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people with insufficient kidney essence should take care of it in advance

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

people with insufficient kidney essence should take care of it in advance
The ancients summed up the solar terms ingeniously, so people today often wonder why nature and our bodies will change when a solar term arrives. How can it be so accurate?

So, after the beginning of spring, what should we pay attention to? Today we are talking about the maintenance of people with insufficient kidney essence.

I have been talking about kidney essence, what is kidney essence?

Kidney essence is the original substance of our human body, and it is the general term for the hidden essence and acquired essence. The so-called "innate essence" is the substance that we receive from our parents and governs reproduction, also known as the essence of reproduction; the acquired essence comes from the transformation of water and grain essence, governs growth and development, and is also called the essence of water and grain or the essence of viscera . The combination of the two forms our kidney essence, which is sealed in the kidney.

Kidney Essence transforms into Kidney Qi, among which those that have the effects of warming, stimulating, exciting, steaming, sealing and restricting Yin and cold on the body are called Kidney Yang, also known as Yuan Yang, True Yang, and True Fire; The role of nourishing, calming, forming and restraining excessive yang heat is called kidney yin, also known as primordial yin, true yin, and true water.

Therefore, kidney essence transforms into kidney qi, and kidney qi includes kidney yin and kidney yang. This is the process that Laozi said in "Tao Te Ching" that "Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things". In fact, I think some ancients called it vaguely, and confused kidney essence with kidney yin, including Zhang Jingyue, who often confused kidney essence with true yin. These ambiguities have led to confusion in later generations. Now there are many textbooks that call kidney essence Kidney yin, in fact, kidney essence is between yin and yang, it transforms into kidney yin and kidney yang.

So, what are the characteristics of people with deficiency of kidney essence?

Deficiency of kidney essence is characterized by growth retardation, hyposexuality, and premature aging. The kidney stores essence, governs reproduction, and is the foundation of growth and development. Kidney essence is deficient, unable to biochemically, so children are stunted in growth, delayed closure of the fontanel, and short stature.

The main function of kidney essence is to control the growth and reproduction of the human body, and it is the basic substance of life activities. Kidney Essence can regulate the essence of viscera and provide for their activities; it can produce marrow, nourish bones, nourish the brain, participate in the production of blood, and improve the body's antibody capacity.

Therefore, if the kidney essence is deficient, the marrow is less, the bone is weak, the bones are flaccid and soft, and skeletal problems are prone to occur. Because the kidney governs the bone to produce marrow, and the brain is the sea of marrow. If the kidney essence is deficient, the human thinking system is prone to problems, and the reaction speed Slow, mentally deficient, mentally dull, forgetful, slow in movement.

Deficiency of kidney essence leads to incapacitated reproduction. In youth, it may lead to premature aging, decreased sexual function, slippery diarrhea, impotence, etc., leading to decreased sexual ability, and even less sperm and infertility. Female menstrual amenorrhea, insufficient qi and blood, "Tiangui" "Premature exhaustion, decreased sexual function, and even premature aging.

The kidney is the bone in the body, opening to the ear, and its flower is in the hair. Insufficient kidney essence will lead to hair loss, loose teeth, tinnitus and deafness, and weakness of the waist and knees. This situation is especially obvious in middle-aged and elderly people. The main manifestations are that they are older than their peers, or suffer from severe physical weakness, such as loose teeth, tinnitus and deafness, amnesia, dementia, and osteoporosis.

In detail, if the deficiency of kidney essence develops further, there will be a bias towards deficiency of kidney yin and deficiency of kidney yang, which we will talk about later.

So, how does deficiency of kidney essence form?

There are about a few points:

1. Insufficient endowment: We know that the main source of kidney essence is the innate essence given by parents, and when parents give birth to their children, their physiques are different, and some of them are relatively weak, so the kidney essence given to their children will also be weak. Insufficient, such children will have growth and development problems at a very young age.

2. Caused by aging: As the age increases, the kidney essence will naturally be consumed. The main source of kidney essence is the innate essence inherited from parents. It's like your parents give you a gas tank. The gas in it is certain. We can recover little after tomorrow. As we get older, the gas in the gas tank will naturally become less and less. When the kidney essence is exhausted, we will finally obey the laws of nature.

3. Consumption of sexual life: Many traditional Chinese medicine now oppose indulgence, based on this, normal sex life is necessary for human reproduction, but indulgence will consume kidney essence, and indulgence has become a trend now, which will greatly endanger our health . In the past, early marriage and more children were also a reason.

3. Staying up late and exhausting the mind consumes the kidney essence: the body needs to rest at night, and the yang energy is hidden. If you stay up late at this time, the kidney essence will be consumed, resulting in deficiency of kidney essence. The same is true for mental exhaustion. Excessive exhaustion will also consume kidney essence.

