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Platycodon grandiflorum and ginseng soup made me an "old Chinese doctor"

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Platycodon grandiflorum and ginseng soup made me an "old Chinese doctor"
Platycodon grandiflorum and ginseng soup made me an "old Chinese doctor" in the mouth of my colleagues

Before I got allergic rhinitis, my wife had allergic rhinitis, and it would recur every spring and autumn, with itchy eyes, itchy nose, sneezing, and runny nose, especially after wiping her nose with toilet paper of average quality, she would sneeze more , is more serious. At that time, I didn't understand this disease very much. I thought that itching eyes could be relieved by applying some cool oil, and if my nose was itchy, I could just wash it more often, or I could bear it when I wanted to sneeze. At that time, my wife often went to the hospital to see her, and every time she would prescribe some western medicines for anti-allergy and nasal spray. When the rhinitis is severe, I can’t bear it anymore and take anti-allergic medicine. After taking it, I feel listless and sleepy, and sometimes I can sleep all afternoon; I have to spray medicine when I sneeze, but it can only relieve it. I also prescribed Biyankang and other Chinese patent medicines in some hospitals, and I bought 7 or 8 bottles each time, but it didn't help much. I can only endure these pains until the seasons change, and the cycle repeats itself. I have been suffering for several years. Later, I suffer from other diseases and don’t know what medicine to take. By the way, my rhinitis is cured. This is the experience of some ineffective treatment of allergic rhinitis before contact with traditional Chinese medicine.

However, after she got better, I started to suffer from allergic rhinitis last fall. It may be that the working environment has changed, and the air quality in the current working environment is poor. In the spring and autumn season, the nose is dry and itchy, the throat is red, and the ears and eyes are also itchy. Every morning when I get up or go to a dusty place or encounter a pungent smell, I will sneeze, sometimes more than 30 consecutive sneezes. Soreness, gout-like feeling, and nasal mucus will flow down involuntarily, which has caused a lot of trouble to life and work. At the beginning, I didn’t know Chinese medicine and didn’t know how to treat it, so I had to go to the hospital to prescribe some Chinese patent medicines such as Biyankang according to my wife’s treatment experience. After taking it for a whole autumn, it didn’t have any effect, and I didn’t recover until winter. This spring, allergic rhinitis happened again, and it was more serious. Later, I saw someone recommending some Chinese medicine public accounts on the internal forum of the unit. I immediately followed the WeChat public account and began to read the articles. I saw Luo Dalun mentioned in the article. Some opinions or theories of the doctor, followed by Dr. Luo's official account, there are a lot of articles, and I saw some prescriptions for rhinitis. Compared with my own symptoms, it was very similar to the rhinitis symptoms treated by Jugeng Yuanshen Decoction. According to the guidance in the article, I decisively went to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine to grab 7 medicines, and only spent 37 yuan. Support me to drink, saying that the prescriptions I read on the Internet may not be safe. But I saw many good cases on the Internet, so I insisted on taking the medicine myself, and it was obviously better after drinking 3 doses. The rhinitis basically didn't feel much, but I still insisted on drinking all 7 doses of medicine.

Later, when I went to work, my colleagues saw that I stopped sneezing, and they all asked me what was going on. I said that I read Chinese medicine articles on the Internet and saw a prescription. I took the medicine and drank it myself. I used to eat hundreds of yuan. The money is useless, and now it only costs more than 30 yuan to cure it. My colleagues say that I am quite courageous and dare to prescribe medicine for myself. In fact, I know that this Jugeng Yuanshen Decoction is definitely not a problem in treating my rhinitis. First, it is an effective prescription that was used many times by the old Chinese medicine practitioners hundreds of years ago, and it must have a certain curative effect if it can be passed down; The second is that it was recommended by Dr. Luo Dalun in the article, and clearly listed various specific symptoms, and explained the effects of various herbs in detail. As long as the symptoms match, even Chinese medicine idiots can prescribe the right medicine after reading this article; The third is that in this prescription, except Pinellia, other medicinal materials are basically of the same origin as medicine and food. Pinellia is also processed, so there must be no problem in terms of safety. More importantly, the dosage of each herb is very small, which increases the insurance factor. . That's why I dared to take the medicine according to the prescription and took it immediately. It not only relieved my pain, but also gained a new understanding and confidence in Chinese medicine. I also formed a relationship with Dr. Luo and became his fan.

After my rhinitis was cured, I became more respectful of Chinese medicine. Dr. Luo carefully read each article and took notes. Once when I was on a business trip, my colleagues saw me taking notes and knew that I was learning Chinese medicine, so they teased me and said that our unit has an old Chinese medicine practitioner. It turns out that a colleague who used to study massage has been transferred to another department.

Later, when we were eating and drinking, a colleague said that he had gout and dared not drink beer. I happened to read Dr. Luo’s article on treating gout with Wuji Baifeng Pills, and immediately told him about this method at the dinner table. They all laughed. Oh, it is said that the black-bone chicken Baifeng pill is not eaten by women, how can it be cured? At that time, I read the article for too long, and I didn't remember the specific principles, so I couldn't popularize Chinese medicine knowledge to them. I had to say that there were many cured cases, and I could try it next time for gout. After I said this, I forgot about it.

About a month later, when I was having breakfast one morning, my colleague said that I had good news for you. I thought it was some good news from the unit. It turned out that one of his friends had gout, and he told that friend to eat black-bone chicken and white phoenix. The pill can be cured, and the friend really recovered after taking it. This is the second time that the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine I have learned has worked in my life, helping people to get in touch with pain.

This fall, my boss also got allergic rhinitis. Once when I went to his office, he happened to be sneezing and had a runny nose that needed to be wiped constantly. I thought it was a cold, and I said there was cold medicine. He told me that it was not a cold. Recently, after waking up in the morning or changing the environment, he would sneeze and have a runny nose. Based on my experience, I immediately judged that it was allergic rhinitis, told him my treatment process, and found the prescription stored in my mobile phone and sent it to him. I told him to take 7 medicines. You can stop eating. Then about a week later, when he was having breakfast one morning, he told me that there was a good news for me. The medicine is not bad at all, almost like ginger soup. Later, other colleagues in the unit had allergic rhinitis, and they also cured it with Jigeng Yuanshen Decoction, and I became an "old Chinese doctor" in their mouths.

In fact, I just read some prescriptions, the principle of which still needs a lot of study, and it is still far from being used to treat diseases. However, by studying Dr. Luo's articles, I realized that emotions, mentality, and lifestyle have a great impact on health. Chinese medicine is not only about curing diseases, but more importantly, adjusting our lifestyle, way of doing things, and way of thinking. Looking at the articles of Dr. Luo and other TCM public accounts, we don’t necessarily need to use them to treat diseases, but more to learn the principles of life. If those ideas can be known, accepted, and practiced by more people, I believe Our social atmosphere, national quality, and people's physical fitness will be greatly improved. Dr. Luo's popularization of Chinese medicine knowledge and Chinese culture knowledge can benefit more people, relieve more pains, and save more "patients" with deviations in physical, psychological and behavioral patterns than a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who prescribes and treats diseases himself. A great merit!
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