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Intercepting Liver Cancer Has Skimming

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Intercepting Liver Cancer Has Skimming
In Taiwan, China, liver disease is known as the "national disease" and kills nearly 12,000 people a year, which means that an average of 1.4 people die of liver disease every hour. Liver cancer is also the "top cancer" among Chinese people. About 7,000 people die of liver cancer in Taiwan every year. People such as Lin Yishou, chairman of Yilian Group, Gao Jinsumei, a legislator, and Shi Mingde, former chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, etc. He suffered from liver cancer at the peak of his life, and recently the well-known ICRT DJ David Wang also died young due to liver cancer! (These people died because they believed in Western medicine. Western medicine is prevalent in Taiwan. If Western medicine is correct, why do about 7,000 people die of liver cancer in Taiwan every year?)
However, it is worth noting that liver cancer is not uncommon, but it does not appear inexplicably like other cancers. The vast majority of liver cancer occurs in the so-called "high-risk group"! For example, 90% of liver cancers in Taiwan are caused by chronic infection of hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus. It is also worth mentioning that most liver cancers "less than 3 cm" can be treated effectively. If everyone can know whether they have high risk factors for liver cancer as early as possible, and establish a solid self-defense mechanism, it will not be difficult to effectively block liver cancer! (This needs to be corrected. Western medicine painkillers are the most likely cause of liver cancer. The toxins of western medicine cause a burden on the liver, which far exceeds that of liver B and C carriers. Therefore, if you want to avoid liver cancer, the first thing to do is self-protection The mechanism is to stay away from western medicine.)
Here are some tips to teach you how to stay away from liver cancer:
1. Know whether you have risk factors for liver cancer as early as possible: risk factors for liver cancer include hepatitis B virus carriers, hepatitis C virus carriers, alcoholics, chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis caused by various reasons, and Those with a family history of liver cancer. Since liver cancer mostly occurs after the age of 20, it is best for everyone to start the self-defense system for liver cancer before the age of 20 to check whether they are carriers of chronic hepatitis B or C, and whether they have chronic hepatitis. hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.
2. Use "ultrasound" and "alpha-fetoprotein" as tools for screening liver cancer: Most of the liver function tests of patients with liver cancer are normal or "slightly abnormal", but the most common cause of mildly abnormal liver function is Chronic hepatitis and fatty liver, so it is impractical and easy to cause misjudgment if you want to know whether you have liver cancer through liver function tests alone!
The most effective clinical tools for detecting liver cancer are "ultrasound" and "alpha-fetoprotein". Ultrasound can detect more than 80% of liver cancer, and alpha-fetoprotein can detect about Liver cancer in the 60s, the two complement each other and are currently the leading weapon in screening liver cancer.
3. Regular checkups and persevere: carriers of hepatitis B or C and any chronic hepatitis patients are best to undergo liver cancer screening at least every six months; and patients with liver cirrhosis have a high probability of developing liver cancer in the future. 1/4, must Check every three to four months; as for those who do not have high risk factors, you may wish to check liver function, hepatitis B and C, A-fetoprotein and abdominal ultrasound every five years to find out whether you are in the Unknowingly, they have become a high-risk group of liver cancer.
There is no nerve tissue in the liver, so the most common symptom in the early stage of the liver is "no symptoms"; if you wait until you feel tired, your skin turns yellow, or your upper abdomen feels uncomfortable before you seek medical advice, most of the liver cancer has grown to more than 7 cm, which can be described as terminally ill. The medicine stone has been cured! Only by "regular inspection and persistence" can we know whether we are "neighbors with cancer" at an early stage, and we can immediately intercept and completely wipe out it before "disaster arises from the wall"!
Source: Physician Xu Bingyi
Are the three points mentioned above really useful? The answer is useless. The proof is here. Readers must remember what I said. There are several types of people with high risk of liver cancer. The first: fools who like to take western medicine , These people are superstitious about Western medicine, but do not understand how poisonous Western medicine is. The result of abusing Western medicine is liver cancer. Second: Alcoholic people, these people do not know that excessive drinking can damage the liver, and the result of drinking and having fun all day long is liver cancer. Third: People who like to eat vitamins are most likely to get liver cancer, because they don't know that the vitamins they eat are feeding cancer cells. Fourth: Overworked people, these people work hard for the happiness of their families in order to live, which leads to liver cancer due to overwork. Let me take Sun Yat-sen, the father of our country, as an example. He was born in Western medicine and believed in Western medicine all his life. He only took Western medicine and did not believe in Chinese medicine. , he was not a carrier of hepatitis B and C in his life, but he died of liver cancer, this is the evidence.
There are early symptoms of liver cancer, Western medicine does not know, so they say no, which just proves that they are indeed ignorant. The main symptom of early liver cancer is that they will wake up for no reason every day from 1:00 to 3:00 in the middle of the night, and they must wait until after 3:00 to return Sleep, this is the precursor of liver cancer, and this strange symptom will appear two years before the onset. Often tired and weak, unable to cheer up, lack of fighting spirit, irritable and irritable, often constipated and sometimes sluggish, this is also one of the precursors of liver cancer. Here I just briefly explain a few pre-symptoms of liver cancer, and there are many more, due to space limitations, so I can't list them all. Please forgive me.
When you are diagnosed with liver cancer, do not ask Western medicine to continue to do any further examinations, such as biopsy, etc. This will only make things worse and make Chinese medicine more difficult. Please find the nearest Chinese medicine doctor you trust for treatment, and don’t touch the tumor. It will not spread. Take traditional Chinese medicine and rest more, eat more organic natural food, maintain a happy mood, exercise more, sing more, eat more seaweed and kelp food, don't think about it, let alone be afraid, at this time Ignorance is better than knowledge, and don’t go to the hospital for examinations. Excessive examinations will only cause a burden on the liver and will not help at all. There is a saying in the United States that says Ignorance is bless, please remember this saying.
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