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People with diabetes must be careful if they “suffer through the winter”

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

People with diabetes must be careful if they “suffer through the winter”
Many people with diabetes feel that blood sugar seems to be difficult to control in winter. So how should people with diabetes cope with the challenges of winter?

Be active in preventing and treating colds

Compared with the general population, people with diabetes have a more difficult task in preventing colds. Winter is the season of high incidence of influenza, so keeping warm is very important. People with diabetes should pay attention to adding or removing clothes at any time and keeping the room ventilated.

In the unfortunate event that a diabetic patient catches a cold, he or she needs to observe blood sugar changes as well as changes in diet and daily life more closely so that medication can be adjusted in a timely manner. If you don't know how to adjust, please seek medical advice immediately.

Keep exercising and don’t relax

It is not advisable to exercise too early or excessively in winter. Morning exercise is not suitable for people with diabetes in winter. The best time to exercise is after the sun comes out at 90 o'clock in the morning. The amount of activity should not be too large. Tai Chi, walking, jogging and other gentler activities are better. At the same time, you need to warm up before exercising, and keep warm during exercise to prevent catching a cold.

People with diabetes need to soak their feet more to protect their feet.

Diabetes is often accompanied by blood circulation disorders, and the feet are the farthest part of the human body from the heart. Therefore foot circulation is often the first and most susceptible to the effects of diabetes. People with diabetes should soak their feet more often in winter to promote blood circulation in the feet. When soaking your feet, the water temperature should not be too hot, and should be controlled within 40 degrees, and the time should not be too long.

People with diabetes need to check their feet frequently. Some elderly people have dry skin on their feet. If there are ulcers, foot soaking is not suitable.

Remember to eat lightly

Many people have the habit of taking supplements in winter, but people with diabetes need to pay attention to keeping their diet light. If people with diabetes want to take supplements, it is best to do so under the guidance of a doctor, because many supplement foods contain high sugar or fat.

In addition, people’s appetite is relatively better in winter than in summer. Therefore, diabetic patients should pay attention to controlling their mouths and not affecting their health due to greedy mouths.

Blood sugar monitoring should be in place

Generally, in winter, or even at a certain solar term, the blood sugar of people with diabetes will suddenly rise. This actually has a lot to do with temperature. Generally speaking, the higher the temperature, the greater the body's heat production and consumption. In this case, blood sugar will decrease due to the increase in body consumption. But once blood vessels constrict in winter, metabolic efficiency will decrease. The energy eaten at this time cannot be consumed in time, and if the amount of exercise is relatively reduced, blood sugar will be higher.

People with diabetes can detect problems in time through regular blood sugar monitoring and make corresponding adjustments under the advice of a doctor. Moreover, people with diabetes need to note that it is best to measure blood sugar indoors, because too low an ambient temperature or too low a local finger temperature may affect the accuracy of the measurement results, so people with diabetes must not be sloppy when monitoring blood sugar in winter.

Climate also has a great impact on blood sugar, so people with diabetes must learn to protect themselves and monitor blood sugar in winter.
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