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My family has caught a cold again, what should I do?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

My family has caught a cold again, what should I do?
In the past few days, my WeChat Moments are basically asking what to do about a cold, so today I will introduce how to deal with a cold again!

Most of the current colds are caused by exogenous wind and cold, which is the most important type of cold, so Zhang Zhongjing in the Han Dynasty wrote "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", and the medical sage wrote the key points, just like the key points of the exam, and we have to analogize the rest.

The main characteristic of anemofrigid cold is that the cold evil is holding the wind, wrapping the fur outside, making the human body surface cold, and then blocking the flow of Qi and blood meridians, preventing the defense forces from reaching the designated position, leading to the invasion of external evils.

At this time, you will sneeze, runny nose as transparent as egg white, feel cold all over, afraid of wind, cough, headache, cold hands and feet, and heavy nasal voice. These are important diagnostic indications.

I have always emphasized that this stage is extremely important. If we seize this stage and intervene and control it, we can end the battle and there will be no serious problems later. Moreover, at this stage, the evil spirit is still shallow, and the problem can be solved with a very simple method. Lao Tzu said in the "Tao Te Ching": "Pictures are difficult but they are easy." This is the reason.

So, what should we do at this time?

All methods to warm up the body and unblock the Qi and blood are all acceptable.

First of all, we have to think about why your Qi and blood cannot be supplied when the temperature drops, while some people have no problems at all? The answer is: your righteousness is insufficient, so you are easily affected by changes in external conditions.

Therefore, the best strategy at this time is to warm up the body while nourishing the righteousness.

At this point, I recommend a method that I use most often now.

When I was studying the thoughts of Zhang Xichun, a famous doctor in the Republic of China, I found that when he treated lung diseases, 80% of his prescriptions used yam, and he even specifically pointed out that it was Huai yam. After a lot of practice, I found that Huai Yam is indeed a powerful tool for nourishing the spleen and lungs. Later, I went to Wen County and heard from local growers that when they just caught a cold, they used a handful of Huai Yam tablets and boiled a large bowl of water. Drink it while it is hot, then cover it with a quilt and sleep, it will be fine.

After I learned this method, I used it several times for myself and my family members, and it was effective, so I highly recommend it. After careful consideration, this method is to replenish the righteous energy on the one hand, and warm the body on the other hand, killing two birds with one stone.

Specific method of use: 50 grams of dried yam tablets, boiled water, boiled for 30 minutes, drink yam water. Or use 30 grams of Chinese yam powder, first use a little warm water to make the yam powder into a paste, then use the boiling water just boiled, wash it down suddenly, and then stir it with a spoon, so that the yam powder becomes like lotus root powder It's mushy, let it warm, drink it, put on more clothes, and let the body sweat a little.

From my personal experience, it is more convenient to use Chinese yam powder without boiling it. So now I use Chinese yam powder every time.

In addition to this method, we can also use various conditions around us to warm up the body. Although it does not have the effect of replenishing Qi, emergency rescue is also possible.

For example, we can buy perilla leaves from the drugstore. If we feel that we are catching cold, we can immediately use three grams of perilla leaves, boil water, boil the pot for three minutes, and then take it while it is hot. Wait until the body is slightly sweating, and that's it.

Slight sweating means that Qi and blood circulation is smooth, but don't sweat profusely.

Also, don't sweat on an empty stomach. Because the spleen and stomach are empty, it is difficult to sweat, so it is best to drink some porridge. This is the same as the previous drinking yam paste.

At this time, you can also use hot water or perilla leaf water to soak your feet, which can also have the same effect.

You can also use a hair dryer to blow on the Dazhui point on the back of the neck, which can also warm up the body.

In short, any method to warm up the body is acceptable, and the overall target to be achieved is: slightly sweating. Then, keep warm and don't be blown by the wind, then the body will recover easily.

At this stage, if you can’t control it at the beginning and feel a little serious, you can take Tongrentang Ganmao Qingre Granules. This medicine is said to “clear away heat”, but in fact there are many warming medicines in it, which can dispel cold.

When our qi and blood are running normally, we will win the first stage of external cold and cold, and there will be no subsequent stages.

However, now we tend to be careless, and often miss the first stage. Therefore, the external cold deepens and comes to the second stage: external cold and internal heat.

At this time, the external cold still exists, but the internal heat also occurs.

At this time, the symptoms of external cold are still the same, sneezing, runny nose, chills, this is external cold; at the same time, the nose is also yellow, the throat is also prone to redness, swelling and pain, and fever begins, which is internal heat.

At this time, we can use Chinese patent medicine to recuperate. At this stage, if the medicine is used properly, we can also deal with it by ourselves.

Nowadays, "indescribable dense fog weather" is increasing day by day, and the water and humidity in various places are relatively heavy. Therefore, at this time, I basically recommend this combination: Huoxiang Zhengqi Water, combined with anti-viral oral liquid.

The prescription of Huoxiang Zhengqi San was included in the "Taiping Huimin Hejiju Prescription" in the Song Dynasty. It is a classic and has the functions of dispelling cold and dampness, fragrance and pollution. In the prescription, Huoxiang is used to aromatize dampness, regulate qi and neutralize it, and perilla leaf and Angelica dahurica are used to relieve sweat, assist with atractylodes atractylodes, Magnolia officinalis, and Dabupi to remove dampness and fullness; Harmonize the stomach to stop vomiting; add platycodon grandiflorum to open the chest and diaphragm; use Poria cocos and licorice to invigorate the spleen and dampness, and strengthen the function of transportation and transformation.

This prescription, the ancients had to take it when they went to a dirty place and encountered miasma. In the same way, I think that as long as the weather outside is smoggy, it can be used as an aid when feeling exogenous, and there will be unexpected effects.

For children, you can use a cotton ball dipped in Huoxiang Zhengqi water, preferably with low or no alcohol content, put it in the child's navel, and cover it with a band-aid with glue on all sides, the effect is also good.

The antiviral oral liquid has ingredients such as isatis root, gypsum, aloe vera, rehmannia root, turmeric, anemarrhena, calamus, patchouli, and forsythia. Most of them are heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs, because moisture is also considered in it, so Especially suitable for the current environment.

The dosage of this antiviral oral liquid is usually larger than the instruction manual, because it is usually a bowl of medicine when boiled into a decoction, but now I only drink a small glass tube, I think it is not enough, so you can Add a stick or two to take.

Now if the cold has reached the second stage, the outside is cold and the inside is hot, or even a fever, I basically ask everyone to use this simple method and use these two Chinese patent medicines to solve the problem.

As for the later stage, I think everyone should not solve it by themselves. It is safer to go to the hospital and let the doctor help you solve the problem.

Regarding this exogenous sensation, it is both simple and complicated. We are talking about most of the situations. I think that such a simple method is enough to solve the problems of ordinary people by yourself! But the human body is different, and there are still various exceptions. We will introduce these special cases when we have time in the future!
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