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Now in our forties, do we want to live to be a hundred years old?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

Now in our forties, do we want to live to be a hundred years old?
This is a very tempting proposition. We are in our forties. If we live to be over a hundred years old, it means that more than half of our lives are not used! So, how do we spend the remaining time in our lives happily?

Some friends will definitely say: "Forget it, don't think about how to spend the rest of the time, first think about how to live to be a hundred years old! This is more practical!"

Well, yes, the easiest thing for us to imagine is how to enjoy it if I have one million yuan, and the more practical topic is: how to earn one million?

Therefore, the research on centenarians has been going on for a long time. Scholars have been trying to understand why most of us become exhausted when we reach the age of seventy or eighty, while some people are still in good health after living over a hundred years old?

What are the factors that make these centenarians so amazing?

Well, let's sum it up with the research, maybe, it's too late for us to follow suit now? !

The first factor: psychological personality factors.

Some people will ask: "Dr. Luo, you are not trying to promote the content of nourishing the heart, and you are using this to fool us?"

Dear friends, it’s really not true. This is the result of research by scholars. Through the investigation of centenarians, it is found that the vast majority of long-lived people are open-minded, cheerful, optimistic and calm. Most of these centenarians in China come from rural areas and have no higher education, but they all have a relatively good ability to adjust their mentality and handle things indifferently. Some of them have experienced tragedies in life, such as the pain of losing their sons and husbands, etc. But they quickly put down their grief and started to live again. This kind of "letting go" mentality is their secret to self-healing. So it is true that the avenue is among the people.

Sometimes, when inspecting the countryside, I saw thin centenarians quietly gathering firewood and cooking, and felt that they seemed to be real practitioners.

At the same time, these centenarians are very happy and helpful, and it is precisely because they are kind-hearted that they are calm in their hearts. I think this kind of calm is also the secret of their longevity.

The ancients believed that only in this calm and emptiness, without stagnation, can the qi and blood be unobstructed, and the true qi will eventually pass away at the age of a hundred.

One of the very important reasons why most of us fail to pass the age of 100 is that we are entangled, we have great desires, we hope to be the biggest and strongest, leave the best reputation, and run the largest business , make the most money, let the most people boast, in short, everyone has a shadow of the invincible East in their hearts, but the reality is always against us.

As a result, between the entanglement, the liver qi is uncomfortable, let alone a hundred years old, even seventy or eighty years old, it is still sick.

I can only use these words to describe the physical problems caused by emotions: numerous, immediate results, not at all happy, like a shadow.

Therefore, we need to learn, adjust our mentality, and see the essence of the world clearly. Although some of these old people's personalities are innate, they are not completely without traces of acquired education. In what they often say, there are actually many simple truths about fate and life.

The second factor of longevity: dietary nutrition factors.

Most of the centenarians in the longevity areas in the mainland of my country have a low-calorie, low-fat, low-animal protein, and a lot of vegetables. The diet structure is a little special in Xinjiang, where there are more meat and milk foods. However, meat It is mainly mutton that warms the spleen and kidney, and milk is mostly yogurt. When I went to Xinjiang for inspection, the outstanding feeling was that their yogurt was too sour, and it is not a kind of food with our yogurt. Our yogurt is mostly sweet, while theirs It has basically no sweetness and is very sour. After eating half a bowl, I was so sour that I almost fell out of my teeth. It is estimated that this is very beneficial to the improvement of intestinal flora. Recently, an article circulated on the Internet, saying that yogurt is the biggest scam of the century. I think this article may have ulterior motives. Yogurt is eaten in many places in the world, and it is not promoted by scientists. result, but has a long history. In addition, centenarians in Xinjiang often eat whole grains and fresh melons and fruits, which is also a health factor.

Bama, Guangxi is known as the hometown of longevity in the world. The food of birthday stars in Bama is very light. In the past, it was mainly because they lived in poverty and could not eat meat. The oils are mainly tea seed oil and hemp seed, among which hemp oil is a very special oil. When I was studying for a doctorate, I once called their hemp oil factory and wanted to buy some hemp oil. Their factory manager said, we Only 2,000 tons are produced every year, and the Japanese buy them all at high prices, and we have no surplus to sell domestically.

