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Our thinking mode is affecting the actual quality of life

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

Our thinking mode is affecting the actual quality of life
Hello everyone, today we will continue to talk about "Tao Te Ching". This "Tao Te Ching" has been talked about for more than one hundred issues now, and many friends are listening to it, about 2,000 people are listening every day. In the Himalayas, more and more friends listened to it, and they were very happy. This shows that Lao Tzu’s "Tao Te Ching" is very attractive. Let us carefully ponder the wisdom in it, and it can indeed guide our life and work. Therefore, we continue to Learn and keep improving.

Today, when I talk about the following words, Lao Tzu said, "Those who attack themselves have no merit, and those who are self-confident do not grow long." I will tell you little by little. First of all, this "self-cutting is useless", what is cutting? This cutting is the cutting of attacking and crusading. Everyone says it is attacking. What is self-cutting? Do you attack yourself? wrong. What do you mean by this? Let's take a look at the word "cutting", the character "cutting", the left side is a single person, the right side is the character Ge, the word Ge for weapons, what should this word mean? One person goes to fight with a dagger and kills people. Therefore, in ancient times, it was said that beheading is called cutting, so attack and conquer.
There is another character similar to this character, which is one person and one Ge, which is a combination of one person and one Ge. There are two characters in Chinese characters. This word Shu, everyone, if you have a dictionary to write it, the word Shu is a horizontal and a dot, which is also a Ge character, and a dot on the left is a person. On the top is a Ge character, and this Ge is bigger than this person. To be high, this garrison is defense. Going to the border to station and defend there is called the garrison of the garrison. It means to defend. It does not take the initiative to attack. I am stationed and defended. This is called garrison. Therefore, people squat down or lie down. This is when people stand up and attack forward. Therefore, people and Ge are combined, one is cutting and the other is shu. These two characters are both about fighting, but one is defending and the other is attacking. What is the meaning of the word cutting, "the one who cuts himself has no merit"? Attacking, fighting in the past, and cutting off the enemy's head after the battle. At this time, when I bring it back to reward for meritorious deeds, I will list this head in a row. How much credit has been made, so when it comes to rewarding meritorious deeds, the process of showing one's achievements is called cutting, and the extension is called cutting. Further extension is self-boasting, which is called cutting, so besides the meaning of attacking, the word cutting also has a meaning of self-boasting, that is, boasting, pride, how many people I have beaten, how many people I have killed by myself, etc. boast.

That's why Lao Tzu said that "one who conquers himself has no merit", that is, a person who boasts of his own achievements. This person has no merit, he cannot make great achievements, he cannot make great achievements, why? He puts all his energy into bragging himself. The more he elevates himself and brags himself, the less he can do great things, the less he can succeed. He values himself too much.

What does this "self-respecting person does not grow long" mean? This reserved is a reserved one, how to write this reserved one? A spear with a spearhead on the left, and a spear with a spearhead on the right. What is jin? This jin used to refer to the spearhead, the head of an iron spear, this is called jin, a particularly large and beautiful iron spearhead. Later, this jin was extended to an action, holding an iron spear and piercing the ground, slamming on the ground. This state is called jin. Self-exaltation also means boasting. Therefore, in ancient times, it was said that "self-virtuousness is called jin", which means that you praise yourself for being virtuous, that I am powerful, that I have virtuous ability, and that I have talent. That's why Lao Tzu said that a person who praises himself and exalts himself cannot be a leader. This long is the meaning of a leader.

So, you see, these details reflect who is Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching" for? The art of leadership taught to leaders is to tell you how to be a leader? It is said that "self-confessed people don't grow long", people who elevate themselves cannot be a good leader, and they value themselves too much. People who value themselves too much will cause others to be jealous, cause suspicion, etc., and cause problems .

Let's take an example, the wisdom of "self-defeating is useless, self-respecting is not long", such as Han Xin, Han Xin should be very capable of fighting, this person is very powerful, but Han Xin's life is a tragedy, Han Xin sometimes has problems when dealing with other people. For example, Han Gaozu commented on Han Xin and Liu Bang commented on Han Xin. To say that I am not as good as Han Xin, Liu Bang is my modesty, you see Liu Bang knows how to put himself down and be humble, but Han Xin is so proud of himself, he thinks that I have half of the credit for taking down the world of the Han family, and I am very big It’s a credit, so it’s not an exaggeration to seal me. At that time, I wanted to be the king of Qi with Liu Bang, and Liu Bang promised him to be the king of Qi. But after he really took over the world, Liu Bang felt that this was not a good thing, because this person would be independent. , Liu Bang has a very thorough grasp of his character, so Liu Bang didn't let him be the king of Qi, and made him the king of Chu. It's not that this rebellion came later, he's always been judging the scale.

Liu Bang has always been suspicious of him and has always had scruples. In this case, in fact, you have to clearly estimate the situation at the time, so you have to be able to handle it correctly. But Han Xin, he couldn't make such a correct estimate. He felt that he was really powerful, so he often spoke very impolitely. In case you get messed up, you won't care, what about me? Liu Bang asked him how many people can you manage? He said that the more soldiers I lead, the better, and the more the better, I am fine, and I can control as many soldiers as I can command, so you can see that he is very rude, and Liu Bang can't get down.

