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My heart is not feeling well, I need a stent?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

My heart is not feeling well, I need a stent?
I especially like a song by Na Ying called "Looking at Flowers in the Mist", which contains two lines of lyrics: "Lend me a pair of eyes, let me see this trouble clearly and clearly .” I often think, how can a person have a pair of eyes? How should we look at everything in life? After pondering for a long time, I have a little understanding. In fact, to see things clearly, first of all, we must look at two sides of things: one yin and one yang. When the yin and yang of things are clarified, the troubled world becomes clear and real. "Book of Changes" says: "One yin and one yang are called the Tao." What does that mean? That is to say, everything, no matter what state it presents, no matter how complicated it is, in the final analysis, it is just a change of yin and yang. If you grasp the yin and yang of things, you will also grasp the essence of things.

The sky has yin and yang, so there is day and night;

People have yin and yang, so there are men and women;

Mountains have yin and yang, so there is a distinction between yin and yang.

Yang energy has such characteristics: warm, bright, dry, excited, hyperactive, generally speaking, above, outside, left, south, sky, day, spring and summer, sports, etc., All have positive properties.

Yin energy has such characteristics: coldness, darkness, dampness, restraint, decline. Has negative characteristics.

Some people may ask: "Dr. Luo, you have said so much, what is the relationship between health preservation and yin and yang?" Here, I will tell a story that I personally experienced. Big mistake.

medical case

A while ago, I went back to my hometown and came across such a case. The patient was a relative of mine, a man in his sixties, and his disease had a certain history. When I was in Beijing, this patient called me. What he described was that he had a bad heart, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. One day when he was walking home from downstairs, his lips suddenly turned white, his chest felt extremely uncomfortable, and he had difficulty breathing, so he called the 120 ambulance and stayed in the hospital for several days, but the problem was still not resolved, so he had to go back home. He made several long-distance calls to me, but I felt that I didn't understand the condition and couldn't do anything about it.

When I go back this time, I can only go to the door to see what kind of disease is so serious.

After looking at it, I was also taken aback. It was already June, and I saw that he was wearing two pairs of trousers, a long-sleeved shirt, and hugging his shoulders. It was obviously very cold. I checked his pulse, and the pulse was slow, and he felt weak when he pressed hard; when he stretched out his tongue, his tongue was pale. By this time, I can basically conclude that this is a cold syndrome. why? Because healthy people have a balance of yin and yang, while sick people have yin and yang out of balance. As we said earlier, yang energy has the characteristics of warmth, brightness, dryness, hyperactivity, etc., while yin energy has characteristics such as cold, dark, Moisture, inhibition, decline and other characteristics. You see, this patient is so afraid of the cold in a hot day, which shows that his body has been completely controlled by Yin energy, and Yang energy has become extremely weak. The "Huangdi Neijing" said: "Yang deficiency causes external cold, and yin deficiency causes internal heat."

The most obvious thing was his hands, his fingers were all blue. When I touched them, his hands were cold. Traditional Chinese medicine says that "hands are blue to the joint" is a very serious situation. I asked him about his treatment process. It turned out that he first went to a western hospital in our area after he fell ill. After admission, he was diagnosed with severe myocardial blood supply insufficiency. I don't know what kind of medicine I used), and the result didn't improve much. So he was discharged from the hospital and went to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital. This traditional Chinese medicine hospital is very modern. When the doctor saw that he had a bad heart, he immediately started to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and prescribed a lot of drips for him. Many Chinese medicine hospitals now have the same thinking. The traditional Chinese medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing stasis is injected into the human body by drip. This may be the combination of Chinese and Western medicine! As a result, after a few days, not only did the symptoms not disappear, but they also worsened. The patient could not sleep, was irritable and tight in the chest every night, and had no appetite at the same time, and could only eat a few mouthfuls of food at each meal.

I remember that when my relatives called me, I recommended a doctor in the hospital that I thought was good. As a result, the patient went, but the doctor refused to prescribe the medicine, saying that he could not prescribe the decoction, so he went to a western doctor to prescribe some medicine for heart treatment. After the relative heard these words, his heart became cold, and he felt that his life was coming to an end.

So he went to the Western Hospital again. Western medicine told him to do coronary angiography and to prepare him for surgery to place a stent. After listening to the patient, he went home silently without saying a word.
Just at this time, I came back and saw the scene just now - he was wearing a double layer of clothes, and he still felt cold in the room. Moreover, he has hardly slept or eaten for three consecutive days, and he is mentally exhausted. He said that he felt overwhelmed twice at three o'clock in the morning, so he called 120 emergency calls.

After listening to my relative's narration, I felt very uncomfortable, because in Chinese medicine, this is a syndrome of yang deficiency that is easy to diagnose, and all the indications are present. Let’s not talk about western medicine. They don’t have the theory of yin and yang, cold and heat. All people come with those medicines. We can’t control them, but why do our traditional Chinese medicine hospitals turn a blind eye? The patient is so afraid of the cold, which is obviously a deficiency of yin and yang. After the yin is full, the person will become depressed and irritable, and want to die. Because yin energy has the characteristic of restraint, it can make people feel depressed and reduce their desire to survive.

At that time, I saw the patient's fingers were all blue, and I was very scared. I thought that if I didn't come, these people would continue to give drips, and I didn't know what the consequences would be. I hurriedly told the patient's family members to quickly use a section of scallion, then add two tablespoons of white wine, add a cup of water to boil, and drink it five minutes after boiling. Drink this right away. At the same time, I also prescribed Evodia decoction, which is a prescription in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". There are only two herbs of Evodia and Codonopsis, plus ginger and jujube, to treat the syndrome of excess yin and cold. What is Evodia? Wang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem: "I am a stranger in a foreign land alone. I miss my relatives every festival. I know that my brothers are climbing high, and there is only one person who planted cornel everywhere." The cornel mentioned in Wang Wei's poem is the cornel I use here. You can see from it that the idea of regulating Yin and Yang in Chinese medicine is very simple. Don’t you have Yin and cold? Then we will use some warming yang medicine. Scallion is hot, white wine is hot, evodia is hot, ginger is hot, and jujube is hot. Among all these medicinal materials, only Codonopsis pilosula is mild.

After prescribing the prescription, because I have other things to do, I will leave first.

The next morning, the patient told me that after drinking the decoction, he slept for eight hours at night, which made up for the sleep he had these days. He also had a meal in the morning, drank a bowl of porridge, and ate some steamed buns.

For the next two days, he slept well, and the irritability in his chest disappeared, and he was able to walk out of the house by himself. I specifically asked if it was still cold, and he said that his hands had warmed up, but his feet were still a little cold.

After taking three doses of Evodia rutaecarpa soup, I called him again, and he said that the symptoms had basically disappeared. Even though it was raining and the weather was very cold, he didn’t feel cold anymore when he wore a T-shirt. He didn’t feel any discomfort, and it rained every day. Floor for a walk.

This incident made me deeply realize how important Yin and Yang are to human health. If a relative listened to the doctor of western medicine and made a stent for the heart, what a waste it would be!
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