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Listen to him, you can control your blood sugar this way

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Listen to him, you can control your blood sugar this way
How to control blood sugar well, I believe everyone knows that there are five carriages---education, psychology, diet, medication and exercise. Post-meal exercise has become a daily topic in every group, such as striding, jogging, cycling, swimming etc. So besides exercising after meals, what are you doing? Um? Why do I ask everyone this question? Then let me talk about my situation first. I won’t talk about what happened when I was diagnosed, but I will talk about what happened after the diagnosis until now.

I used to be very leisurely in the company. Since I got pregnant, I would do some activities in the office whenever I had nothing to do, do push-ups, chat and go to the workshop for a few laps. Sometimes I would help the maintenance workers change molds and make samples, and sometimes I would leave the company and go for a few walks on the road. I would lap or run for a while before returning to the company. I would jog three kilometers in the morning and go for a walk in the evening. My blood sugar was under good control at that time. Two years passed leisurely... I changed my job this year. The trial period is three months. In the first month, I sit in front of the computer for 8 hours every day. As a newbie, of course, all the files are piled in front of me, and my blood sugar control is not ideal. In the second month, I started to have a small amount of tasks, and I was able to work. I tracked new products, trial-produced samples, moved around a little more, and my blood sugar began to stabilize. In the third month, I have nothing to do, I help my colleagues, I can learn knowledge and control my sugar, and I can also show the spirit of teamwork... Even my boss thinks I am a hard-working new employee... Haha~ In addition to smoothly becoming a full-time employee, all this also has a purpose, which is to improve basal metabolism and stabilize blood sugar. By the way, I hope to increase my salary.

At this point, everyone understands what I’m going to say. I often talk about improving basal metabolism in the group, but I don’t list some examples from life experience and work. But in normal times, I also chat privately with some sugar friends. When they are free at home, they are also encouraged to do housework, go shopping, and travel with family and friends during holidays. The results are obvious. Blood sugar is much more stable and insulin injections are less. Even if the amount of injection is the same, at least the blood sugar level is Stable, not in a high position. The following is a video I saw online recently. I copied the content for everyone to see: Once you sit down, the electrical activity within your muscles will be greatly reduced, and the amount of calories you burn will also plummet. 1 calorie per minute. As long as you sit for 3 hours, the dilation rate of the arteries will be reduced by 50%, resulting in a reduction in blood flow. If you sit for a full 24 hours, your body's insulin will lose nearly 40% of its ability to convert glucose, thereby increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes. risks of. And this is just the beginning of the bad news. After sitting for 6 hours a day for two consecutive weeks, low-density cholesterol will increase together with other obesity factors, increasing your risk of gaining weight.

In addition, the enzymes responsible for breaking down fat will also decrease sharply, and due to long-term inactivity, your muscles will begin to collapse, reducing their contractility, thereby hindering the return of blood to the heart. Even if you exercise regularly, as soon as you stop moving, degradation will continue in proportion to the time you sit down. This is the scary part. Research shows that, like exercise, it does not absolutely help with cramps and other behaviors. beneficial. It doesn’t help much if you sit for long periods of time. After a year, the effects will continue to stack up. In some studies on women, it even shows that the bone loss rate increases at a rate of 1% per year. Do you feel that the brain is worse than the body? Is it important? Physical movement not only helps deliver blood and oxygen to the brain, it also delivers mood-boosting hormones.

As long as we don't move, the brain's operation will slow down. Simply put, our bodies are not designed to be still. Sitting and working for 8 hours a day is the same for those who go home and watch TV or go to the gym to exercise. Oops, any exercise below 1.5 MET is defined as sedentary. Mainly include watching TV, making phone calls, listening to music, working on the computer, writing, sitting and doing nothing, playing musical instruments, etc. One minute of activity consumes 3.5 ml of oxygen per kilogram of body weight. This exercise intensity is 1MET. ; And the activity intensity of 1 MET is only slightly higher than the basal metabolism of healthy adults, which is actually equivalent to the metabolic level of healthy adults sitting quietly.

Sitting for long periods of time and lacking exercise will increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and other diseases - this has been proven by too much scientific evidence. The above content shocked me by the body's reaction process from normal people to obesity to before sugar. What's more, now that sugar is introduced, the body's metabolism is slower and worse than before. Most of us type 2 sugar lovers are basically white-collar workers and office workers. Staff, leaders, etc. basically sit during working hours. It is true that chairs are killers, so I hope that in addition to daily post-meal exercise to lower blood sugar, you will not ignore another detail, usually walk more, move more, work more..., it may be helpful You have unexpected results. The purpose of writing this article is not only to introduce the above content, but also to ask what everyone is doing at other times? Do people who sit in the office all day find ways to do some exercise? Those sugar control experts also talk about their daily living habits, so that everyone can learn from each other? I hope you can share your views in the comment area so that more people can hear them. Your voice.
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