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Nausea and vomiting are uncomfortable, try these acupoints!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Nausea and vomiting are uncomfortable, try these acupoints!
The spleen and stomach are the "acquired foundation" of the human body. In yesterday's article, Dr. Luo also explained this truth to everyone, intending to emphasize the importance of the function of the spleen and stomach to our health. The spleen and stomach are in charge of digestion, absorbing food and water, and providing energy for the daily activities of the human body. However, if the spleen and stomach cannot accommodate food and water, no matter how good the food is, it will not be used by the human body. One situation is that the function of the spleen and stomach is extremely weak and cannot accommodate it; the other is that although the food has been eaten, due to some reasons, Spit out the food. The second is what we are going to introduce today-vomiting.

When there is something with sound, it means "vomit", when there is something without sound, it means "vomit", and when there is no sound, it means "retch". However, in daily life, vomiting and vomiting often occur at the same time, and it is difficult to completely distinguish them. Therefore, they are also called "vomiting".

"Cold Qi is in the intestines and stomach, and Jue Ni goes out upwards, so it hurts and vomits."

It is believed that vomiting can be caused by cold, heat, food stagnation, and gallbladder attacking the stomach. Its etiology and pathogenesis have been perfected by later generations of physicians. Now it is generally believed that the etiology is divided into internal and external causes. Qi against the upper, vomiting occurs. Acute vomiting is mostly caused by exogenous evils, diet, phlegm, etc., while chronic vomiting is more complicated, mixed with deficiency and excess, and has many concurrent syndromes. I will not introduce too much here. Today I will focus on introducing exogenous evils. of vomiting. (Yun Shao has something to say: Don’t underestimate the disease of acute vomiting. About last month, this baby got it. There was no warning early in the morning. He suddenly had a headache and vomited on the way to work, and he arrived firmly. In the studio, I continued to suffer from headaches and vomiting, so uncomfortable that I thought I was about to fly up to the picture... Fortunately, my colleagues who are studying medicine rushed over in time and stopped my nausea and vomiting by pinching acupuncture points, allowing me to recover quickly , What a happy experience it is to have such a colleague ~ Later, Dr. Luo judged that my vomiting was caused by the cold, so I drank ginger tea, and finally recovered completely.)
So, which acupoints should be moxibustion for acute vomiting?

Zhongwan point

On the upper abdomen, 4 inches above the middle of the navel, on the front midline (8 inches between the navel and the midpoint of the xiphob). Zhongwan is the mu point of the stomach, and the mu point is the acupoint on the chest and abdomen where the qi of the viscera is infused. Moreover, Zhongwan is also the acupoint of the six fu-organs, which has the effect of dredging the Qi mechanism in the middle burner and regulating the Qi in the middle.

Zusanli Point

Zusanli, on the outer side of the calf, three inches below the calf's nose, one finger outside the anterior crest of the tibia. Zusanli is the lower He acupoint of the stomach, and the lower He acupoint is the acupoint where the qi of the six fu-organs is combined with the Qi of the three yang meridians of the foot. Diseases related to the six fu-organs are usually treated with the corresponding lower he acupoint. The clinical application of Zusanli point is very broad. In addition to spleen and stomach disorders, it can also be used to treat stroke, heart palpitations, asthenia, etc. It is also a commonly used point for daily health care.

Neiguan point

In the anterior region of the forearm, 2 cun above the transverse crease of the distal palmar side of the wrist, between the palmaris longus tendon and the flexor carpi radialis tendon. In addition to being commonly used to treat heart diseases, it can also be used for stomach pain, vomiting and other diseases.

Hegu point

On the back of the hand, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, at the midpoint of the radial side of the 2nd metacarpal bone. Hegu Point is the original point of the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming, which can dredge the intestinal qi and relieve pain. It has a good effect on spleen and stomach diseases, such as abdominal pain and vomiting.

*Acupoint pictures are from "Illustrated Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine" produced by Zitu Books

Operation method:

1. Moxibustion with moxa sticks separated by ginger, moxibustion at each acupoint for 5 to 7 strong points, 1 to 2 times a day, and the disease will stop immediately.

2. Gentle moxibustion with moxa sticks, moxibustion at each point for 10-20 minutes, 1 to 2 times a day, the disease will stop immediately.

In addition to paying attention to avoiding the invasion of external evils, good eating habits are also inseparable from physical health. You can’t eat more or not according to your preferences. Although the impact on the spleen and stomach may not be obvious in a short period of time, don’t wait until it appears. I'll regret it when I'm sick. In order to no longer have the pain of illness, we must pay attention to daily maintenance and health care to prevent problems before they happen.

Finally, I would like to share with you an experience in treating vomiting:

Shiatsu therapy for vomiting.

The main points are Neiguan, Zusanli and Zhongwan. Acupuncture points: weak spleen and stomach, add Pishu to adjust and nourish the spleen; cold evil invades the stomach, dip in ginger juice, point the upper cavity to warm and dispel cold pathogens; add internal courtyard for dampness and heat to relieve Yangming heat; add stagnant diet, add lower cavity to guide qi downward; phlegm Add Fenglong Yunpi to transform turbidity in drinking internal disturbance; add Taichong when liver qi violates the stomach to calm the liver wood;

Require the patient to relax, lie on the back, side or sitting position, select the acupoints and knead and press them with the tip of the thumb, index finger or middle finger. The finger strength depends on the condition. minute. 1 time a day, 5 times as a course of treatment. Among the 58 patients, 18 cases were cured after 1 course of treatment, 31 cases were cured after 2 courses of treatment, 8 cases were cured after 3 courses of treatment, and only 1 case was ineffective.

Vomiting is caused by the loss of stomach harmony and qi going against the top. Any external infection, internal injury, eating disorder, emotional disorder, pregnancy and other diseases that hurt the stomach can cause stomach loss and qi going against the top, resulting in vomiting , for those who are not suitable for acupuncture or other treatments, acupressure therapy can be used, which is simple and easy to implement, and can also achieve the ideal effect of calming the Chong, reducing the adverse flow, relieving vomiting, reducing stomach qi, and balancing yin and yang. "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Dacheng" said that this method "is a magical technique of replacing needles with hands".

*From "Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion" in February 2004, Yang Xisen, Dou Yuxing.

*Founded in August 1981, it is published at home and abroad, monthly. Sponsored by the Chinese Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion and the Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Focus on improvement, take into account popularization, rich and colorful, and seek truth from facts. Provide needs and services for medical workers of various departments and levels, teachers and students of medical colleges, especially acupuncture clinical, education, scientific research personnel and acupuncture enthusiasts.
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