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Maximize Your Sugar Control with These 6 Gadgets

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

Maximize Your Sugar Control with These 6 Gadgets
The "little friends" who help me control my sugar are not people, but several objects (pieces), tools. They are limited-edition salt spoons, small scales for weighing Chinese medicine, pedometers, swimming fins, ropes for skipping ropes, and variable-speed bicycles. These "little friends" have made great achievements in helping me control my sugar, and they are good helpers that I can't live without.

1 limited edition salt spoon

We in Yantai are an area that consumes a lot of salt. According to statistics, the average salt consumption per person per day is about 15 grams. We locals say that we are "heavy-mouthed", that is, we eat too much salt, and if there is too little salt, the dishes will be tasteless. To control sugar, we must control salt. This is a consensus that has been reached.

The local government allocated special funds to make a batch of small spoons with salt weights, divided into 2 grams and 6 grams, and distributed them to every household to help people limit salt. According to requirements, healthy people should not consume more than 6 grams of salt per day, including the total amount of salt in various foods.

Diabetics with kidney problems should limit their intake to no more than 5 grams of salt per day. This is an arduous and protracted "tough battle."

Our family uses these two salt-limited spoons to strictly follow the salt standards for every meal every day. At first, I did feel that the dishes were too bland, tasteless and not delicious. In order to improve the taste, we often use other seasonings, such as pepper, vinegar, horseradish, onion, ginger, etc. Of course, some condiments also contain salt, so all of them must be taken into account, and no more than the standard amount should be consumed every day. In this way, day after day, the habit becomes natural, and the salt intake is controlled within the standard range.

2 nicknames for traditional Chinese medicine

There are small scales for weighing traditional Chinese medicine on the market. There are two sets of scales on the scale beam, one is for 50 grams and the other is for 250 grams. This is for weighing food. When I first started to control my diet, I didn’t know what to do. The staple food (carbohydrate) is required to be controlled at 7 taels per day, and it must be the weight of raw food.

So flour, cornmeal, buckwheat noodles, various beans and bean noodles, and other various ingredients must be weighed when they are raw, and then weighed when they are cooked, so that they can have a more accurate weight. .

Take the trouble to weigh all the vegetables and fruits you choose. Over time, if you weigh it with your hands, you will be able to know the weight more or less accurately. However, some new varieties or uneaten vegetables and fruits still need to be weighed to get an accurate amount.

I use a small scale for weighing traditional Chinese medicine at home, but you can also buy an electronic scale specifically for weighing food, which can be accurate to 1 gram.

3 pedometer

A pedometer is a small tool used to measure the number of steps taken. It can be hung on the belt while walking. The target I set for myself every day is 6,000 steps. Since each step is a little more than 1 meter, 6,000 steps is 6 kilometers, which is about 6 kilometers.

In order to eliminate the monotony, I often change the route and walk, so I need a "supervisor", and this "supervisor" is a pedometer. You cannot retreat before 6,000 steps, and the pedometer will faithfully report to you.

4 speed bike

In order to be able to exercise in a variety of ways, I bought a variable-speed bicycle. I use slow gear in the starting stage, gradually go from slow to fast in the middle stage, and gradually go from fast to slow in the end stage. In this way, everything from the preparation activities, the climax of the exercise to the finishing activities is basically completed in the car. Cycling is generally carried out when the weather is sunny and there is no strong wind.

The amount of exercise involved in cycling is usually measured in time. I ride for about 40 minutes.

5 skipping rope

In order to cope with exercise in bad weather conditions, I bought a skipping rope. Rope skipping is an indoor activity when the weather quality is bad, there is haze, strong wind, rain, snow and other conditions that are not suitable for outdoor activities. My normal activity time is 20-30 minutes.

6 swimming fins

Swimming fins are a piece of equipment that I wear on my feet when swimming. The purpose is to increase the exercise load on my legs, exercise leg strength, increase the speed of swimming for longer distances, and save time. . Every time I swim 1500 meters to 2000 meters. Since I use it for strength training, the time is about 30 minutes.

In this way, when exercising alone, with these types of sports equipment to accompany you, you will not feel monotonous, lonely and bored.

Horsepower can be seen in the distance, and perseverance can be seen in time. Whether it is eating, limiting salt, or exercising, these must-have items in daily life have become the daily rations and conscious actions of diabetic patients to meet the standards. Under the guidance of a doctor, they take targeted medicines and insulin injections. Then our diabetes Friends' future must be bright.

Just wait, sugar friends, wait patiently! Scientists are sure to find a cure for diabetes. Let us actively wait for this day to come.
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