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learn about the Chinese patent medicine Cinnabar Anshen Pills

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

learn about the Chinese patent medicine Cinnabar Anshen Pills
Today we introduce another Chinese patent medicine called Cinnabar Anshen Pills. This Cinnabar Soothing Pill is not commonly used, but when needed, it will have immediate effects. Therefore, this medicine is very special. What is this medicine for? It is specially used to treat the kind of yin deficiency, insufficient yin blood, and then excessive heart fire, which causes people to feel depressed and manic, have many dreams and insomnia, panic, and feel particularly unstable and fearful, etc.

Let me give you an example first. There was once an old man who suffered from a disease, which was panic and fear of death. He always felt that he was going to die. He was extremely panicked and lived in panic all day long. To what extent? He stayed up all night, his eyes were red and he was scared. As soon as he slept, he was afraid that he would die, and his heart would beat wildly. As a result, everyone said that he suffered from depression, which was extremely tormenting, and his relatives couldn't bear it anymore. The hospital conducted a thorough investigation and found no big problem, but he was even more frightened. He felt that it was a big problem even if the hospital couldn't find out. When he asked me, I said he looked at his tongue, and the tip of his tongue was a little red. Because I was not in the city at the time, he took a photo of his tongue and sent it to me, so his pulse was not detected. I asked them to check the number, the pulse is counted, and it beats fast. At this time, I told him that when he bought this cinnabar calming pill, he didn’t need to take more. Just follow the instructions and take it for a day or two. Under normal circumstances, as long as the medicine is right for the symptoms, it will take effect in a day or two, so there is no need to take more. As a result, there was a reaction after eating. The old man felt calm and less panicked. Then he continued to use Tianwang Buxin Dan and other medicines, as well as some donkey hide gelatin ointment to nourish the blood. The old man gradually recovered and is now fine.

There are many such things. In fact, I have also encountered such a situation in my life. Why did I know that I should take this medicine as soon as I saw his situation? When I was studying, I also had this kind of situation. I was flustered, feeling weak, scared, and always felt like I was going to die. My heart was beating wildly even when I was lying in bed, and I was worried that I would die. At this time, I felt that my mind was no longer normal. It was not normal. That kind of consciousness was lost, and I was in a state of panic. Because I had already studied Chinese medicine at that time, I was thinking about what to do now. According to the textbook, I finally found that cinnabar tranquilizing pills should be used. I took one pill after buying it, and after taking it, I felt that my whole state changed instantly, so later I knew that this recipe could indeed turn the tide.

What is the history of this recipe? What is its main party? Why on earth is it so effective?

First of all, let’s look at the origin of this prescription. It was Li Dongyuan, one of the four great masters of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties. He was the master of traditional Chinese medicine who prescribed Buzhong Yiqi Decoction. He mentioned the Cinnabar Anshen Pills in "The Theory of Internal and External Injury Debate". It is used as a formula. It can be seen that this prescription is made by famous Chinese medicine experts. It is relatively classic and does not contain many medicines. What is the composition of this recipe? Just use a little cinnabar, a little Coptis chinensis, then mix it with Rehmannia glutinosa and Angelica sinensis, and add some Zhigancao. This recipe is very simple, right? So why use these medicines?

First of all, when a person has yin deficiency, his whole body will actually have yin deficiency. However, if it shows up in the heart meridian, the heart fire is particularly strong and the heart fire is excessive. As we all know, the heart stores the spirit, governs the gods, and is the official of the monarch. When the monarch's official fire is strong, the mind will be confused, so the person will be emotionally manic, have all kinds of agitation, and feel particularly uncomfortable. At this time, use cinnabar. What is the effect of cinnabar medicine? It calms the mind. In fact, cinnabar is a bit toxic and contains mercury, so this prescription cannot be taken for a long time. However, if you encounter this symptom, you may not be able to control it without using it. So many people who are against traditional Chinese medicine say that some medicines from traditional Chinese medicine are toxic. Everyone, medicines from Western medicine are also toxic. What should be written after antibiotics? "Patients with renal insufficiency should use it under the guidance of a doctor", why? Because many antibiotics can damage the kidneys. In fact, this kind of formulation says that Chinese medicine is poisonous and cannot be used. Such people do not understand medicine and have nothing to do with medicine, because medicine is like this. Many of our medicines are actually a little toxic, but medicine is about toxicity and This is a knowledge of balancing the efficacy. If necessary, it can save lives. You can use it briefly or in a controlled dose to save your life, and then your body will be fine again. All drugs have some bias. If they are not biased, they would not be called medicines. Those with some bias may cause harm to the body, but when they are correcting your body, this bias is what they need most. The advantages.

