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New Year’s must-have series: Fruits for Digestion and Qi Relief

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

New Year’s must-have series: Fruits for Digestion and Qi Relief
In order to let everyone have a good year where you can eat to your heart's content and "do not break down", in recent days, we have successively introduced to you tea, snacks, vegetables and Chinese patent medicines that can help us digest food and accumulate. However, after the Spring Festival , We can prepare too many types of New Year's goods, so today, it's the turn of fruits!
These fruits for digestion and regulating qi have long been recorded by the ancients, and we will introduce them one by one.

First of all, grapefruit.

Pomelo is a citrus tree of Rutaceae, which is planted in the south of the Yangtze River in China and in Southeast Asian countries.

"Compendium of Materia Medica · Fruit Department" records: "Pomelo, Shiming Mingtiao, Hugan, Zicheng, Zhuluan; the smell is sour, cold, and non-toxic; it is mainly used for digestion, alcohol poisoning, and bad breath in the stomach."

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that grapefruit is cold in nature, sweet and sour in taste, and returns to the lung and stomach meridian. And it can "cure the bad breath of drinkers, and treat pregnant women who don't want to eat and have a weak mouth".

Modern medical research has found that pomelo pulp is rich in vitamin C and insulin-like ingredients, so it has the effects of lowering blood sugar, blood fat, weight loss, and beautifying the skin. Regular consumption has an auxiliary therapeutic effect on diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and arteriosclerosis.

We use the skin and pulp of pomelo and add honey to make sweet and delicious honey pomelo tea. Drinking it after a meal can help us digest food. Yun Shao will try to show you a picture of how to make honey pomelo tea in the future.

In addition, grapefruit peel can also be used for bathing. It is rich in essential oils. It is boiled into soup and added to bath water. It not only has the effect of beautifying the skin, but also prevents mosquito bites, because mosquitoes do not like the smell of grapefruit. Grapefruit peel can also be used as a deodorant for the refrigerator. Yun Shao personally tested it. Put the peeled grapefruit peel directly in the corner of the refrigerator. After a while, you will find that the intricate and indescribable smells in the refrigerator have disappeared without a trace up.

The fragrance of pomelo peel was also described by the ancients. In the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Changling's "Send Wei Er", it is mentioned at the beginning: "Drunk farewell to the fragrance of oranges and pomelo in Jianglou, and the river wind brings rain into the boat." At that time, on the banquet and in the air, there was the fresh aroma of orange and pomelo, what a warm and elegant atmosphere!

Therefore, pomelo peel is so good, when we eat pomelo in the future, don't throw it away, but make good use of it.

Yun Shao went to the supermarket and took a photo of grapefruit. It's Chinese New Year, and there are so many people in the supermarket!

The second fruit is bergamot.

Bergamot is the fruit of Bergamot, a plant of Rutaceae. Because the carpels of the fruit are separated when they are ripe, they form slender and curved fruit petals, just like many fingers, so they are called Bergamot. Mainly produced in Sichuan, Guangdong and other southern regions of my country.

In "Compendium of Materia Medica Fruit Department", bergamot is called citron (jǔyuán): "citron, release name citron, bergamot. The smell (skin) is pungent, sour, and non-toxic. Boil wine and drink to treat phlegm and cough , Decoction, to cure heartache."

Bergamot is a fruit with the same source of medicine and food. It was first recorded in "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica".
Bergamot is warm in nature, pungent, bitter, and sour in taste, and returns to the liver, spleen, stomach, and lung meridians. It has the effects of soothing the liver and regulating qi, harmonizing the stomach and relieving pain, drying dampness and resolving phlegm. Because bergamot is pungent and loose, tastes bitter and catharsis, it is good at soothing the liver and relieving depression, promoting qi and relieving pain, and can treat stagnation of liver and stomach qi, distending pain in the chest and hypochondriac. Bergamot enters the spleen and stomach meridian, can regulate qi and relieve pain, and can treat stagnation of qi in the spleen and stomach, fullness in the epigastric cavity, vomiting due to lack of food, and has obvious curative effects on indigestion, chest and abdomen distension.

In addition, bergamot also has high ornamental value. Its flowers are white and fragrant. After bearing fruit, it can last for 3, 4 months or even longer, so it is very suitable for home decoration and fresh air. In the south, When people celebrate the New Year, they will also choose to buy a few bergamot plants and place them at home to add to the festive atmosphere. In addition, it is popular among female friends to use essential oils, among which bergamot essential oil has a very good effect on beauty and beauty.

In addition to pomelo and bergamot, kumquats, oranges and other fruits also have similar effects on digestion and regulating qi. They are very suitable for family members during the Chinese New Year.

It is worth reminding everyone that Rutaceae plants such as grapefruit and bergamot contain a substance called furan (fūnán) coumarin. According to research, it will interfere with our liver metabolism of drugs, so when taking drugs, It is best not to eat such fruits.

So, our task today is to add grapefruit or honey citron tea, bergamot, kumquat and other fruits to the New Year's goods. Let's take action!
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