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Introduction to the conditioning method of accumulated powder moss

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Introduction to the conditioning method of accumulated powder moss
Today, I would like to introduce a kind of tongue coating, called powder coating. What kind of coating is it? Let's put the photo of this tongue below, you can take a look. First of all, the tongue coating is white, like a lot of flour has accumulated, so it is called powder coating. This kind of powdery coating means that a person is sick, and the disease is generally not mild. Generally, the tongue coating is thick and greasy, but this tongue coating looks white, and the accumulation is serious. It is not so dry to the touch, but a little wet Feel.

What does powder moss mean?

Let's analyze the reasons for its formation. First of all, this kind of situation means that there must be stagnation in the spleen and stomach, especially in the stomach, that is, the food that is eaten, the food is kept in it, and it has not been digested normally. There is stagnation, which shows the function of the spleen and stomach of this person There is a problem, so there is stagnation in the spleen and stomach, which is blocked and not metabolized. At the same time, it is damp and turbid. We know this "damp turbidity" will be like this when there is phlegm dampness. If the dampness is heavy, the accumulation of stagnation in the stomach and the combination of food and it will affect the movement of qi and blood, so it is Phlegm-dampness is combined with stagnant food and stagnant food, plus filthy qi. This "filthy qi" is generally not commonly used in Chinese medicine. When we talk about health preservation, we rarely talk about filthy qi. What is it? It is often the unrighteous evil spirit between heaven and earth.

Speaking of this, we must talk about an ancient man, that is, Wu Youke of the Ming Dynasty, an expert in the study of plague. You may have seen a movie called "Da Ming Jie", in which this famous doctor Wu Youke was included. Wu Youke specially dealt with the plague, because he discovered at that time that some of the infectious diseases were typhoid fever, that is, exogenous infection, caught cold, and some were sudden onset, all manifested as fever, and the infection was rapid, as if all of a sudden this village Many people have it, so what kind of disease is it? He began to study, in fact, what he studied was plague. In the process of studying plague, he proposed the concept of febrile disease, so febrile disease became independent from this point, and finally became the theory of febrile disease. In fact, febrile disease is related to plague. Cross, but there is still a little difference. The theory of febrile disease originated from here, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

So, Wu can say where does this evil spirit come from? He said that the world is neither cold nor hot, but that there is a kind of unhealthy hostility, which will cause illness after entering the body, so in fact, what he is talking about is a kind of microorganism, which is equivalent to the viruses and bacteria we talk about today. He said it is The unhealthy qi between heaven and earth, this kind of qi is called "filthy qi" and "filthy qi" in traditional Chinese medicine. This kind of qi is a kind of evil qi, which combines with the food and phlegm in the human body to cause chaos in the body. , often lead to plague, or sores and carbuncles in the body, in this case, the tongue coating is powder coating.

Generally, if the phlegm is heavy, we say that the tongue coating is thick and greasy. If it becomes powdery and white, we should be vigilant, indicating that the body has a basis for pathogenicity. Or there are exogenous evils hidden in the body, and it is easy to get sick. Therefore, it is very important to observe your tongue coating frequently. If you find that your tongue coating is thick and greasy, we should eliminate phlegm and dampness. If you find that it has become powdery and snow-white, you must adjust your body at this time, otherwise there will be problems. Yes, because the causative basis already exists.

So, how to deal with powdery moss like this?

Traditional Chinese medicine has a very good idea, which was enriched by febrile disease experts of later generations. The prescription created by Wu Youke back then is called Dayuanyin, which is also specially used to treat this situation. What is used in Dayuan drink? Use betel nuts, betel nuts can dissipate and grind, and can dissolve the accumulated food and accumulation in the spleen and stomach; add magnolia officinalis to promote qi and remove dampness; grass fruit, aromatic, invigorates the qi of the spleen and stomach; then mix with anemarrhena and peony , Scutellaria baicalensis, etc., this is heat-clearing.

A little aromatic medicine was used in it, and later generations of Chinese medicine added many aromatic medicines, such as Huoxiang Peilan. Once this medicine is boiled, everyone will feel that the taste is very strange. For example, many people do not want to drink Huoxiang Zhengqi water, but They were called vanilla in ancient times, and the ancients thought they were very fragrant. The smell of this grass is very fragrant. What is the effect? Fragrance removes filth, and the smell of fragrance can remove filth and filth. The knowledge of the ancients is very interesting. So what medicine should I use at this time? Use aromatic medicines for promoting Qi, such as Huoxiang Peilan, Nutmeg, Caoguo, etc. This aromatic medicine can open the spleen and stomach, remove dampness, and remove dirty and filthy Qi. After using aromatic medicines, add some heat-clearing and damp-removing medicines, and you will find that the tongue coating will gradually fade away, the root cause of the disease will no longer exist, and evil spirits will not easily stay in the body.

So many times, patients have this kind of disease, such as severe exogenous diseases, or sores in the body, etc. If the tongue coating is like this, you will find that it takes a long time for him to control the disease, but the body always cannot return to normal. At this time, our Chinese medicine uses aromatic and decontamination medicine to dissolve the tongue coating, and you will find that the patient recovers quickly, which is the principle of Chinese medicine. If you simply use intravenous drip at this time, it is also a liquid, and it may be cold, and the control of the disease will be very slow. Western medicine sometimes uses hormones. Hormones warm the yang and can stimulate the body's functions. So why sometimes hormones are effective for such patients? Because warming yang can also remove moisture.

Our traditional Chinese medicine uses aromatic medicines to remove filth, and the effect is also very good. Later generations of febrile disease experts have made a big fuss about this and summed up a very rich treatment method, so this is what we need to learn. When many Chinese medicine practitioners see this situation, the person has sores all over his body, or the person has high fever and severe exogenous diseases, they try to use heat-clearing and detoxifying medicines, but they can’t be used at this time, why? What you use are all heat-clearing and detoxifying medicines, all of which are cold and cool medicines, but they cannot remove the damp and turbid air. If you can add fragrant and detoxifying medicines at this time, and then add a little heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine, the effect will be particularly special good.

In the past, Mr. Zhao Shaoqin from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine had a lot of such patients in his cases. According to other places, he used a lot of antibiotics, or a lot of traditional Chinese medicine for clearing away heat and detoxification. No refund. When Mr. Zhao came to see it, Mr. Zhao said that you have used too much cold and cool medicine, and stopped all the previous medicines, and used some fragrant and turbid medicine. The amount of medicine is not much, and when decocting, the time should not be too long, to get its aroma, if it is cooked for a long time, the aroma will be gone, and it will be destroyed.

With this gentle application, the patient will recover within a few days, and the damp and turbid air in the body will be removed. At this time, the cause of the disease is gone, and the external evils will also be removed. Therefore, this is the principle of traditional Chinese medicine. Accumulation of powder moss is a relatively extreme situation caused by damp and turbid air, food, and unhealthy evil spirits between the dirty world.

Let me introduce it to you, so that everyone can have an understanding. If anyone seems to have this tendency, he should go to recuperate as soon as possible. We don't need to be nervous. Removing the cause of the disease is to protect our health. I am very moved. Sometimes people don't understand this truth and let the situation develop. As a result, one day they are really sick and hospitalized, and they are in great pain.

Alright, that’s all for today’s introduction to tongue diagnosis, and I’ll introduce more to you when I have a chance.
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