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Number of deaths from cancer, the No. 1 killer, exceeds 40,000

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Number of deaths from cancer, the No. 1 killer, exceeds 40,000
People in Taiwan, China are living longer and longer. According to the top ten causes of death of Chinese people last year released by the Department of Health, the average life expectancy of Taiwanese men is 75 years old, and that of women is 82 years old. The number one cause of death is still malignant tumors, and the total number of deaths last year was the highest. The number of deaths exceeded 40,000, and heart disease also squeezed out cerebrovascular disease and jumped to the second leading cause of death. (What a horrible Department of Health. Readers, please read this paragraph. In the first sentence, they say that people in Taiwan are living longer and longer. Then they say that last year people died of malignant tumors for the first time exceeded 40,000 people. This is really trying to cover up. Officials deceive the people with contradictory methods, so shameless that it is really a villain in power.)
The Statistics Office of the Department of Health announced yesterday the top ten causes of death in 1996. Except for the decrease in the number of accidental injuries and suicide deaths, the number of deaths from the other eight causes of death all increased. Malignant tumors have been the top ten causes of death for 26 consecutive years. Compared with the previous year's ranking, heart disease and cerebrovascular disease are intermodulated, ranking second and third respectively. Diabetes ranks fourth, with the number of deaths exceeding 10,000 for the first time, at 10,231. In addition, the number of deaths due to nephritis, renal syndrome and renal disease also exceeded the threshold of 5,000, at 5,009 Nineteen people. (Malignant tumors, heart diseases, diabetes, kidney disease, etc. mentioned here, if Chinese medicine is used to treat the medical treatment, how can there be such rotten figures today? These figures are already absolute evidence. It directly proves that Western medicine is useless and harmful. human medicine.)
Last year, the total death toll nationwide was 139,376, which was 5,000 more than the previous year. Huang Xuming, Director of the Statistics Office of the Department of Health, said that due to the aging population structure, more people died naturally, but roughly The death rate has increased. Calculated by adjusting the population aging structure, the standard deviation death rate is 491.6 per 100,000 population, a decrease of 0.8% from the previous year and a new low in 20 years. (Readers, can you understand what he is talking about? When a person wants to lie to you, only he understands what he is saying, and you will not understand it.)
Among the causes of cancer deaths, liver cancer and lung cancer accounted for the majority of deaths regardless of men or women. However, in the past ten years, the cancer mortality rate has shown a trend of decreasing for women and increasing for men. Zhao Kunyu, deputy director of the National Health Bureau, said that the survival rate of women has increased because of breast cancer and cervical cancer screening, and the number of young people visiting the doctor has increased; however, oral cancer and esophageal cancer, which are common in men, are not, and the age of death is younger , the bureau intends to include oral mucosal screening in the labor health checkup program to improve male cancer mortality. (These officials are still covering up the fact that the death rate is rising because Taiwan has been advocating Western medicine and opposing traditional Chinese medicine to treat malignant tumors. That's why the death rate is rising every year.)
In the white paper on health for the campaign, President-to-be Ma Ying-jeou declared that the cancer mortality rate would be reduced by 10% within four years. The director-general of Health, Lin Fangyu, said that after taking office, he would discuss with the medical department to clarify the definition. The so-called mortality rate refers to a single cancer. Or all cancers, but he emphasized that the focus of future policy should be to strengthen prevention. For example, the administration of hepatitis B vaccine can prevent liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, which can effectively reduce the incidence of liver cancer and thereby reduce deaths. (The new director is still the same as the previous director. He has nothing new, and he wants to make a fuss about the definition of mortality. The purpose is to use the number game to make the number of cancer deaths continue to rise every year. It seems that the death rate has decreased, using false data to achieve a means of deceiving the people. These stupid officials are all from Western medicine. They have never thought about it. Only when Chinese medicine is used to treat cancer can the death rate decrease.)
In addition to cancer, since middle-aged and middle-aged people aged 45 to 64 are at risk of heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension, and myocardial infarction, the risk is no less than that of the elderly. Zhao Kunyu said that the Department of Health also suggested that the Labor Council can revise the Labor health protection rules include waist circumference as a necessary health check item to reduce the health costs caused by obesity and metabolic syndrome.
Readers only need to look at it very simply. This number has proved that the medical effects in the past are questionable. If it is the correct medical method, why do so many people die? As a result of Chinese medicine, Taiwan is turning to Western medicine. It is foreseeable in the future that the death rate will only increase rather than decrease. Therefore, if the direction of medical policy does not change, Ma Ying-jeou's health white paper will definitely be the result of a missed vote.
The crude death rate and standard deviation death rate used in the above are fake numbers that no one understands specially used to deceive the common people. I hope that the government will directly tell the public how many people die of liver cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, etc. every year. To determine whether the government's medical policy is correct, is the people's life really longer? Or is it shorter? Please stop deceiving the people from the Department of Health.
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