This is the medicine of cinnabar. If it is used in large amounts, it will not work. It will be very harmful to the human body and can cause injuries. However, it is reasonable to use it sparingly when needed to stop the illness and then stop using it when the illness is cured. Therefore, there is cinnabar in this recipe. This medicine is very important in calming the nerves. When the mind is particularly flustered, as soon as cinnabar is used, the panic will be calmed down and the mind will be calmed down immediately. Therefore, cinnabar is the king medicine here and is the most important.

Then use coptis. The amount of coptis is slightly larger than cinnabar. Why use coptis? The ancients said that although cinnabar is a medicine that calms the nerves, its properties are a bit slow and has no effect on releasing the fire. It just suppresses the fire for you, while Coptis chinensis helps you release the fire. Therefore, the ancients’ prescription Worthiness is very clear. This is the fire that vents the heart meridian. Because fire can damage yin, as long as there is heart fire and the mind is constantly disturbed, it will continue to damage yin, and the condition will get worse and worse. Let the inner fire go down and replenish yin blood at this time, and the whole body will be able to adjust.

Then add raw rehmannia glutinosa at this time. Raw rehmannia nourishes yin. As we all know, using raw rehmannia glutinosa to nourish yin and replenishing kidney water can relieve the heart fire. In this way, the heart meridian will not be deficient in yin, and the deficiency fire in the heart meridian will be reduced. Therefore, what Coptis chinensis purges is excess fire, raw earth nourishes yin, and what it purges is deficient fire. When one is deficient and the other is excess, the formula is so complete. Coupled with Angelica sinensis, Angelica sinensis nourishes blood, and Rehmannia glutinosa, because the heart governs the blood vessels, nourishing the blood enough at this time can better nourish yin and nourish the heart. When we usually use it, we add some donkey hide gelatin. It also nourishes yin and blood.

What’s the final ingredient in this recipe? It is used with Zhigancao. Zhigancao is used to blend and assist medicine. It prevents Coptis chinensis from being particularly bitter and cold, and also prevents cinnabar. Because cinnabar is a mineral, minerals will affect the function of the spleen and stomach after use. Therefore, Zhigancao is a tonic to prevent those two drugs. disadvantages. So you see, this recipe is very classic.

What does this prescription treat? It is this kind of yin deficiency and excess fire that leads to excessive heart fire. What are the main symptoms? It is uneasiness and restlessness. I don’t recommend it under normal circumstances, so under what circumstances should it be used? It means that you are in a state of extremely strong heart fire, fear, panic, fear of death, and extreme fear. It cannot be suppressed without cinnabar, and it is generally difficult to adjust it with other medicines. There is also the kind of insomnia caused by extreme panic, and you feel that If you are upset or have too much anger and can't sleep at night, you can use Cinnabar Soothing Pills if you are particularly stubborn. At this time, the person's tongue must be red. Remember, the tongue is definitely not white, not snow-white and fat, but red, especially the tip of the tongue is red, and the pulse is fast.

Nowadays, everyone uses it to treat people who are mentally depressed and in a state of panic. This person's heart has premature beats, palpitations, palpitations, etc. But first of all, remember that it must be excessive heart fire and then yin deficiency. My experience is this, if the person has the characteristics of terror and fear, and is restless, I think this recipe is the best choice, and I usually use this recipe to take the lead. The characteristic of this recipe is that it cannot be used too much, because cinnabar is a bit toxic after all, so generally one or two pills are enough. If it is more serious, one or two days is enough. There is no need to use more. I think this recipe is Take the lead, calm down your mind and let go of the anger in your heart. Then there are other prescriptions to supplement later, which can be done peacefully, such as nourishing yin and adding some Qi supplements, so I will use other prescriptions such as Tianwang Buxin Dan to supplement later. This recipe, I describe it, is like a fierce general, suitable for being a vanguard officer. When the enemy's troops are at the peak of their momentum, you can send this fierce general down and instantly knock down the enemy's morale.

Therefore, Cinnabar Anshen Pills have such a function, which can calm the nerves, vent the fire in the heart, and nourish the yin in the heart. When a person is feeling fearful and frightened due to excessive inner fire, this prescription can turn the tide.

Okay, today I introduce to you a Chinese patent medicine. This Chinese patent medicine is not commonly used, but if you use it correctly, I think it will have immediate results. In the future, we will introduce to you more about how to nourish the heart and what kinds of Chinese patent medicines are used to nourish the heart. In fact, simple Chinese patent medicines can also cure serious illnesses. I hope everyone will learn more about this.
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