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My Four-Stage Battle with High Blood Sugar: Discovering the Winning Formula

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

My Four-Stage Battle with High Blood Sugar: Discovering the Winning Formula
On March 28, 2024, I recount my journey through four challenging stages before finally finding the 'recipe' for managing diabetes effectively.

Entering the Prediabetic Phase Postpartum: Mismanaged Care

At 27 weeks pregnant, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and required insulin treatment. Following childbirth, I revisited the hospital two months later. My fasting blood sugar measured 4.71mmol/L, and the 2-hour post-75g glucose test yielded a reading of 9.63mmol/L, marking the onset of prediabetes.

In the two to three years post-delivery, I maintained a watchful eye on my diet, keeping to the habits developed during pregnancy. Despite this, due to the sedentary nature of my work and infrequent monitoring of blood sugar levels, I struggled.

Long periods of restrictive eating left me feeling lethargic and drained, sporting a less-than-optimal complexion, and often battling low blood pressure. Overwhelmed by the diminishing quality of life, I eventually abandoned my dietary vigilance and succumbed to indulging in savory delights.

Unaware of the impending consequences, I suddenly began experiencing painful urination followed by bleeding. This led to my first encounter with a urinary tract infection. Subsequently, sweating episodes upon eating, reminiscent of high blood sugar reactions during pregnancy, prompted me to undergo a blood sugar and HbA1c test. Alas, the results confirmed a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.

The Solo Struggle with Glycemic Control: Fluctuating Levels

My life swung between tight control and laxity. I restarted my dietary restrictions and initiated medication, initially with one drug but soon escalating to two. Dosages climbed from once a day to twice, and from a single tablet to double doses, yet my blood sugar remained stubbornly high (fasting levels above 10mmol/L). Rapid weight loss ensued, leaving me hovering around 80 kilograms. Recurring and increasingly severe urinary infections added to my misery, despite meticulous hygiene practices.

Upon my children’s enrollment in school, I quit my job to focus on their transportation and, importantly, to regulate my blood sugar. My father stepped in, calculating my daily caloric needs based on my height and weight, dividing them proportionally across meals. He meticulously crafted recipes and even invested in an electronic kitchen scale to weigh portions accurately. Adhering to his planned menus, I noticed a swift normalization of my blood sugar levels.

Despite this progress, my sedentary lifestyle persisted, and I grappled with boredom and feelings of restriction. To add some enjoyment to my routine, I began learning Tai Chi. Gradually, my physical activity increased, and my blood sugar levels stabilized.

Unfortunately, complacency set in, and old habits resurfaced. As my mood lifted, so did my appetite, and I carelessly resumed consuming various treats without proper portion control. Progress seemed to take one step forward and two steps back.

Discovering the 'Secret' to Sugar Management

By chance, I stumbled upon the existence of diabetes communities and organizations, such as diabetes associations and support groups. Upon joining these activities, I met a network of seasoned diabetics who generously shared their struggles and victories with managing their blood sugar. Until then, my battle against diabetes had been solitary; now, I found solidarity within an organized group.

Years of confusion and distress caused by diabetes transformed when I encountered these inspiring individuals whose laughter, heartfelt assistance, and upbeat outlook on life deeply touched me. Their resilience helped alleviate my anxieties, showing me that life could still be fulfilling even with diabetes.

I incorporated their successful strategies into my life, learning from both their triumphs and setbacks. With the guidance of my healthcare provider, my blood sugar levels have since become consistently stable.

My winning formula for controlling diabetes revolves around accepting my condition with calmness, combining medical knowledge from healthcare professionals with practical wisdom from fellow diabetics, and translating this into tangible actions in everyday life. No longer do I find combating diabetes arduous, nor am I intimidated by it.

I hope my experience provides solace and direction to others navigating the early stages of diabetes management. Together, we can overcome the challenges and live vibrant, healthy lives, even with diabetes.
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