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people with yang deficiency should pay attention to this problem

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

people with yang deficiency should pay attention to this problem
The solar terms formulated by the ancients are very accurate, which is amazing. For example, the solar terms of the beginning of autumn, in northern China, once the beginning of autumn arrives, the weather immediately starts to cool down. In the morning and evening, when you go out of the house and stretch your arms, you will feel the coolness in the wind. In fact, this is a very important turning point, let's talk about it today.

First, let me tell you an example. A friend once came to me and said that he had a problem, which was not so critical, but rather uncomfortable.

What's the matter? It turned out that he said that he was okay in summer, but when autumn came, a problem began to appear, that is, his stomach began to get bigger, especially after eating, he became like a pregnant woman. He didn't notice this pattern at the beginning, but later he found that it started in autumn, and then gradually got better in spring.

Then, I asked him, is there any difference between morning and evening?

He said that it did, and his own experience was that he felt much better in the morning, but it got worse in the evening.

He said that at the beginning, he felt that he had become fat, because many men now have such a big belly, but sometimes, he felt that there was a problem, because it seemed that there was not all meat in it. If it was all meat, it would not be It should not feel so big in the morning, but it will get bigger in the evening.

This question puzzled him a lot. He said that now he only dared to eat a little at night, and when he was exercising, he felt that his breathing was affected.

I looked at the pulse of the tongue. His tongue is quite typical, with a fat body, light color, and tooth marks on the edge of the tongue.

So, what's the problem?

Generally, there are several situations with a big belly, such as eating too much fat, sweet and thick flavor, excessive phlegm and dampness; there are indeed stagnation of qi caused by qi stagnation, but this one is a different situation!

This is due to insufficient yang qi, weak spleen and kidney, and inability to transport and transform water and dampness, resulting in water and dampness internal trapping.

This situation seems to be nothing, but it often causes serious consequences and even serious diseases. For example, some patients with kidney disease have such symptoms. In ancient times, this situation was even regarded as a serious illness. For this kind of patients, if the stool is normal, it is fine, but if the stool is always loose, it is more difficult to treat.

There are many reasons for this situation. Let me tell you about it. The first is the incontinence of sexual intercourse, which damages the kidney qi, which is an important reason; Jia, the liver qi is uncomfortable, the liver qi goes against the spleen soil, and the result is that the spleen and stomach are injured.

Now there is another reason, that is, excessive use of cold and cool medicines, which damages Yang Qi, and this situation will also occur.

Take a look, all the above factors have damaged the yang qi of the spleen and kidney. As a result, the weather is warm in summer and the body is fine, but once the weather turns cold, the yang qi in the body is not enough to transport the water and dampness, resulting in water vapor. Tangle and obstruct the Qi mechanism, and abdominal distension occurs.

This is the result of the correspondence between the human body and nature, and not only within a year, but also every morning and evening. Patients with this kind of abdominal distension, which is mild in the morning and severe in the evening, often have insufficient Yang Qi and excessive Yin Qi. If you are a careful patient, you will soon find out that the disease has such a rhythm!

So, how did it work out afterwards?
I used the method of Gong Tingxian of the Ming Dynasty. As I said, Gong Tingxian was a famous doctor who once treated Princess Lu. Princess Lu suffers from bulging (gǔ) bloating, which is a big belly disease. It is very critical, and it is difficult to breathe. Most people use the idea of regulating qi, which is not only ineffective, but also getting worse. In the end, all the doctors are helpless, so Gong Tingxian was invited. He used the idea of nourishing the middle and nourishing qi, and reused ginseng. At that time, everyone was dumbfounded, thinking that the blockage was completely blocked at this time, and it can be supplemented? Are you crazy? It is estimated that there were countless question marks in King Lu's heart at that time, but there is no way, no one else can do it? So I decided to give it a try. As a result, the concubine felt much better overnight, so she continued to ask Gong Tingxian for treatment. He recuperated with tonic methods and finally recovered. Later, King Lu gave him a lot of bonuses, but Gong Tingxian didn't accept it. King Lu suddenly felt that this person was not simple, so he became friends, and gave Gong Tingxian a plaque of "Medical Champion" and sent him to be an imperial doctor. Therefore, this Gong Tingxian was very famous back then.

Gong Tingxian has a special way of thinking for such patients, that is, to take Buzhong Yiqi pills in the morning, and Jinkuishenqi pills in the evening. Take it in this way alternately every day, nourishing the spleen in the morning, because the spleen meridian is in order, and taking Jinkuishenqi Wan in the evening, because the kidney meridian is in order in the evening, warming and tonifying kidney yang at this time, the effect is very good.

According to Gong Tingxian's idea, I gave it to this friend. I asked him to take Buzhongyiqi pills with dried ginger water in the morning and Jinkuishenqi pills in the evening. As a result, he insisted on it for a few weeks and said that the situation has improved significantly. up.
However, I still told him that he must persist in recuperation. At the same time, he should also pay attention to changing his living habits, consume as little yang as possible, and rest for a while, because such problems often recur due to unaltered living habits. This is the ancients experience.

So, as you can see, the human body is so sensitive to changes in the weather. In autumn, in northern China, or even at the beginning of autumn, people with yang deficiency will immediately experience various discomforts in the body, such as diarrhea, various pains, various Fear of the cold, lack of energy, will appear.

Therefore, the example I am talking about today is abdominal distension, but it is actually about the autumn protection of people with yang deficiency.

At this time, friends with yang deficiency should pay attention. Watermelon, ice cream, and cold beer must be insulated. The imaginary people are especially beneficial. And if you can take some warming and tonic prescriptions, you can help yourself tide over the difficulties.

People with yang deficiency can do moxibustion for conditioning at this time, or use warm medicine for medicated bath, which also has many benefits.

You can also use such a warming formula to soak your feet: 3 grams of mugwort leaves and 3 grams of dried ginger. Boil water and use this water to soak your feet while it is hot, which can warm and nourish your body.

Another reminder, students in the south, don’t worry, you know it’s still hot there, you can handle it yourself, when the weather turns cold, if you have these symptoms, you should also be prepared to protect your yang!

Then, a friend asked, do people of all physiques have the same reaction in autumn? No, people with yin deficiency are quite uncomfortable in summer and all kinds of irritability are unbearable, but once it comes to autumn, everything suddenly becomes quiet, my God, the world is so cool! But friends, don't be too happy, soon, you will experience all kinds of dry feelings will come to you, for this kind of situation, because it is not so urgent, so we have time to talk to you later chat! Please pay attention to my follow-up articles!
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