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Ordinary and miraculous radish~

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Ordinary and miraculous radish~
"Twenty-three, sticky melon; twenty-four, sweep the house; twenty-five, grind tofu; twenty-six, stew pork; twenty-seven, kill the chicken; twenty-eight, make noodles; twenty-nine, Steam steamed buns; stay up all night at 30, twist and twist on New Year's Eve."

This is the ballad we have read for the Spring Festival since childhood. From the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month onwards, we have to prepare for the arrival of the first day of the new year every day, which is full of joyful New Year flavor. The ancient folk tradition tells us that to prepare rich food to welcome the arrival of the New Year, all kinds of meat are essential. But if we learn Chinese medicine, we will know that it is not enough to just prepare these, because eating too much meat can easily burden our spleen and stomach, cause stagnation, and even phlegm dampness. Therefore, in addition to all kinds of meat, we should also prepare more light and greasy fruits and vegetables in our New Year's goods.

Today, in our New Year’s must-have series, we will introduce to you a vegetable that can digest accumulated food and help our spleen and stomach function normally—radish.

Radish, also known as radish (láifú), is one of the oldest cultivated crops in the world and is grown all over the world.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that radish is cool in nature, pungent and sweet in taste, and enters the liver, stomach, lungs, and large intestine meridian; Treatment of dyspepsia, fullness, phlegm cough, aphonia, tuberculosis hemoptysis, vomiting and acid regurgitation.

"Compendium of Materia Medica · Caibu" records:

"Raifu, the release name is reed, radish, purple flower cabbage, Wen cabbage, and earth crisp. The smell is warm and non-toxic. The roots are pungent and sweet; the leaves are pungent and bitter. It is mainly used to treat nausea, lung impotence and hemoptysis, nosebleeds, dysentery, and large intestine. Hematochezia, stranguria, unbearable pain, edema all over the body, migraine headache, sores in the mouth, burns caused by hot soup, chronic cough, phlegm and dyspnea, constipation, toothache, and sores do not come out."

As far as radish is concerned, it is really a treasure. In addition to the radish itself that we use to cook and eat every day, the radish seed is also a medicinal material commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to eliminate food stagnation - radish, also known as radish, reed, and radish. Baizi and Caitouzi are the dry and mature seeds of radish. Flat in nature, slightly gas, pungent and sweet in the mouth. Return lung, spleen, stomach warp. For the treatment of stagnant diet, abdominal pain, constipation, stagnant diarrhea, phlegm congestion, dyspnea and cough. It is a Chinese herbal medicine that is often used in combination with Jiao Sanxian.

We mentioned in the article introducing hawthorn to you before that children can use burnt hawthorn to boil water to drink. In fact, they can also drink radish soup. For children with sore throat caused by food accumulation, parents can boil water with radish slices, let the children drink soup and eat the boiled radish, which can help eliminate accumulation and resolve the heat syndrome of upper burnt.

We all know a common saying, "Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, and you don't need a doctor's prescription." Dr. Luo also explained the truth of this sentence to us before.

The weather is cold in winter, especially in the north. People need to eat more meat to store energy for the body and resist the severe cold. However, if you eat too much meat, you will inevitably feel full in your stomach, the burden on your spleen and stomach will increase, and it will be difficult to transport food. The wise ancestors discovered that radishes can help us digest food smoothly, so they use radishes to make soup and cold dishes, such as our home-cooked radish Stewed mutton, radish boiled meatball soup and so on. Today, our living conditions are getting better and better, and we can basically eat meat every meal, and we also have to drink beer on summer nights. This kind of overeating brings more stagnation, so now Not only do we need to "eat radishes in winter", we also need to eat radishes when we eat too much in summer.

Speaking of this, I think of many friends who recently left messages to ask questions: Traditional Chinese medicine says that spring should not be eaten sour. Can we still eat hawthorn and drink ebony and white sugar soup? In fact, Chinese medicine pays more attention to the adjustment according to the needs of each person's different physique. When you have food accumulation or lack of body fluid, you need to use hawthorn to eliminate accumulation and ebony white sugar soup to replenish body fluid. If you need it in your body If you still blindly follow the saying that it is not suitable to eat sour in spring, wouldn't it delay the "health preservation" that the body really needs?

So, what should be paid attention to when eating radishes?

Radish is cool in nature, friends with deficiency of spleen and stomach do not need to eat more, it is best not to eat it raw; radish dissolves the medicinal properties of ginseng, so do not eat radish when taking ginseng. In addition, we mainly refer to white radish here. There are many types of radish, but their effects are roughly the same.

So, let’s take a look now. In our series of articles necessary for new year’s goods, we will introduce to you the barley tea, hawthorn, Jiao Sanxian, radish, and Baohe pills. What else is missing, hurry up and prepare it! Although if we can control our mouths, it is the most fundamental solution, but on the festive table, full of delicacies are piled up in front of our eyes, especially friends who usually work hard outside and only come home once during the Chinese New Year. For "mother's taste", it must be very difficult to "control the plan and keep yourself", so let's try our best to be prepared!
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