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Learn Chinese medicine to protect the health of yourself and your family

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Learn Chinese medicine to protect the health of yourself and your family
I think the greatest happiness in my life is to meet Chinese medicine diet therapy, and learning Chinese medicine knowledge makes me extremely happy and joyful.

The first time I met was Mr. Chen Yunbin, an expert in diet therapy of traditional Chinese medicine. The simple home-cooked ingredients recommended by Mr. Chen were really wise and effective, which made me fall in love with Chinese medicine from then on. In the past two years, I have benefited a lot from studying Dr. Luo's knowledge of Chinese medicine. From knowing cold and heat to understanding yin, yang, qi and blood, this process has really witnessed the magic of Chinese medicine. As long as the traditional Chinese medicine is right to the symptom, it works like a panacea. In many cases, one treatment will be effective and the third treatment will be cured.

The first is the children's cold problem. As long as you distinguish between cold and heat, the medicine will cure the disease. Influenza broke out in November last year, and of course the babies at home were also affected. That day my daughter sneezed when she came home from kindergarten. I quickly boiled perilla water for her to drink. She woke up in the middle of the night and said, "Mom, why can't my nose come out? My body is a little hot." I felt a little fever when I touched it. , When I got up in the morning, I made ginger and scallion tangerine peel water for her, drank a big bowl, sweated all over, and the fever subsided at noon, and she was very energetic. At night everything was fine, no fever, no stuffy nose. But when she woke up the next day, she said, "Mom, why is my throat so dry?" I looked at her tongue, it was very red, and it was obviously yin deficiency, so I quickly cooked three beans, black plum and white sugar soup, and drank it three times. On the third day, I gave her yam powder three times. The treatment was timely, there was no cough, and the flu passed like this. If I used to have a cough for a month or two, every time I catch a cold, I will leave a coughing tail, which is very frustrating. I think every mother understands it. The yam powder is very good. If the spleen and stomach are strong, they will not be afraid of external cold.

I remember that in the previous winter, my daughter caught a cold once a week and suffered a lot. Now I finally know that it is very important to replenish the spleen and stomach after a cold. I also know the seriousness of food accumulation. Food accumulation will not only cause cough, but also cause fever. If children do not accumulate food, they will get sick less. Don’t feed children too much big fish and meat, especially children with poor spleen and stomach. . I remember one time my son ate a lot of chicken and woke up the next day with constant coughing. I thought it must be because he ate too much meat. Just that day, someone was selling candied haws in the market.

Now let’s talk about my own situation. I am an introverted woman who is not good at speaking, but I met an irritable in-laws. After a long period of time, the stagnation becomes a disease, and the liver qi is uncomfortable. In addition, worrying about the academic degrees of the two children exhausted all efforts, and finally broke out in a serious illness. Heart pain, chest tightness, bloating, insomnia, dry throat, difficulty speaking, very uncomfortable every day, palpitations, feeling like I am going to die. After seeing a few Chinese medicine practitioners, my symptoms improved slightly, but none of them recovered. I saw that the medicines prescribed by them were similar, Zhigancao Decoction, Ejiao, and Danshen Dripping Pills. After taking the traditional Chinese medicine for more than a month, it didn't get better, and the condition remained the same. Later, I inadvertently heard Zhang Xichun's medical case about depression in Luo Dalun's audio, and felt that it was very similar to my own condition, so I hurried to the pharmacy to grab a pair of Shengsheng soup to try. I felt more comfortable the next day, and I didn't feel so breathless when cycling. Now I have great confidence in this soup, and boldly prescribed a prescription for myself. 20 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of red ginseng, 10 grams of angelica, 9 grams of Anemarrhena, 5 grams of Bupleurum, 5 grams of Campanulaceae, 4 grams of Cimicifuga, 15 grams of longan meat, 10 grams of Chinese yam, and 10 grams of cornus. 3 times, it will get better day by day, and then drink 6 times and it will be cured. Unexpectedly, the soreness of the arm and the soreness of the knee after the confinement period were also relieved, which is really amazing. I was moved to tears when I thought of the days when I was treated. I am so grateful to Dr. Luo. If I didn’t learn Chinese medicine, how long would I have to suffer from the disease? This serious illness let me know the causes of the illness. First, the liver qi is not relaxed, second, the qi and blood are insufficient, and third, the spleen and stomach are not good.

Recently, my mother's legs hurt, and it was difficult to turn around. The pain was unbearable, and walking was a problem. At first, I thought it was caused by a car accident last year, and the legs were congested, so I asked her to cook Panax notoginseng chicken leg bone soup, but it didn't work for three days. Later, I asked my sister at home to take a picture of the tongue and send it over. I saw the pale tongue with obvious tooth marks. Now I understand that the right leg hurts due to lack of energy and blood. Maybe the kidney essence is insufficient and the tongue is wet. I prescribed Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, the prescription is as follows: Astragalus 15 grams, Codonopsis 15 grams, Atractylodes macrocephala 10 grams, tangerine peel 6 grams, roasted licorice 6 grams, angelica 10 grams, cohosh 4 grams, Bupleurum 6 grams, salvia miltiorrhiza 10 grams, 9 grams of Rehmannia glutinosa, 10 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 9 grams of cornus, 10 grams of Poria cocos, 10 grams of Chinese yam, 6 jujubes, and 5 slices of ginger. After one set, it will be effective, and the fourth set will be 70% better. Later, I reported a sore throat, so I added 5 grams of Anemarrhena and 8 grams of Shengdi. My mother who is far away in my hometown is slowly recovering, and I am extremely happy in my heart.

Now I take Buzhongyiqi pills, Panax notoginseng powder, Yuling ointment at noon every morning, and Jiawei Xiaoyao pills when my liver qi is uncomfortable. Recently, I feel that my complexion is much better. The first thing I do when I turn on my phone every morning is to check Dr. Luo’s articles, and listen to the audio before going to bed at night. This has become my habit. There is no end to learning, and learning makes me happy. Thank you very much Dr. Luo for giving us this opportunity to learn Chinese medicine. Your dedication is worth learning from.
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