When he did this, in fact, Liu Bang became more suspicious of him and worried about him, so Han Xin never handled his relationship with Liu Bang well, because he knew that Liu Bang was jealous of him, so he often complained of illness and did not go to court. Once he went to the home of a famous general, a general below him, Fan Kuai, and put that pork on his shoulder, put the pork on his shoulder, cut that general Fan Kui with a knife, and visited Fan Kui's house, this Fan Kui is also a general, yes Han Xin was very polite, knelt down to see me off, and then said, why did you come to see me in person, my lord? Very very polite, how can someone with such a low status still look at me? You see, Fan Kui knew how to put himself down, but what did Han Xin say to everyone when he went out? He said that it is a disgrace for me to live in the world with someone as low as Fan Kuai, and that is probably what he meant. So you see, I thought of myself very highly, and finally when I really wanted to rebel, his family, servants, and servants leaked the news about him, and he was executed by Empress Lu as a result.

So, why did this man invite destruction? Such a powerful person, why did he bring about such a catastrophe? Because I always put my own merits first, and I have raised my position very well. On the contrary, that Zhang Liang, Zhang Liang who assisted Liu Bang with him, Zhang Liang was very sober. After Zhang Liang succeeded, Han Gaozu Liu Bang respected Zhang Liang very much, because Zhang Liang was the first counselor of Han Gaozu. The leader of the three heroes of the junior high school, praise him for strategizing and winning a decisive victory thousands of miles away, I am not as good as Zhang Liang.

But Liu Bang put himself very low, Zhang Liang put himself even lower, and he can handle this relationship well. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Bang chose 30,000 households because of Zhang Liang's great contribution, but you don't have enough 10,000 households, so you choose 30,000 households to give you a fief, and then Zhang Liang said, I am an ordinary person. , as the prime minister of South Korea, after South Korea was destroyed, I was just an ordinary citizen, so I followed you, Daiwang, and paid for South Korea, destroyed Qin, and the world shook. What is there to give in return? So I already feel great, I feel that this is already satisfied, very satisfied, you can seal me a small reserved space, the reserved space is very small, just seal it for me.

Therefore, you see Zhang Liang is very clear-headed, Liu Bang has a low profile, and I am even lower than your profile. Zhang Liang is a person who understands the Tao and can clearly see the changes in this world. Therefore, after the great achievement has been accomplished, Zhang Liang said that I would like to learn from Chisongzi. After that, I went to ask the immortals for advice. I have done enough in this life, so I went to ask the immortals for advice. Therefore, everyone can see that compared with Han Xin, Zhang Liang is a superior man. He was able to gain insight into the world, correctly position himself, and finally died well. Although the relationship with Liu Bang is more complicated here, and it cannot be generalized, the relationship between these two people and Liu Bang does reflect the saying that "those who attack themselves have no merit, and those who are self-confident do not last long".

The same is true in our lives. For example, when I was drinking in the Northeast, I heard that other people in the hotel were drinking, and many people were bragging about themselves, which is self-defeating. I think it is basically the following aspects. On the one hand, I Comparing who can drink it, I can drink it better than others, so everyone said who can’t do it. I drank him and lay down last night. If you don’t believe me, call him and ask him. I drank him and lay down. Let me tell you, I only drank two boxes Alcohol is no good, bragging that I can drink; second, bragging that I am a good person, I will tell you how I am a person, you will have no problem with me, I am the most honest person, I will treat people better than you Ask, ask the second brother, ask the third brother, I tell you, only I can do so; there is another content, in fact, I listened carefully when I was eating yesterday, because I successfully maintained my dignity, This is also a large part of the content, for example, who said something to me, I stared at him, I said you, I told you what I did, but he didn’t dare to speak, you see, I defended myself dignity. So, basically they are talking about how good they are.

On the same occasion, in the South Hotel, I listened to their chats, and they often talked about learning from others. You are amazing, really amazing. You see, although he said you were amazing, what was he thinking? I want to work hard, I want to study, I want to improve, and I want to make a fortune. Therefore, I often work hard when I compliment others. I am not saying that there are such big differences between regions. The Northeast is not good. I am from the Northeast, and the South is as good as it is, but the economic difference is obvious. In the first quarter of this year, our Liaoning Province was the first in the country and the only province with a negative GDP growth. I think this has something to do with the way of thinking. You always try to improve yourself, and you can’t see other people’s Pros, how can you improve? If you look at the strengths of others every day, you will definitely improve, so this way of thinking will affect your entire life if it gets bigger.

The same is true in a company, a leader, Lao Tzu tells the "Tao Te Ching" to the leader, if a leader always artificially elevates himself and makes his own image, what should I do, how wise I am, there are too many ancient times This kind of thing, the leader who is very happy, often fails in the end. And the kind of leaders who work hard and do things in a low-key way often achieve great things in the end? Why? That's why, don't be fooled by your illusory appearance. How powerful I am, how noble I am, how powerful I am, and how capable I am are all illusions. If you lower yourself, see the advantages of others, and then really do it down-to-earth, your leadership level will increase more and more, and everyone will see what you do and will follow you. But you didn't do so many things, but you boasted a lot about your achievements. Do you think your followers can't see it? Once they see the truth, everyone will leave you. Therefore, for a leader, the character I mentioned is very important, so I warn the leader, "Those who cut down on themselves will have no merit, and those who are self-confident will not grow long", you will not be able to be a good leader. Ring the bell for us.

Ladies and gentlemen, that's all we've talked about today, and tomorrow we'll talk about what kind of management wisdom Lao Tzu has brought us. See you tomorrow, friends, thank you all.
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