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let's talk about the weight loss issue you are most concerned about

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

let's talk about the weight loss issue you are most concerned about
I heard many friends say that spring is the season to lose weight. I am curious that you can lose weight all year round. Why talk about this season alone? As a result, I heard from everyone that because the clothes I wear in spring begin to decrease, at this time, the result of overeating in winter will be revealed, especially for women. It is said that many people collapse immediately when they find thicker legs when they wear skirts, so they swear lose weight. It turns out that the reason is so simple!

Well, today let's talk about weight loss, which is a hot topic.

In fact, weight control is necessary in any season, and the health problems caused by obesity are not optimistic. For example, abdominal obesity means increased visceral fat, which will lead to diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other problems. Therefore, once I see a fat person, I will instinctively worry about his future. What should I do about possible diseases in the future? ?

It can even be said that the centenarians we see are basically of thin body type, and it is rare to see fat people become centenarians.

So, weight control is a big problem.

So why do we get fat?

In fact, the answer to this question is very simple. Most of the reasons why we gain weight are the increase in intake and the decrease in consumption.

The so-called increased intake means eating too well. The nutrition we consume now may be the most in human history. When we were apes, we couldn’t find much food when we jumped up and down every day, but now, we can order takeaway while sitting at home, and we can get braised pork at our fingertips. So, a little carelessness , You will take in too much nutrition, such as fat, sweet and delicious fat, such as sweet sugar.

Regarding fatty food, we eat a lot now, and the intake of all kinds of meat, especially the intake of hormone-fed meat, will make us fat.

Some friends said that I have become a vegetarian, but I am still very fat. I think the reason is this. When we cook vegetarian food, we add a lot of oil for the sake of good taste, which also has the effect of gaining weight.

And eating sweets will also bring a lot of calories to the body, leading to obesity. Nowadays, many people are not used to drinking plain water, but drink beverages. In fact, the amount of sugar added in beverages is relatively large. This kind of eating habits will cause children to become obese.

Another reason that can lead to obesity is reduced exercise.

I remember my father said that when he went to university and got off the train, he would walk from Shenyang South Railway Station to Liaoning University because he wanted to save money on the ticket. I would feel tired even thinking about this journey. If you go to the countryside to see, the farmers are all skinny, why? When I went to the field, I saw that the endless fields needed plowing, watering, and weeding. If I exercise like this every day, no big fat people will appear.

Now we use the washing machine to do laundry, use the elevator to go upstairs, and take the car when going out, so the opportunities for exercising are much reduced. Therefore, energy accumulation, people will naturally become obese.

Therefore, the first element of weight loss is the famous phrase "shut up and open your legs".

Therefore, eat a little less at each meal, keep 70% full, especially greasy food as much as possible, and find various opportunities to exercise, such as not taking a car if you can walk, so that you will lose weight significantly.

Everyone will say, "My God, how can you explain such a simple truth? Who doesn't know!"

In fact, it’s really not that complicated. This is indeed the biggest way to lose weight. If any professional talks about losing weight, if they leave this aside and talk about other methods, I think it’s basically opportunistic.

So, are there other reasons for obesity?

There are also some, for example, people with qi deficiency and heavy phlegm dampness will also become obese.

People with qi deficiency are unable to transport and transform the body, so phlegm dampness is easy to accumulate, so these are two sides of the same coin. Many people simply resolve phlegm dampness, but do not pay attention to strengthening the body, which is inappropriate.

Such people have hypertrophy and soft abdomen, often feel weak all over, prone to spontaneous sweating, panting frequently, and loose stools. The tongue is fat and large, with tooth marks on the edge of the tongue, and the tongue coating is white and greasy. The pulse is weak.

For such people, you can take Buzhong Yiqi pills every morning and Guipi pills at night. When taking them, you can use three grams of lotus leaves, boil water, and use this water as a drink to deliver the pills. Turbidity has the effect of clearing turbidity and removing dampness, and it can improve the curative effect when combined with spleen-tonifying drugs.