Now, it is estimated that there are more plants, and hemp oil can be bought in the market. This is an oil that is especially beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

However, it does not mean that the elderly live longer only if they are vegetarians. We have also seen many long-lived elderly people eat meat, and some even prefer braised pork, eating it almost every day.

A rule I found is: Even if you eat meat every day, if you still maintain a very thin body, it means that you have enough energy, the spleen and stomach can transport and transform these meats, and these meats have not become a burden, which is also possible. These old people who eat meat are basically thin and thin, which is a rule. If you eat it, you will gain weight, and you will eventually become fat in a mess. It is difficult to expect a long life, because the lack of vitality, the inability to transport and transform, and the increase of phlegm dampness will make the righteousness even more insufficient.

Centenarians are basically thin and rarely fat.

In addition, as for the hometown of longevity, a study of centenarians in Rugao, Nantong, Jiangsu found that 66 percent of the elderly drink alcohol every day, but the amount is not large, and most of them drink rice wine and rice wine from the south of the Yangtze River. This is also the reason to keep Qi and blood flowing. Most of the towns with a hundred years old are rural areas, but Nantong Rugao is a city, which is worthy of our study.

The third factor of longevity: labor exercise factor.

The study found that centenarians insist on agricultural production labor for a long time. Among the centenarians in many provinces and autonomous regions, 90% are engaged in physical labor all the year round. For example, centenarians in Bama basically maintain the habit of doing housework all year round. Many researchers have found that the homes of centenarians are clean and tidy, and some centenarians even cut firewood and cook by themselves. Don’t underestimate the firewood cutting. In the Bama area, there are “mountains linking mountains and slopes linking slopes”. If we do the work of climbing mountains and cutting firewood, we will probably be miserable!

On the other hand, we now take the car when we go out, and the elevator when we go upstairs, and basically seldom exercise. In this way, how can the Qi and blood be unobstructed?

The fourth longevity factor: living environment factors.

Most of the famous longevity areas in my country are areas with good natural environment, abundant rainfall, suitable temperature, and particularly high content of negative oxygen ions in the air. For example, Bama contains more than 20,000 negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter of air, while Compared with our northern cities, there is only smog. There are many famous hometowns of longevity in Hainan. According to the survey, among the couples with the longest life expectancy in China, both of them live long lives. Half of the top ten live in Hainan. The main reason is that there are green mountains, clear water, and fresh air. A clean environment is beneficial to people's health and longevity, and it is a natural "health treasure".

The other day, I read an article written by an expert, saying that the north is good for longevity, while the south is hot and the blood flows faster, so it also ages faster. I don't think this is true, because the longest-lived Bama in Guangxi, Chengmai in Hainan, and Wuzhishan are all in southern China.

In addition, in addition to air and water, land factors are also more important. I have seen Japanese studies on longevity areas in my country, and even tested all the trace elements in the soil. It turned out that the soil in longevity areas is special. . In fact, this is indeed the case. Studies have shown that the soil and water sources of longevity towns are rich in trace elements such as selenium, manganese, zinc, and iron. Therefore, the grains and vegetables produced here have higher trace elements than those in other areas, and the local people have benefited a lot from eating them all year round.

The fifth factor: heredity.

Studies have shown that centenarians tend to gather in families, and in some families sisters are all centenarians. This reason cannot be copied, because it is beyond our choice.

The factors of longevity, in fact, can be summarized as follows: live a simple life, eat simple food, do more activities to keep your energy and blood flowing, and live in a place with a good environment.

But can we do it? I can honestly say that we have seen and heard too much, our knowledge is too broad, and our desires have long been aroused. It is not easy to let go and live a simple life.
Most of what I see now is for adding weight to myself, and there are very few people doing subtraction.

Well, I will write here first. I visited Chengmai, the hometown of longevity in Hainan, and the scenery there is indescribably beautiful. I have the opportunity to write about it for everyone!
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