.

NO.3: Quantitative staple food, preferably whole grains and low glycemic index foods

★ Glycemic index (GI) is a relative index to measure the impact of food on blood sugar. Foods with low GI (GI≤55) cause less postprandial blood sugar fluctuations, which are helpful for blood sugar control.

★ When choosing staple foods or grain foods, you can refer to the glycemic index table of common foods in my country. Quantitative staple food should not be too much, choose more whole grains and low GI foods; among them, low GI foods such as whole grains and miscellaneous beans should account for more than 1/3 of the staple food.

★ It is recommended that the energy provided by carbohydrates account for 45% to 60% of the total energy for diabetic patients, which is slightly lower than that of normal healthy people. However, when first diagnosed or poor blood sugar control, it is recommended to consult a professional to give personalized guidance.

★ Diabetic patients should monitor blood sugar frequently to determine the body's response to meals, especially staple foods, and plan and adjust in time. Get into the habit of eating the vegetables first and the staple food last. It is recommended to record meals, exercise and blood sugar levels to improve the scientific planning level of blood sugar control and self-management.

NO.4: Active exercise, improve physical fitness and insulin sensitivity

★ Diabetics can exercise after meals, at least 5 days a week, 30-45 minutes each time, and moderate-intensity exercise should account for more than 50%, such as brisk walking, table tennis, swimming, etc. Step by step, persevere, gradually increase and reach the target amount of exercise.

★ If there are no contraindications, it is best to do resistance exercises twice a week to improve muscle strength and endurance, such as dumbbells, push-ups, and equipment exercises.

★ Integrate daily activities and sports into the life plan to cultivate sports awareness and habits. Blood sugar monitoring should be strengthened before and after exercise to avoid hypoglycemia.

NO.5: Light diet, limit alcohol consumption, prevent and delay complications

★ Both pre-diabetic and diabetic patients should have a light diet and control the amount of oil, salt and sugar. The daily cooking oil consumption should be controlled within 25g, and the daily salt consumption should not exceed 5g. Pay attention to limit the use of soy sauce, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, pickles, bacon, pickles and other condiments and foods with high salt content.

★Drink plenty of white water, you can also drink light tea or coffee in moderation, and do not drink sugary drinks. Drinking alcohol will disrupt the normal diet and medication of diabetic patients, resulting in fluctuations in blood sugar, so alcohol consumption should be limited.

NO.6: Food and nutrition, rational selection and application of food and drug substances

★ Traditional Chinese medicine nutrition is based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, with relatively mild food and food and drug properties, through "strengthening" and "correcting deviations", the human body can achieve a healthy state of "Yin Ping Yang Mi".

★ Adhere to the principle of dialectical diet, and adjust measures according to the person, time and local conditions. Food has attributes such as "four qi", "five flavors", "meridian distribution" and "ups and downs".

★ Traditional Chinese medicine has had the theory of "the same origin of medicine and food" since ancient times. Combine daily meals with traditional Chinese medicine recipes.

Food and drug quality recommendation for different syndrome types of diabetes mellitus

NO.7: Eat regular meals, add meals reasonably, and promote blood sugar stability after meals

★ Regular, regular and quantitative meals are the basis for maintaining blood sugar stability. The time for three meals a day and additional meals is relatively fixed, and regular and quantitative meals can avoid overeating caused by the slow response of the satiety center caused by excessive hunger.

★ Regardless of eating at home or outside, according to the individual's physiological conditions and physical activity, the diet should be moderate, scientifically configured, and standardized and quantitative nutritional meals should be carried out. Don't overeat, don't eat snacks and drinks at will, but have more meals and reduce the number of meals.

★ For diabetic patients with long course of disease, poor blood sugar control, and insulin injection, blood sugar monitoring should be carried out, and appropriate meals should be added according to the actual situation to prevent the occurrence of hypoglycemia.

★ For thin diabetic patients and gestational diabetic patients, extra meals or snacks can be arranged appropriately to prevent hypoglycemia, increase energy intake, and increase body weight.

NO.8: Self-management, regular nutritional consultation, and improvement of blood sugar control ability

Diabetes patients need to pay attention to and learn diabetes knowledge and self-management skills, including dietary conditioning, regular exercise, blood sugar monitoring, medication as prescribed by the doctor, insulin injection techniques, and hypoglycemia prevention and treatment.

★ Take nutritious meals, proper cooking, exercise management and blood sugar monitoring as basic skills. Understand the carbohydrate content and GI value in food, learn the use of food exchange portions, and integrate self-behavior management into daily life.

★ Consultation and follow-up services should be established with nutritional instructors such as nutritionists with rich clinical experience, and physician teams, and regular consultations should be actively carried out, including dietary assessment and dietary adjustment, nutritional status assessment and nutritional diagnosis, as well as nutritional prescriptions and exercise prescriptions formulation etc.

★ Timely adjust diet, exercise and behavior, as well as medication dosage and other programs, maintain a healthy lifestyle, control blood sugar, and prevent complications.
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