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Never suffer from insomnia again! ——Summary of solutions

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Never suffer from insomnia again! ——Summary of solutions
My WeChat circle of friends has about 4,000 people. Occasionally when I browse it in the morning, I find that there are always some friends who leave messages at three or four o'clock in the morning, saying: "It's a sleepless night again, I really can't help it!"

In fact, I doubt whether these friends read my article. I have written several times about the treatment of insomnia, and they are all immediate solutions, but there is no way.

Therefore, I finally understand that health education is a very long and repeated process. People are too busy and need to be reminded repeatedly.

Everyone has watched "A Chinese Journey to the West" by Stephen Chow, haha, Tang Seng, who talks too much and keeps repeating his words, is my role model!

Now, I sort out the problem of insomnia again!

The first cause of insomnia, and the most common situation I have seen, is caused by bad mood, various stress, anxiety and other bad emotions. This is the most important problem of modern people, most of which appear in white-collar workers, especially leaders no matter whether they are big or small. In addition, various conflicts in the family will also cause this problem, and some women who are more serious about this problem are more likely to have this problem. protrude.

So, how do we judge this situation?

First of all, the tongue of this kind of people sticks out in a pointed shape. Generally, the tongue sticks out in an oval shape, but people with uncomfortable liver qi tend to be pointed. The edge of the tongue will be red, and some tongue coatings are very thick. The shape of the tongue is the main diagnostic basis.

Then, these people will have symptoms such as bitter mouth, dry mouth, dizziness, poor appetite, chest tightness, heart palpitations, rib pain, upset and irritable, nausea and vomiting, insomnia and dreaminess. Among them, bitter mouth and insomnia are the main diagnostic criteria. Among these symptoms, if two or three are consistent with the tongue appearance, it is suspected that the insomnia is caused by the discomfort of liver qi.

At this time, you can use the foot soaking method I recommend:

Six grams of Bupleurum bupleurum, six grams of Scutellaria baicalensis, six grams of Fapinxia, six grams of Codonopsis pilosula, six grams of roasted licorice, thirty grams of poria cocos, thirty grams of calcined keel, thirty grams of calcined oyster, thirty grams of mother-of-pearl, six grams of cassia twig 6 grams, 6 grams of turmeric, 6 grams of polygala, 6 grams of Cyperus cyperi, 6 grams of raw land, and 6 grams of white peony root. Basically for soaking your feet. If you need to take it orally, you can ask the local doctor to add or subtract it according to your own constitution, but you need to add three slices of ginger and twelve pieces of jujube (break apart) for oral administration.

Most people are obviously irritable, and the edge and tip of the tongue are red. You can add 6 grams of paeonol and 6 grams of fried gardenia to the prescription.

This recipe can be boiled for 40 minutes, then divide the concoction into two parts, add warm water in the morning and evening, and soak the feet for 20 minutes each time. The water temperature should not be too hot, just enough to cover the feet.

Since I recommended this prescription, many friends have tried it on their family members, and all of them have achieved good results. Generally, as long as it is insomnia caused by bad mood, this prescription will have immediate results. On the day of medication, you should get good results. sleep.

A friend asked: "How long can it last?"

My answer is: generally two to three weeks is enough. This prescription is to sort out liver qi. The final solution is to adjust your mentality and solve the problem fundamentally, so that you can really sleep well.

In addition to insomnia caused by liver qi discomfort and bad mood, the second most common type of insomnia I have seen is caused by blood deficiency.

In the female population, the insomnia caused by this reason may be higher than the insomnia caused by liver qi discomfort.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that if the blood is deficient, the blood does not nourish the heart, which will cause insomnia.
However, there are too many causes of blood deficiency in modern people.

Most of us work during the day and think hard about how to succeed, which consumes effort, so many white-collar workers, especially female white-collar workers, suffer from anemia. This can cause insomnia.

In addition, modern people are not temperate in their diet and eat well all the time. As a result, the spleen and stomach are stagnant and unable to absorb the nutrients in food. This also leads to blood deficiency, because Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the source of blood. The spleen and stomach are injured, resulting in insufficient blood, which is also the cause of insomnia.

