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laxative medicine - attack medicine - Glauber's salt

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

laxative medicine - attack medicine - Glauber's salt

Any medicine that can cause diarrhea, or lubricate the large intestine, and have the main function of purging and laxative is called laxative medicine.

This kind of medicine is the product of sedimentation, and it mainly returns to the large intestine meridian. It mainly has the effect of purging and laxative to eliminate gastrointestinal stagnation and dry feces. Or clearing heat and purging fire, so that excess heat and stagnant evil can be cleared and relieved by purging; or driving water to reduce swelling, so that water and dampness can be eliminated with urine and urine, so as to achieve the purpose of removing cessation of drinking and subsiding edema. Some medicines also have the functions of detoxification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

Laxatives are mainly suitable for constipation, gastrointestinal stagnation, excess heat internal knots, edema and cessation of drinking. Some medicines can also be used for sore carbuncle, swollen toxin and blood stasis syndrome. When using Gongxia medicine and Junxia Zhushui medicine in laxative medicine, because of their severe effect or toxicity, they are easy to damage the righteousness and spleen and stomach, so the elderly and weak, weak spleen and stomach should be used with caution; women before and after childbirth and menstruation Period should not be used. When using strong laxatives, stop when they are effective, and do not overdose, so as not to damage the stomach qi. When using severe and toxic laxatives, strict processing procedures must be followed to control the dosage to avoid poisoning and ensure drug safety.

According to the strength of the purging medicine, it can be divided into attacking medicine, moistening medicine and steeping medicine.

Take the medicine

Most of these medicines are bitter and cold, and mainly enter the stomach and large intestine meridians. It not only has a strong laxative effect, but also has the effect of clearing away heat and purging fire. It is mainly suitable for those with stagnant excess heat, constipation, and dry feces.

Glauber's salt
It was first recorded in "Bielu of Famous Doctors".

This product is the sulfate mineral Glauber's salt family Glauber's salt, processed and refined crystals. Taste salty, slightly bitter. It is better to be off-white, transparent, and in the form of crystal blocks.

[properties of medicine] salty, bitter, cold. Return stomach, large intestine channel.

[Efficacy] Purging and laxative, moistening dryness and softening firmness, clearing fire and reducing swelling.


1. Stagnation of excess heat, abdominal fullness and pain, dry stool

This product can relieve diarrhea and attack stagnation, and can clear away heat when it is cold in nature.

2. Intestinal abscess and abdominal pain

This product can relieve constipation, clear away fire and reduce swelling, and treat abdominal pain due to intestinal abscess; it can also be used together with rhubarb and garlic at the onset of intestinal abscess, smashed for external application.

3. Milk carbuncle, hemorrhoids swelling and pain, sore throat and mouth sores, red eyes and swelling and pain

External use of this product has the effect of clearing fire and reducing swelling. For the treatment of breast carbuncle at the beginning, this product can be dissolved in water or wrapped with gauze for external application; for hemorrhoids with swelling and pain, this product can be decocted and washed externally.

[Usage and Dosage] 6~12g, generally not put into decoction, after the decoction is decocted, dissolve into the soup and take. Appropriate amount for external use.

【Cautions for use】Use with caution during pregnancy and breast-feeding; it should not be used together with sulfur and trigonum.

[Drugs for identification] Glauber's salt and rhubarb are both laxatives, and they must be used for the treatment of intestinal dryness and constipation. However, rhubarb has a bitter taste and strong laxative power, and has the effect of cleaning the stomach. It is the main medicine for treating constipation caused by heat. Glauber's salt is salty and can be used to soften hard stools and laxatives, and is good at removing dry feces and hard stools. Glauber's salt can also clear fire and reduce swelling, but it is mostly used externally to treat sores, carbuncles, swelling and pain. Rhubarb subsides in bitter cold, purifies fire, cools blood and detoxifies, clears away dampness and heat, treats syndromes such as heat-toxin syndrome, bleeding syndrome and internal damp-heat syndrome;
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