Similar to this kind of constitution, some patients with yang deficiency will also be obese. For such people, the medicine taken at night can be changed to Jinkuishenqi pill.

It is the best way to lose weight while taking medicines that invigorate Qi and Yang and increase exercise.

The other kind of people have a phlegm-heat constitution. Such people are strong and fat, always feel greasy, sticky with sweat, irritable, easy to breath, fat tongue, red tongue, yellow and greasy tongue coating.

Such a person is caused by overnutrition. This kind of person is often a very strong person who looks healthy, but in fact has many hidden dangers.

For such friends, you can take tea substitutes for promoting qi and resolving phlegm:

Six grams of fried hawthorn, three grams of fried radish, nine grams of coix seed, three grams of lotus leaf, and three grams of dandelion. Boil water, instead of tea.

For people with such a constitution, it is also possible to soak their feet with Wendan soup.

In addition, among obese people, there is also a kind of people with depressed qi. Such people are depressed, unhappy, like to eat snacks, seldom exercise, women have irregular menstruation, thin tongue coating, fat tongue body, and dull tongue color.

Such people can be recuperated with qi-promoting tea substitutes:

Three grams of roses, three grams of rose flowers, three grams of Daidai flowers, and three grams of lotus leaves. Soak in water for drinking.

This is a famous prescription. I knew it from the time I was just learning Chinese medicine. Especially for women who are emotionally depressed, it can have the effect of promoting qi and removing dampness. You can try it.

In addition, there are many ways to help lose weight. Such as acupuncture.

Many people ask me, can acupuncture help you lose weight?

The answer is yes, because obese people often have poor Qi and blood flow. If acupuncture points can be stimulated to unblock the meridians, it will have a good effect on weight loss.

For example, for patients with obvious abdominal obesity, following the meridian or acupuncture on the abdomen will have a very good effect.

There is a relative in our hometown, a man, who has a very big belly, so big that his breathing is affected, and he is panting when he walks. As a result, a Chinese medicine doctor in our hometown used two long needles on the bladder meridian of the foot sun on the back, from bottom to top, one needle on each side. As a result, their family members described that the stomach was like a ball, and it was deflated day by day. Later, when this relative saw me, he showed me his now normal stomach. They say that I learned this method from my grandpa (grandfather), but I don't know about it, because my grandpa passed away when I was young, and I haven't had a chance to learn it yet.

In short, for things like weight loss, you can adjust your body when your body is out of balance. However, if you adjust it a little bit, you must keep in mind:

Keep your mouth shut, the most important thing is to open your legs. Therefore, this is basically a lifestyle issue. No matter what the season, try not to live according to the "towards obesity" lifestyle. This requires our attention.
We always think that Japanese suits are too thin, but in fact, the Japanese eat less. They insist on a dieting lifestyle. In the civil service system, if you are overweight, you will be punished or even fired, because you will get sick when you get old, and it will cost taxpayers money. Everyone thinks this news is a joke. , but someone searched it later, and it turned out to be true. Pregnant women in Japan control their food intake and do not eat a lot of meat, so after giving birth, the weight of the mother and the child are normal. It is said that there are Chinese pregnant women who gave birth in Japan and South Korea. In the end it was healthy.

Therefore, as the Japanese get older, the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is not high, and medical expenses are declining. It is said that a Japanese doctor came to China to visit heart surgery. After the visit, he was very envious of the Chinese doctor: "For such a serious heart disease patient, such a difficult operation, how many of you can do in a day? We are in Japan and see each other every year." Less than a few cases!" This is the result of prevention.

At that time, my father gave lectures at Kansai University in Japan, and went to a small restaurant to eat. There were Chinese students working part-time. He told our father that the Japanese boss was very bad and didn’t give us enough food. Every meal was just like this. My father expressed his sympathy, so he made dumplings on weekends and invited them to eat. When I was young, this incident made me hate capitalists, but now I understand that they are responsible for your health.

Therefore, in this era, the person who keeps putting meat in your bowl may not be really good to you, but the person who feeds you carrots and cabbage all day is true love!
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