There are also women, who have special physiological structures and physiological functions, and have many chances of blood loss, so they will lead to blood deficiency.

My experience is: as long as this woman says that she has insomnia after giving birth, I will highly suspect that it is caused by blood deficiency.

For this kind of insomniac, the tongue is very pale, which seems to be a manifestation of insufficient blood.

At the same time, such a person will be forgetful and easily fatigued. As long as he works a little, he will be exhausted. At the same time, he will feel palpitations and dizziness when he is tired.

People with blood deficiency are pale or sallow, and many women will describe their complexion as bad. People with blood deficiency will have warm hands and feet in summer, and cold hands and feet in winter; at the same time, they will be afraid of cold and wind; places with mucous membranes will be pale in color.

The most important thing is to squat down for a minute or two, and when you stand up, your eyes will go dark. This is the manifestation of insufficient Qi and blood, mainly due to blood deficiency.

At this time, you can use the Yuling ointment that I have always recommended to recuperate. This is the most effective prescription for nourishing blood that I have used. It nourishes the heart and spleen, nourishes blood and calms the nerves. very good.

This recipe was given by Wang Mengying, one of the four masters of febrile diseases in the Qing Dynasty. I said it in "Lectures of Hundred Schools". The recipe for this recipe is to use ten parts of longan meat and one part of American ginseng powder, and put them together in a bowl. , Put it on the pot and steam it over water, steam it for about forty hours, let it cool, and put it in the refrigerator for later use. At this time, the color of the longan meat turns black and the sweetness disappears. The way to take it every day is to take a spoonful of Yuling ointment, brew it with boiling water, drink water, and eat longan meat before going to bed.

When steaming, be careful not to let water enter the longan meat, if it enters too much, it will affect the effect.

This Yuling ointment is very effective in treating insomnia caused by blood deficiency. Now there are about hundreds of cases that can be collected. I have high expectations for this prescription. I hope that it can enter clinical research in the future, as a blood deficiency patient. conventional conditioning diet.

This Yuling ointment can also treat other problems caused by blood deficiency, such as poor complexion, fatigue, cold hands and feet, joint pain, constipation, premenstrual headache and so on. I think this is a prescription that women must understand. If you understand this prescription, half of the diseases in your life will not happen!

A friend asked: What should I do if the liver qi is uncomfortable and blood deficiency is added?

This requires soaking the feet for a week or two with the previous prescription, and then taking Yuling ointment.

For people with dampness and thick and greasy tongue coating, you can first use 30 grams of red beans, 30 grams of barley, and 3 grams of hawthorn, boil water for two days, and then take Yuling ointment, or you can take it at the same time.

The first two syndromes account for the vast majority of insomnia, and my experience is definitely more than 90%. I don’t think there are many other syndromes. , In fact, most of them are temporary. If you eat too much and can't sleep, it will be relieved by itself in a few days. You can also take Baohe pills or Dashanzha pills to recuperate. With a light diet, you will usually recover immediately.

In traditional Chinese medicine, there is also insomnia of the heart-kidney disharmony type. Frankly speaking, it is relatively rare. I once met a patient who came from Guangdong after heart surgery. I found me through several of my friends. The insomnia was stubborn, and the treatment everywhere did not work. , After finding me, I saw that the front half of the tongue was very red, but the base of the tongue was thick and greasy. Immediate results, and healed in a few days, but such cases are actually rare, just because they are too typical, so Chinese medicine will record them.

I think that if we master the first two methods, the insomnia problem of most people in WeChat Moments can be solved.

If neither of these two methods can solve the problem, seek help from traditional Chinese medicine at this time, because there may be other syndromes, such as those caused by heavy water and dampness, excessive yin and qi, and phlegm heat, etc., then a doctor is needed for help. Conditioning it!

In short, I hope everyone can sleep well, and stop complaining about "sleepless night" in WeChat Moments!
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