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Liver B virus is more dangerous

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Liver B virus is more dangerous
Abuse of antibiotics will lead to drug resistance. In fact, when treating hepatitis B, if the drug is changed casually or the drug is interrupted, the virus may also develop drug resistance, making it more difficult to treat. Physicians appeal that patients with liver B should follow the doctor's prescription and take medication, and Do not go to the pharmacy to buy medicines by yourself, so as not to cause multi-drug resistance problems. (Traditional Chinese medicine will not be like this. Western medicine cannot treat liver B at all, so I found out this reason and explained it for myself.)
Mr. Xu, who was born in 1969, has been a carrier of liver B since he was a child. He has been seeing a doctor regularly since high school, and his liver function index was checked. More than five years ago, he found that his body was easily tired. Very uncomfortable.
I went to the hospital for a blood test and found that the virus level was extremely high. With the advice of the doctor, I started taking the medicine. I felt that the side effects were not obvious. I just took it on an empty stomach and felt sick. However, after taking it for a period of time, the body gradually returns to normal. However, when I came back to the clinic to draw blood recently, I did not expect the virus level to soar. According to the doctor's analysis, drug resistance has developed. (Western medicine cannot treat liver B, and the more it is treated, the worse it gets.)
Huang Yixiang, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, said that the longer the anti-hepatitis B drugs are used, the higher the problem of drug resistance will be. At present, the first-line anti-hepatitis B virus drugs include "Qiananeng", "Belek", and "Xi Bifu". After taking it for a year, all of them will develop drug resistance, but the rates are not the same. (These are all drugs like interferon, so how is it different?)
"Beilek" has the lowest drug resistance, less than 1%, followed by "Xibifu", which is about 9% to 15%, and the traditional drug "Qiananeng" has the highest drug resistance, about 20%. Once drug resistance develops, you still have to continue taking the first-line drug, but you need to use the second-line drug "Anxinen" in combination. (Western medicine is getting heavier and heavier. The liver is already sick, and now adding the poison of these medicines is really worse. It will be even more difficult for Chinese medicine treatment in the future.)
Huang Yixiang pointed out that in addition to the time of medication and the properties of the drug, the factors that lead to drug resistance of hepatitis B include incomplete treatment. It was found in the outpatient clinic that some patients had low medication compliance, or because they were too busy at work, or their symptoms were not obvious, so they did not take their medicines on time.
In order to know whether the patient has developed drug resistance after taking hepatitis B drugs, Huang Yixiang emphasized that before treatment, blood must be drawn to detect the virus level. After taking the drug for three months, if the virus level has dropped, continue the treatment for another three months.
If after taking it for three months, the virus level does not decrease, or even increases, it shows that the patient's response to this first-line drug is not good, or the patient has not taken the drug well, and the drug should be changed at this time.
Huang Yixiang explained that the amount of virus is based on 2,000 international units. If the amount of virus is still greater than 2,000 after a period of treatment, it means that drug resistance has emerged, and second-line drugs need to be added.
Generally speaking, the normal value of the liver function index (GPT) is about 40. If it exceeds two times, that is, it is above 80, it is abnormal liver function. However, most patients still have no abnormalities. If it exceeds 200, it is considered abnormal There will be symptoms such as burnout and easy fatigue. People with hepatitis B should pay more attention to their physical condition. (Wrong, liver B carriers should take more traditional Chinese medicine.)
Huang Yixiang emphasized that after six months of taking the drug, patients with hepatitis B should take a blood test to detect the amount of virus in the blood. The dressing should be changed.
misconceptions about medicine
Whether it is hepatitis B or C, western medicine treats the virus with the aim of killing the virus. They have never thought about how to change the environment of the liver so that the normal liver can survive and the virus cannot To live in the liver, TCM adopts methods of soothing the liver and activating blood, strengthening the spleen and strengthening the kidney, and purging the heart fire to change the environment in the liver, so only the normal liver will survive, and the virus cannot continue to live due to the change in the environment. As a result, it disappeared. As for the disappearance? Or is there still the virus? Chinese medicine also has a very good way to make a diagnosis. It does not need to use the examination method of Western medicine, and it can also make a very accurate diagnosis. The previous report only explained one thing As a matter of fact, western medicine is very helpless in treating liver disease, and even many patients who have already developed liver cancer cannot detect it in advance when doing blood tests in western medicine. Western medicine can be said to be helpless for liver disease.
If a patient with liver B or C has recovered liver function by taking traditional Chinese medicine, the chance of getting liver cancer in the future is very slim, but if you take interferon to treat liver disease, the chance of getting liver cancer in the future will be greatly increased .
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