4. Prolonged illness and loss of nourishment: If after illness, especially some chronic wasting diseases, the body is gradually consumed without nourishing itself, this will also lead to deficiency of kidney essence. For example, some lung diseases do not heal for a long time, and the relationship between the lungs and the kidneys is the mother-child relationship. The consumption of lung energy will inevitably affect the kidney essence, so it will eventually lead to the deficiency of kidney essence.

Now, we have mastered some knowledge about kidney essence and deficiency of kidney essence, so what does this have to do with the health preservation after the beginning of spring we are going to talk about?

This is the case, from the beginning of spring to about May in the Gregorian calendar, many patients will appear during this period, mainly with sudden onset of head and face pain, such as sudden sore throat, tooth pain, oral ulcers , trigeminal neuralgia, headache, red and swollen eyes, tinnitus, ear swelling and pain, etc., and at the same time, accompanied by cold feet and legs, dark red tongue, in this case, we have to consider whether it is kidney essence caused by insufficiency.

I have actually said this knowledge many times, that is, the human body corresponds to the four seasons. Spring is the beginning of the year, and all things grow. At this time, it needs the nourishment of the body’s original substance, the kidney essence. If essence is deficient, both yin and yang of the kidney will be deficient, and in this way, the strength of hair growth will not be enough, and problems will arise.

Specifically, if the kidney essence is deficient at this time, then both kidney yin and kidney yang will be deficient, but at this time the external yang qi is increasing day by day, and the yang qi in the body will also sprout, and the deficiency of kidney yin will lead to the inability to cultivate and eventually lead to kidney yang deficiency. Breaking away from the cultivation of kidney yin, soaring upwards, the solitary fire burns alone. In this way, there appears the image of the separation of yin and yang with heat on the top and cold on the bottom.

At this time, nourishing kidney yin or nourishing kidney yang alone is not enough. It is necessary to nourish kidney essence, and at the same time use it together with medicines for nourishing yin and warming yang to solve the problem.

The most important traditional Chinese medicine for nourishing kidney essence is rehmannia glutinosa.

Therefore, Chen Shiduo and Zhang Jingyue, the famous Taoist doctors in the late Ming Dynasty, both had such prescriptions, that is, a large amount of rehmannia glutinosa, combined with a small amount of cinnamon, rehmannia glutinosa to fill the kidney essence, cinnamon to ignite the fire and return to the original, and then according to the syndrome, combined with some nourishing yin, tonifying Yang medicines form a prescription. Among them, Chen Shiduo is the most, and he has composed the most such prescriptions. And Zhang Jingyue is also very good at using it like this, so his nickname is Zhang Shudi.

Well, friends, if you have these symptoms, after the beginning of spring, I think you can nourish the kidney essence in advance. As for the method, I have talked about it a lot. Will help you get through this spring safely.

Today, I will introduce another prescription, which is a famous therapeutic prescription by Zhang Jingyue, called Rehmannia glutinosa. This Li is sweet wine, which also means fine wine. In the "Huangdi Neijing", it is said that the mash soup is how to use wine as medicine. Everyone can learn from Zhang Jingyue's prescription, especially men who can drink, you can try it.

The specific prescription is: 240 grams of Dahuai Shudi (those with extremely sweet taste, dried in the sun to remove moisture), 3 grams of agarwood, 120 grams of wolfberry (those with extremely fat, also dried in the sun to remove moisture).

"The above is about 1 catty of medicine, which can be soaked in 10 catties of high-grade liquor. It does not need to be boiled, but it can be used after soaking for 10 days. After taking it, add 6 to 7 catties of wine and soak for half a month. It can still be used."

According to Zhang Jingyue's method, the ratio of medicine to wine is 1:10, and the wine used is too much. I think you follow the previous medicine dosage, 240 grams of rehmannia glutinosa, 120 grams of wolfberry, and 3 grams of agarwood. Then, according to Zhang Jingyue's statement, To brew 3.5 kilograms of white wine, I think that too much white wine is used. For this dosage, two bottles of white wine per catty can be used. Generally soak for ten days, you can drink, drink a small cup every day, which is the smallest kind of wine cup, drink a cup of wine, do not drink too much.

Among them, agarwood is very expensive. Zhang Jingyue said that 1 gram of white sandalwood can also be used. If you think white sandalwood is also expensive, I think 1 gram of amomum can be used instead.

This prescription Zhang Jingyue said to treat "men and women have insufficient essence and blood, and insufficient nutrition and health". I think it is more beneficial for nourishing kidney essence. Men can try it.

For women, I think it is enough to cook raw and cooked keel. If necessary, you can refer to my previous article on nourishing kidney essence.
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