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In winter, strengthening resistance is the top priority

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

In winter, strengthening resistance is the top priority
The diseases this year are indeed a bit arrogant. From mycoplasma in the early autumn to the recent flu and colds, it can be said that there are waves of waves. Some people may not get sick again and again, but some people may not have any problems. Or very light.

So do you have a deeper understanding of the saying "righteousness exists within, and evil cannot be done"?

It really is "righteousness exists within, evil cannot be done"! People with good physical health, or those who are active in replenishing their bodies, have relatively sufficient righteousness, and have the ability to fight against external evils, and can defeat external evils.

People whose bodies have always been weak and unprepared will suffer more than others when faced with the menacing external evils. Their bodies are not strong enough to fight against the invasion of external evils.

So what are some ways to regulate your body? Banxia has sorted out some exercise methods that can enhance righteousness that I wrote a few days ago and shared them with everyone so that everyone can find them easily.

1. Nine-turn method for longevity

The principle behind the nine-turn method of prolonging life and improving the health of the body is this. The abdomen is a very special part, which is known as "the palace city of the internal organs and the origin of yin and yang qi and blood."

The most important thing is that there are two internal organs in the abdomen: the spleen and the stomach. The spleen and stomach are the foundation of the human body. "The abdomen contains the sea of water and grains, and the abundance of water and grains governs longevity." The spleen and stomach receive water and grains and transform them into subtle substances, which are transported throughout the body. , to maintain the normal operation of the human body. Only when the water and grains are sufficient and the essence is sufficient, the human body can obtain sufficient nutrition, the internal organs are sufficient, and sufficient righteousness can be generated to resist external evils.

2. Face should be wiped frequently

Dry bathing on the face is also a very ancient health-preserving method. The principle is as follows, "The head is the gathering of all Yangs, and the face is the flower of the five internal organs." Bathing the face with hands can guide the Yang Qi to ascend along the Yang meridians, which is helpful for the Yang in the body. The rise of Qi and the normal functioning of the five internal organs.

"Twelve meridians and three hundred and sixty-five collaterals, all their qi and blood go up to the face and go to the empty orifices... all the qi and body fluids go up to the face." The face is where the qi and blood of the internal organs are injected, so bathe the face frequently. Facial massage helps to smoothen Qi and blood, moisturize the skin, make the skin shiny, delay and prevent the appearance of wrinkles; massage stimulates the acupoints and meridians on the face, which can adjust the body's functions, help balance the yin and yang of the organs, and enhance righteousness. !

3. Hair should be combed frequently

Combing hair is a very comfortable way to maintain health. The reason why combing hair can improve righteousness is that the head is the master of the whole body. "The head is the house of wisdom". "House of God", "all the essence of the internal organs and six internal organs are injected into the head and face". The head is a very important part. Comb your hair with a comb and scrape the comb teeth back and forth on the scalp, which can cause repeated friction on many acupuncture points and meridians on the head. And stimulation, it can effectively dredge qi and blood, unblock meridians and activate meridians, and can also stimulate these acupuncture points, and use the conduction effects of meridians and acupoints to achieve the purpose of dispersing wind and cold, promoting qi and blood circulation, adjusting internal organs, balancing yin and yang, and improving healthy qi!

4. Rub the soles of the feet regularly

We know that there is a very important acupuncture point on the heart of the foot, Yongquan point, which is the starting point of the kidney meridian. When we rub the heart of the foot, we mainly rub Yongquan point.
As the starting point of the kidney meridian, the Yongquan point can nourish the kidney essence. Regularly massaging the Yongquan point on the soles of the feet will ensure sufficient kidney essence, sufficient qi and blood, sufficient nutrition, and a healthy body. Kidney essence is also involved in resisting external evils. It is a basic substance for human life activities and is part of the healthy qi. Regular rubbing of Yongquan point can ensure sufficient kidney essence, strong vitality, strong disease resistance, and difficulty in invasion of evil spirits.

In addition, "cold comes from the feet, and diseases come from the cold." Many diseases are often caused by cold, and most of this cold starts from the feet. We usually rub the soles of our feet more to avoid catching cold, which can avoid getting sick. , improve our disease resistance.

5. The purpose should be good luck.

You may be wondering, isn’t eye exercise related to improving eyesight? How can it improve righteousness?

