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Laughter therapy twice a day effectively lowers blood sugar

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Laughter therapy twice a day effectively lowers blood sugar
The ancients said that laughter can cure all diseases. Japanese geneticist Murakami confirmed that a smile can really help diabetic patients lower blood sugar. In the future, doctors may prescribe comedy videos twice a day. (This is the correct medical concept.)
Murakami pointed out that "laughter therapy" is simple, cost-effective, and has no side effects. He cooperated with a Japanese entertainment company three years ago to conduct a laugh therapy experiment. First let the diabetic listen to a boring college class, and then invite the top comedian of the entertainment company to do a talk show. Blood tests found that compared with drowsy lectures, blood sugar actually dropped after the patient laughed. (This shows that every time western medicine scares a patient, the patient will have high blood pressure and high blood sugar immediately after hearing what the western medicine says.)
Although genes are difficult to change, 90% of them are inactive. Scientists believe that these genes can be activated by external stimuli. Murakami believes that laughter is the switch that can activate the energy of gene therapy. His research shows that at least 23 genes are stimulated by laughter and their functions are increased, 18 of which are related to immune response, signal transduction, and cell life cycle, and the functions of the other five genes are still unclear. (Just relying on these 23 genes is enough, at least western medicine can't do it, so a happy smile can beat all western medicine.)
An experiment conducted by Osaka Sangyo University in western Japan in 2004, in addition to providing medical care for the elderly, combined physical training and laughter therapy. The 92 elderly people who participated in the experiment said that their annual medical expenses were reduced by 30%. (Readers have seen it, I hate the scaring methods of Western medicine the most in my life. They are medicines that can not cure diseases, but at the same time scare patients to death.)
Happiness is the only way to live a long life. A woman who is always happy will not get breast cancer. If she wants to be truly happy, there is only one truth, that is, she can let go of her heart. Keeping a childlike heart and laughing happily every day is not only good for blood sugar, but the human body will be far away from cancer because of the smooth flow of Qi. A few days ago, a doctor from the mainland website Zhonggu Luke met a 103-year-old lady in the clinic , she looks only about 80 years old on the outside, and she is in good spirits. He asked her, what kind of food do you usually eat the most, and she replied that she likes meat the most, and she has been like this all her life. I think the reason for her long life is that she can let go of everything , I have always been happy, so eating meat is the same as longevity. Many people think that vegetarianism is healthy, but in fact it is wrong. It should be a healthy heart that is the source of longevity.
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