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rare! 17-year-old girl with breast cancer

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

rare! 17-year-old girl with breast cancer
A 17-year-old girl suffered from breast cancer. In just over two months, the tumor grew from one centimeter to six centimeters. The rapid deterioration even surprised the doctors. Physicians emphasized that whether it is a young girl or a mature woman, one should pay close attention to one's own breasts. Once lumps appear, don't hesitate to seek medical attention immediately. (If this kind of problem occurs, you should first find out why the lump deteriorates so fast? It is likely that the mother of the little girl, in order to make her daughter's breasts grow bigger, or the girl is using contraception, etc., so gave the girl Eating foods that contain female hormones caused today's consequences.)
The Society of Breast Medicine held an international symposium today. Dozens of physicians from Taiwan, South Korea, and mainland China gathered together to participate in the academic event. The focus of the discussion was on advanced chemotherapy (neoadjuvant chemotherapy) and breast cancer in very young women Wait for two big questions.
The incidence rate under the age of 35 is 2 to 3 times that of Europe and the United States. (Because Taiwanese eat western medicine and vitamins are ranked first in the world, of course 2 to 3 times that of Europe.)
Chen Xunche, chairman of the Society of Breast Medicine and director of breast surgery at Chang Gung Hospital in Linkou, said that the vast majority of breast cancer patients are over 35 years old; according to statistics, the number of breast cancer cases in Taiwan in 2005 was 6,593, and the incidence of breast cancer among women under the age of 35 accounted for all breast cancers. 4.96%, almost two to three times that of European and American countries.
Among 35-year-old breast cancer patients, the rate of younger than 20 years old is even lower, almost negligible. Chen Xunche pointed out that when it was confirmed that the high school girl had breast cancer, she was quite surprised and thought it might be a problem with the screening. (What's so strange, children in Taiwan have been vaccinated since childhood, antibiotics for colds, contraceptive pills for irregular menstruation, and multivitamins for normal menstruation. It's been like this for many years. It's hard not to think about breast cancer .)
The little girl's breasts have hard lumps, and she mistakenly thinks that she is developing. (During development, both sides grow up at the same time. If one side is bigger and the other side is smaller, there is a problem.)
The girl from the primary school found a hard lump in her breast two or three months ago. She thought it might be a normal phenomenon during puberty and ignored it. Unexpectedly, after just over two months, the tumor grew rapidly, reaching a size of six centimeters. I was so anxious that I told my mother. (This must have been caused by her mother giving her food or drugs that she wanted to breast augmentation, or taking painkillers and antibiotics casually.)
After biopsy, it was determined that the tumor was malignant, and the whole family was in a state of misery and panic. Fortunately, after receiving three breast cancer drugs, including cranberry medicine, paclitaxel, and He Aipingping, the tumor gradually shrank and finally almost disappeared, and underwent surgery. Resection surgery, currently in good condition, can return to school. (Wrong, Western medicine treatment will not eradicate it, you must go to a Chinese medicine doctor for an examination to be sure.)
Younger patients are less well treated Rapid deterioration
Even so, Chen Xunche is still not optimistic. He said that the treatment of young breast cancer patients is usually poor. The cancer cells are highly malignant and divide rapidly. The prognosis is not good. The tumor grows very fast. transferred to other sites. (Look, western doctors themselves admit this, so it's time to seek Chinese medicine.)
Chen Xunche reminded that little girls should not think they are young and ignore the threat of breast cancer. If they feel a foreign body in their breasts, they should tell their parents, seek medical treatment immediately, and accept ultrasound, MRI and other examinations. The duration of treatment and intensive follow-up can prolong the survival period. (When you find a hard lump in your breast at an early stage, you should seek medical treatment immediately. Don’t do slices, surgery, chemotherapy, etc. The more you do it, the shorter your life will be.)
Misconceptions about medicine must be corrected
Young girls should not be afraid after reading this report. The reason why the above girl got this kind of malignant breast cancer is because she usually likes to eat dairy products, takes antibiotics for colds, and takes vitamins when she is fine. , taking birth control pills to adjust, these accumulated misconceptions and practices are what caused her to fall into the desperate situation she is in today. Before she got sick, she made mistakes, which is why she got breast cancer. She was treated by Western medicine, and then she continued to make mistakes. This repeated wrong action will be the main cause of her death in the future. At this time, it is too late to seek Chinese medicine treatment.
I hope that readers can learn a lesson from this case, stop taking western medicine and vitamins, stop eating all dairy products, and stop taking various vaccines. If you have a cold or illness, you only need to find a Chinese medicine doctor and take Chinese medicine. It is still very difficult to get breast cancer like this. Difficult, the last part did not explain why this girl got breast cancer at a young age, because Western medicine does not know what the cause of breast cancer is.
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