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People at high risk of diabetes, everyone must know

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

People at high risk of diabetes, everyone must know
People with family history: Studies have pointed out that family members of diabetic patients are more than 5 times more likely to develop diabetes than the general population. (Is this genetic? Or is it genetic?)
Elderly and middle-aged people: After the age of 40, about 10 people in 100 will suffer from diabetes, so special attention should be paid to middle-aged people. (This is probably due to the reduction in exercise.)
Obese people: About 60% of the initial cases of diabetes are obese people. (Fat people's blood sugar is definitely higher, so these people need to lose weight, not lower blood sugar.)
Common complications of diabetes (this sentence should be changed to --common complications after long-term use of hypoglycemic drugs and insulin--)
Report/Photography by Qiu Yuzhen/Qiu Yuzhen, Adai
Diabetes is the chronic disease with the highest incidence among Chinese people, and the quality of blood sugar control has a great impact on other organs of the body. Professor Lin Ruixiang, who is known as the father of diabetes health education in China, said that poor blood sugar control will cause damage to large and small blood vessels throughout the body, cause eye, kidney, and cardiovascular diseases, and even lead to blindness, kidney failure, heart disease and other complications in severe cases . (The professor made a mistake. What really caused these problems were hypoglycemic drugs and insulin, not high blood sugar.)
Professor Lin Ruixiang emphasized that many diabetic patients have the myth that insulin injections will be addictive. In fact, early acceptance of insulin therapy can not only reduce the load on liver and kidney function, but also reduce the occurrence of complications. He suggested that diabetics should control their blood sugar well to avoid serious complications. (What this person said is outdated. The more people use insulin, the easier it is to get these diseases.)
. Large blood vessel disease: Arteriosclerosis in the brain, heart, and feet may cause stroke, myocardial infarction, and foot lesions; the blood supply to the feet is reduced, causing intermittent claudication, cold feet, paresthesia, and easy infection of the feet. Wounds do not heal easily, and half of amputee patients are diabetics. (Diabetes will not cause these problems, but patients who have used hypoglycemic drugs and insulin for many years will have such problems. The former president of Taiwan, Mr. Jing Guo, is a standard case.)
. Eye lesions: Diabetes is the main cause of blindness in adults. Common lesions include cataracts, retinopathy, and glaucoma. (These are the side effects of drugs that control blood sugar. Many people who have used hypoglycemic drugs and insulin for a long time have gotten these eye lesions.)
. Neuropathy: Including short-term or long-term damage to autonomic or peripheral nerves, causing palpitations, abdominal distension, constipation, diarrhea, incontinence, difficulty urinating, postural hypotension, sexual dysfunction, numbness and tingling in hands and feet, and insensitivity. (These are the sequelae of long-term use of hypoglycemic drugs.)
. Kidney disease: Symptoms such as edema, proteinuria, and elevated blood pressure, and even renal failure can cause uremia, requiring life-long dialysis. (I have many patients with kidney dialysis. After long-term use of hypoglycemic drugs, kidney failure is caused. It is definitely not caused by high blood sugar, because the blood sugar has been controlled.)
. Cancer: The UK conducted a large-scale study on cancer patients and found that the probability of colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and prostate cancer in diabetic patients is much higher than that of normal people. As for why, it is still unclear. (These cancers are side effects from western medicine, so of course can't tell the truth.)
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