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Let’s see how sugar lovers can eliminate habitual irritability

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Let’s see how sugar lovers can eliminate habitual irritability
Spring has arrived, and as the saying goes: "Every grass returns to spring, and every disease breaks out." Spring is the season when diseases are most likely to occur. For patients with diabetes, spring is like a dangerous "gate". Improper adjustment can easily increase blood sugar and worsen the condition. On the contrary, if it is properly maintained and attaches great importance to all aspects of health care, the condition can be stabilized and the "troubled spring" can be safely passed. "Sugar lovers" are prone to irritability and irritability in spring. For this reason, Professor Ni Qing, director of the Endocrinology Department of Guang'anmen Hospital, Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, and Chen Jie, a national second-level psychological counselor, will talk about what to do if "sugar lovers" are habitually irritable. manage.

"Habitual irritability" is a disease

Many times, "sugar friends" will find a phenomenon: it is easy to get angry over trivial things. Moreover, he always gets angry for no apparent reason and cannot control it no matter how hard he tries. "I'm annoyed", "Don't mess with me"... It seems that irritability has become a part of life and work. Some people vividly call this situation "habitual irritability". In fact, irritability is a normal emotional reaction. If it happens occasionally, don’t worry too much; but if it happens every day, it will inevitably affect work efficiency.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, irritability and irritability are caused by excessive liver fire in "sugar lovers". Excessive liver fire, which Chinese medicine calls “rising liver fire”, is a problem with the regulation of qi and blood in the human body’s internal organs, and is not a very serious disease.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the liver belongs to wood, which means it is happy and prone to depression, which corresponds to the rising Qi in spring. If you do not pay attention to regulating your emotions, you will suffer from stagnation of liver qi, impetuous spirit, confusion of spirit, dizziness, irritability, insomnia, delusions and madness. Patients with hypertension are prone to hyperactivity of liver yang and elevated blood pressure, and are at risk of stroke. Diabetics suffer from mood swings and have difficulty controlling blood sugar. People suffering from schizophrenia are prone to relapse in spring.

Therefore, everyone must learn to regulate and control their emotions. Sun Simiao, a doctor of the Tang Dynasty, pointed out in "A Thousand Golden Prescriptions: Nourishing Nature" that to regulate emotions, "Don't worry, don't be angry, don't be sad, don't be afraid, don't laugh, don't indulge in what you want, don't harbor resentment." Once you encounter When you are troubled, practice "self-lawsuit, self-control, self-talk, and self-explanation." Learn to vent yourself to protect your mind from harm. Shen Kuo said it well in "Su Chen Liang Prescription·Health Preservation Theory": "(The heart) is calm, and the things that I feel are light, and the (heart) is harmonious, and those who respond to things are smooth. If the outside is light and the inside is smooth, then the physiology is ready!" Therefore, You must have a normal mind, be clear of desires, and maintain a tranquil mind. This will lead to internal lightness and external smoothness, smooth qi and blood, harmony of the internal organs, and a balance of yin and yang, which can invisibly have health care effects in line with the rise of yang energy in spring.

In spring, you are susceptible to emotional "flu"

At the same time, the climate in spring is changeable. During the seasonal change from winter to spring, the temperature is always hot and cold. Because the climate is unstable and the air pressure is low in spring, the human body adjusts its body temperature to adapt to this climate change. The central hypothalamus will actively regulate.

Generally speaking, although normal people are prone to mental fatigue such as colds and spring sleepiness, they can adapt to such climate changes. Some "sugar lovers" are troubled by symptoms such as insomnia and anxiety. Therefore, the number of patients seeking help has also increased recently. The first symptoms of many patients are insomnia, anxiety, and irritability, followed by depression and depression, which lead to confusion and confusion, and some people even develop mental illness.

Due to the large changes in sunshine and temperature in spring, it is easy to affect people's emotions. Some small things in this season will induce unstable factors in emotions. Even for most mentally healthy people, the changeable weather in spring can cause people to have greater mood swings and make people easily irritable and restless, especially for those with sugar.

According to reports, the pineal gland in the human body will produce a kind of "melatonin" when exposed to strong sunlight. When the hormone is less, the concentrations of thyroxine and adrenaline will increase. However, during rainy and bad weather, the pineal gland secretes melatonin. There are more hormones, and the concentrations of thyroxine and epinephrine are relatively lower. Thyroxine and epinephrine have the function of promoting cell metabolism, increasing oxygen consumption, and stimulating tissue growth, maturation, and differentiation. Therefore, changing climate will lead to changes in mood through its impact on the pineal gland.

Introverts should try their best to change their personality, communicate more with others, and vent their emotions appropriately. When you find that you are in a low mood, you should pay attention to diverting the bad emotions. When you are depressed, you might as well listen to music or participate in outdoor activities, go for an outing, or play ball. At the same time, you should eat more fruits and vegetables. If the situation is particularly serious, you must seek treatment from a professional psychologist.

If there is a member in the family with a history of mental illness, pay more attention to the recurrence patterns of mental illness, and pay special attention to his emotional changes, such as sudden sleep disorders, daze, flat emotions, few words, laziness, talking and laughing to himself for no reason, etc. Once any abnormality is discovered, seek medical attention promptly.

A psychological prescription for “sugar friends”

Most diabetic patients feel very sad when they think that the disease will accompany them throughout their lives, manifesting as depression and poor mood. This kind of mentality will naturally weaken the body's immune function and reduce resistance, which is not conducive to the control of diabetes and seriously affects the treatment effect.

Therefore, psychological treatment and care are very important in the treatment of diabetes, especially since patients generally stay in the hospital for a long time. It is even more important to get along with medical staff day and night and provide psychological care.

Patients who are newly diagnosed with diabetes or newly admitted to the hospital often have varying degrees of negative, doubtful, pessimistic and other emotions due to lack of understanding of diabetes. They hope that doctors and nurses can provide sympathy and help, and trust their recovery to doctors. They often ask questions repeatedly. Pay close attention to your doctor’s every move regarding your condition and treatment plan. Based on the above-mentioned psychological characteristics of patients, medical staff should be enthusiastic and provide high-quality services, proactively and sincerely explain relevant issues to patients, properly explain the condition, introduce diabetes knowledge, and increase the patient's ability to self-regulate.

Diabetic patients first need to build up confidence and realize that the disease, like many diseases, cannot be cured, but it is not an incurable disease. If it is properly controlled, they can live, study and work like normal people.

Secondly, the treatment of diabetes requires long-term diet control, medication or insulin injection, regular blood sugar checks and other measures. Patients must overcome their fear of difficulties and develop treatment and monitoring behaviors into a habit. And good behavioral habits will not become a burden in our lives. When we can perform as required, I hope everyone can think of ways to reward ourselves and tell ourselves: I did a great job. Of course, we must be down-to-earth, one step at a time, and we must not rush for success.

Thirdly, no matter whether facing life or disease, we must have an attitude of "according to nature and doing what we should do". Patients must realize that avoiding the disease cannot change the current situation, accept the objective reality that they have diabetes, and understand that they are not alone, and that there may be others with more serious problems than their own. After the patient accepts an "imperfect self", he should adopt a positive attitude and continue to do things he was capable of before getting sick, including working, studying, socializing, cultivating interests and hobbies, etc., to make his life more fulfilling.

Finally, ask a professional clinical psychologist to evaluate the mental health level. If it is found that the patient has reached the level of anxiety or depression, antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs can be taken under professional guidance, along with relaxation therapy, etc. To improve mood, improve quality of life, and control blood sugar.
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