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Regular breast cancer screening reduces cancer risk

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

Regular breast cancer screening reduces cancer risk
There are indeed blind spots in breast cancer screening. There are many factors that will affect the doctor's judgment, but in any case, if you do not check, you will not even have a chance to find the disease. Therefore, please remember to regularly check and treat early. (Western doctors now admit that there are blind spots, but are still arguing that, in fact, the inspection is not the point. The real point is how breast cancer is formed? It is the point.)
Breast cancer screening is done regularly every year, but it may still be because it is discovered too late, and breast cancer is already in the terminal stage, which makes people question the effectiveness of breast cancer screening. In fact, there are three main methods of breast cancer screening alone, and each has its own shortcomings. The breast tissue of women in Taiwan is relatively dense and has less fat, so sometimes there will be errors in interpretation alone. Therefore, the most important key to the accuracy of breast screening at present is the experience of the doctor himself. (This is a bunch of nonsense, Western medicine Who dares to say that he has rich experience and the most accurate diagnosis?)
At present, the most important breast cancer screening is divided into three types. The first and simplest is breast self-examination, once a month to see if there is any unexplained lump. However, once found, it is already larger than 2.5 cm, which is the second. Mammography is the most effective method. It can detect tumors up to 0.5 cm. It is suitable for postmenopausal and obese women. However, the disadvantage is that the breasts are too dense and cannot be detected, especially at the age of 40. Women under the age of 50-69 have radiation risks. At present, the government provides women aged 50-69 with a free check-up every two years, followed by breast ultrasound, which is suitable for young breasts with small breasts. However, the lack of it is the experience of the interpreter, which affects the accuracy. , Doctors suggest that for women in the high-risk group over 40 years old, it is best to have X-ray photography and ultrasound combined. (Still missed the point, how is breast cancer obtained?)
Although mammography combined with ultrasound can only find 90% of patients, the medical community still recommends that women over 40 years old should be more vigilant and have it every one to two years, and women over 30 years old Do a breast self-exam once a month to reduce your risk of breast cancer. (It’s useless, the more Western medicine examines you, the easier it is to get breast cancer.)
Readers, please do more research on a breast cancer paper I wrote. The cause of breast cancer is that the heart is not strong enough to drain all the milk in the breasts down to the uterus to become menstruation, so the remaining milk accumulated in the breasts dies over time. It causes necrosis of breast tissue, which is the cause of breast cancer. Western medicine does not know the cause, so this mammography examination is created. Women who have done this examination know that the strong extrusion of the machine will cause many breast cancer during the examination. The mammary ducts are ruptured, so there is blood stasis. When the breasts are injured, a lot of scar-like connective tissue will be formed, and these scars are the places where old milk is most likely to accumulate. If you do this kind of examination every year, of course it will accumulate The more damage is done in the breast, the more milk will remain in the breast and cannot be drained. After a few years, breast cancer will occur. This is why the 105-year-old lady in Taiwan cannot even eat because of poverty. However, because they had no money to go to the western hospital for breast examination, they escaped the catastrophe and gained longevity. We all have to believe in the life process of longevity. This is the real scientific evidence, and the fact is before us. But they don’t see that they ignore patients’ life and death just to protect their own reputation. This is a demon. Taking western medicine will cause you many nightmares. It must be cleared up so that people can live a better life. Readers decide whether you want Western medicine to be your patron saint or Chinese medicine to be your patron saint. When you have made your own decision, you must face it calmly, don’t regret it, and accept it happily .
The conclusion is: regular breast cancer screening is definitely not to reduce the risk of cancer, on the contrary, this kind of regular breast cancer screening will make women more likely to get breast cancer, so do not do regular checkups.
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