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Liver disease cannot be judged by symptoms

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Liver disease cannot be judged by symptoms
"The biggest problem with Zhang Zhenfang's interview with liver disease is that there are no obvious symptoms in the early stage, and when the symptoms appear, it is often late. Therefore, Dr. Chen Bangji from the Gastroenterology and Hepatobiliary Department of Linkou Chang Gung said that the most important thing to know if there is a problem with your liver health is to receive a blood test. Examination to confirm whether there is hepatitis virus infection or hepatitis, and undergo abdominal ultrasound examination to find out whether there is liver cirrhosis or liver cancer. The health of the liver cannot be judged by the presence or absence of symptoms, otherwise it is easy to ignore the early stage Liver disease. (This is what a Western doctor said. It has nothing to do with Chinese medicine. He does not represent Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine believes that there are early symptoms.)"
Cirrhotic liver should shrink not enlarge
Chen Bangji said that half of the patients with liver cirrhosis will indeed experience leg cramps, but this is not the initial symptom of liver cirrhosis; in addition, the liver of patients with liver cirrhosis is shrunken because of liver cirrhosis, not enlarged , Unless it is a patient with alcoholic cirrhosis, the liver may be enlarged, but it is not obvious. At the same time, neither cirrhosis nor tumors are likely to be enlarged enough to press on the intercostal nerves. Because the intercostal nerves are located along the lower ribs, liver disease is rarely manifested as right shoulder pain.
Bleeding gums due to poor coagulation
Of course, some patients with liver cancer have abdominal pain because the tumor is too large to compress the nerves. In addition, patients with end-stage liver cirrhosis have abnormal blood coagulation function due to enlarged spleen and hypersplenism leading to thrombocytopenia, so gums may bleed when brushing their teeth.
Chen Bangji pointed out that the possible symptoms of patients with hepatitis are fatigue and poor appetite. Unless the symptoms have deteriorated to the end stage of liver cirrhosis, not only the above situation will occur, but also symptoms such as ascites and jaundice may appear.
Therefore, Chen Bangji emphasized that if people want to know whether they have liver disease, they must rely on examination, not by the presence or absence of symptoms, otherwise it is easy to ignore early liver disease. At the same time, knowing whether you have hepatitis B or C infection is far more important than knowing your blood type. Therefore, for people over 22 years old, because the hepatitis B vaccine has not been fully vaccinated in the past, it is even more necessary to take a blood test to confirm whether they have been infected by the hepatitis virus. If you are infected with hepatitis B and C virus and have not produced antibodies, you are a high-risk group for liver disease, and you should follow up and check regularly.
⊙Consultation/Chen Bangji (Doctor of Gastroenterology and Hepatobiliary Medicine Chang Gung, Linkou)
"Recently, Liao XX, a famous chest medicine doctor at National Taiwan University Hospital, graduated first in the doctoral program of the National Taiwan University School of Medicine, but unfortunately passed away in the middle of this month because of liver cancer. Readers went to National Taiwan University to ask how many Famous doctors lost their lives because of liver cancer. It is really a loss for the country. These elites are all smart and the best choice, but they are shot down one by one. This shows one thing, that is, they cannot cure this disease, and there is no vaccine. Yes, you will still get liver cancer after you get the shot. The diagnostic method of Western medicine above is really not accurate and fast enough. Could these famous doctors from National Taiwan University be worse than him? Therefore, we can only listen to the words of Western medicine. Now our virtual Chinese Medicine Department of Health will replace it. Let us all explain."
"First: According to the theory of qi and blood circulation in traditional Chinese medicine, the time when the liver meridian flows is ugly time (1:00~3:00AM), and the liver stores blood, so when we sleep, the liver is very busy, if the liver function is normal , we can sleep for more than this hour. If there is a slight disease in the liver, our body will naturally wake up at this hour for no reason. When you have this symptom, your liver is reminding you that you have already When something goes wrong, you still have two years to deal with it and prevent liver cancer in the future, but at this time you go for a blood test, you go for a scan, Western medicine is completely unable to find out that your liver has a problem , and Chinese medicine has already been alerted at this time. So the initial symptom is insomnia, and it wakes up at this specific time every day, every day. At this time, if you ask Western medicine, they are Mo Zaiyang, they only prescribe sleeping pills Here you go, I sent you away. Then you took sleeping pills Ambien and went sleepwalking at night. After eating too much, it hurt your liver even more, but the Western doctors who prescribed the medicine didn’t realize it. They didn’t even know that they were In the process of making the liver worse, in the process of creating liver cancer for you."
"Second: People who like to take vitamins should pay attention. You people are the high-risk group of liver disease. It has been confirmed that taking multi-vitamin A can cause extremely serious liver disease. Not to mention other things, it will definitely damage the liver. If you take vitamin A After a period of time, I feel that my physical strength has deteriorated, I have no energy during the day, and I can’t concentrate, these are the precursors of liver disease."
"Third: When you find that the color of your urine is gradually turning yellow and the palms of your hands are dark red, it means that there is a problem with the liver, plus abnormal stools, frequent constipation, etc., it is time to seek Chinese medicine."
"Fourth: If your gallbladder is removed, you will develop liver stones in about fifteen years. The symptom is severe right abdominal pain, which is several times worse than when the gallstones are blocked. At this time, only Chinese medicine can help you, and after twenty In about five years, you will have liver cirrhosis, and when Chinese medicine predicts that you will develop liver disease at this time, it can help you take some preventive measures so as not to happen."
"Readers, let's see if Chinese and Western medicine are different? Is there a big difference?"
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