The eyes are divided into five parts: the flesh wheel, the blood wheel, the energy wheel, the wind wheel, and the water wheel, which correspond to the five internal organs of the spleen, heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys respectively. Therefore, there is a saying that "eyes penetrate the five internal organs, and Qi penetrates the five rounds." The eyes can be moved It promotes the gradual strengthening of the five internal organs, the filling of qi, blood and body fluids, making the body strong and resisting external evils.

In addition, doing eye exercises can also relieve stress. Many of our diseases are caused by high stress. High stress makes the brain tired, the body tired, and prone to illness. Relieving stress is also a way to keep the body healthy!

For detailed methods, please click "The king of medicine, Sun Simiao, recommends this health regimen that can brighten eyesight, delay aging, and harmonize the five internal organs to everyone!" 》

6. Maintain your back

There are actually many ways to care for your back, including chiropractic, back basking, back warming, chiropractic massage, back rolling, back rubbing, back moxibustion, back scraping and cupping, etc. Nourishing the back nourishes the Du meridian and bladder meridian on the back.

The Du meridian is the "sea of yang meridians", which controls the yang energy of the body. The bladder meridian is the "fence" of the human body, the defense wall of the human body, and the largest meridian of the human body. It also distributes the back-shu points of all internal organs, which can be used at the same time. Adjust the internal organs, harmonize the internal organs, maintain good health, and naturally have sufficient righteousness!

For detailed methods, please click "One action, quickly dispel cold, warm the body, dehumidify and detoxify, release stress, dredge meridians, relieve fatigue, balance yin and yang, don't miss it", "Many chronic diseases caused by insufficient yang energy and blocked qi and blood, only Needs a gentle pinch》

7. Cuogu Road

During Cui Gu Dao, the perineum point rises, falls and beats with the movement.

The Huiyin point is the common starting point of Ren, Du and Chong meridians. In addition, Ren meridians govern Yin and Du meridians govern Yang. Chong meridians are the sea of blood, the sea of internal organs and the sea of twelve meridians. The yang pulse and the five internal organs can then converge into the perineum and be governed by it.

Cuigu Dao can make all the meridians unobstructed, the meridians unobstructed, and the five internal organs harmonious. Then the qi and blood will be smooth, and it will be difficult for evil spirits to invade!

For a detailed introduction, please click "Today is the beginning of winter, the best time to nourish the kidneys. This method of nourishing the kidneys and essence, nourishing yin and strengthening yang, and harmonizing yin and yang, qi, blood and the five internal organs is recommended to everyone!" 》

8. Teeth should be tapped frequently

Tapping on the teeth can strengthen the kidneys and consolidate essence, and kidney essence is part of the healthy energy. Tapping on the teeth can strengthen the healthy energy and resist evil spirits.

In addition, the saliva stimulated by tapping the teeth helps the body to "rotter water and grains" and the spleen to "transport and promote clearness", reducing the burden on the spleen and stomach, thereby achieving the purpose of strengthening the spleen and stomach. The importance of the spleen and stomach in maintaining the normal operation of the body is self-evident. If the spleen and stomach are harmonious, the qi and blood will be sufficient and the body will be healthy!

For details, please click "Methods that can strengthen the kidneys and essence, strengthen the spleen and stomach, improve ears and eyesight, and beautify the hair. The ancient emperors used it and gave it good reviews! 》

9. The turbid air should be exhaled regularly

Turbid Qi Changhe is a simple version of the Taoist breathing technique. The purpose is to exhale the turbid Qi in the body, inhale the clean Qi that the body needs, and then synthesize the Zhen Qi that protects the body. As the saying goes, "The Zhen Qi follows from it, and the spirit is guarded within. I'll always be safe."

For a detailed introduction, please click "The method of clearing the turbid qi in the body and inhaling the clean qi to let go of the old and adopt the new. This is one of Emperor Qianlong's secrets of longevity. Learning it will benefit you throughout your life!" 》

These methods are all summed up by our ancestors after thousands of years of practice. They have been passed down to this day. They are really useful, simple, convenient and cost-free methods. The following is the feedback from fans after practicing. I hope If everyone can continue to practice during this unusual winter, we must all strive to "keep righteousness within and avoid evil"!
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