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In autumn, people with insufficient kidney yang should pay attention

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

In autumn, people with insufficient kidney yang should pay attention
I remember that one year just after the beginning of autumn, I was giving a lecture in Lhasa, Tibet. I suddenly received a call for help, saying that an old man suddenly lost energy and was lying in bed during the day. . Ask me what to do?

How many days has this been the case? The other party replied that it has been a few days. I looked at the calendar and it started from the day of Liqiu. I thought to myself, solar terms are really amazing! So accurate! My judgment at the time was that the solar term of the beginning of autumn, the weather began to cool down, autumn corresponds to gold, its qi is clear, and people with weak yang qi will feel it.

However, people with insufficient kidney yang will have the performance of "but want to sleep" due to lack of energy and always want to sleep. Therefore, I suggest that they give the elderly Jinkuishenqi pills to warm and invigorate the kidney yang, and see how it works.

As a result, when I received a call later, the old man regained his energy the night of the persuasion, got up and watched TV for two hours, and then gradually recovered.

This is the magic of Chinese medicine. We feel this magic every day, so we love it more and admire the wisdom of the ancients.
So, what exactly is the prescription of this Jin Kui Shen Qi Pill?

Let me tell you about its magical origin!

Let me talk about the name first, there may be something you don't understand! The earliest source of this prescription we see now is Zhang Zhongjing’s "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", but in this book, it has three names, namely: Shenqi Wan, Bawei Shenqi Wan, And Cui's Eight Flavored Pills.

Judging from the name Cui's Baweiwan, Zhongjing also quoted it back then. Of course, some people think that this is added to the book by later generations. This is a matter of literature research, so I won’t introduce it to you!

So, in the book "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", what diseases does this prescription treat? Let me summarize for you, there are five situations in total:

1 "Athlete's beriberi is progressive, and the stomach is not benevolent."
Everyone, take a look, my god, this Jinkuishenqi pill can also treat beriberi?

Haha, please don't get me wrong! This beriberi is not today's fungal beriberi! The athlete's foot mentioned by the ancients refers to the various problems caused by excessive humidity and damp air rushing from the bottom to the top. Because it often starts from the bottom and from the feet and legs, it is called athlete's foot!

Therefore, when you read ancient books and see the word "beriberi", you must understand it in your heart.

It is written in the book "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", which means that the cold and damp air is very heavy, leading to problems such as cramps and pain in the lower abdomen, and it is treated with this prescription.

2 "Asthenia and low back pain, less abdominal urgency, difficulty urinating", in which Zhang Zhongjing pointed out that this is caused by kidney deficiency! Symptoms include insufficiency of the kidney, low back pain, and difficulty in urinating, in addition to the previous symptoms of unkindness and urgency.

Therefore, friends with kidney deficiency and low back pain should pay attention.

So, what are the symptoms of dysuria? When I was just learning Chinese medicine, I pondered over it for a long time, and now I will briefly explain to you that it is the feeling of urinating frequently, but each time it is not so smooth, the amount is not much each time, but the frequency is more.

3 "Shortness of breath and slight drink should be removed from the urine since childhood. Linggui Zhugan Decoction is the mainstay, and Shenqi Pills are also the mainstay." In this article, Zhang Zhongjing added a description of the symptoms of Shangjiao.

When a person's body is cold and damp, there will be an upward rush of damp and turbid air, which will deceive the heart yang and affect breathing. Therefore, such people often feel stuffy. For excretion, you can also use Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan.

4 "When a man is thirsty, he urinates more, drink a bucket, and urinate a bucket." This kind of description reminds everyone of some types of diabetes today, that is, diabetes with yang deficiency. At a certain stage, people will be thirsty and drink water constantly, but they will urinate as much as they drink.

Therefore, taking Jinkuishenqi Pills for diabetic patients with yang deficiency type can control the effect well.

In addition, for diabetes insipidus caused by certain factors, the effect of this prescription is also good.

5 A woman who is reincarnated must not drown.

The so-called "transplantation" is a special term in Chinese medicine. It refers to the symptom of difficulty in urinating when a woman is pregnant because the fetus oppresses the bladder. To invigorate the kidney qi and facilitate urination.

Speaking of this, I would like to summarize for everyone that this Jin Kui Shen Qi Pill treats various problems caused by the stagnation of water and dampness caused by the deficiency of kidney yang.

The deficiency of yang qi mentioned in my previous article, especially the deficiency of kidney yang, can be treated with Jinkui Shenqi Pill. In the drug instructions, it is written: warming and tonifying kidney yang, transforming qi and promoting water. For edema due to kidney deficiency, soreness of the waist and knees, dysuria, chills and cold limbs.

Let me make an analogy to these problems. The human body is like a steam engine. When a fire is lit underneath, water is poured into the water pipe from the faucet. Under the heating of the fire, the water inside turns into steam, which drives the whole machine to run.

However, now that the fire below has been extinguished, the machine has cooled down, the water cannot be turned into steam, and the whole machine cannot operate, and the water tap is still open, and there is more and more water in the machine. So what should we do at this time? The most effective way is: while lighting the fire, drain some of the excess water! Yes, this is what Jin Kui Shen Qi Pill does.

It is really a crime for me to use modern machines as a metaphor for the incomparably delicate human body, but I think everyone can understand the reason for this, right?

So, what kind of medicine is in this prescription, so effective?

This recipe is amazing, let me break it down for everyone.

The composition of the formula is:

Eight liang of rehmannia glutinosa, four liang of yam, four liang of cornus, three liang of Poria cocos, three liang of Alisma, three liang of paeonol, one liang of cassia twig, and one liang of aconite.

There are eight herbs in this recipe, the first six are the famous Liuwei Dihuang Wan.

Therefore, the main part of Jinkuishenqi Pills for nourishing yang, the largest dose is actually Liuwei Dihuang Pills for nourishing yin, and then only a small amount of cinnamon sticks and aconite (later changed to cinnamon and aconite) , it becomes a prescription for nourishing yang!

Strictly speaking, the Rehmannia glutinosa in the prescription nourishes the kidney essence. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the essence transforms qi, and the kidney essence transforms into yin and yang to produce kidney yin and kidney yang.

In Liuwei Dihuang Pills, the direction of the medicine is to produce kidney yin from the kidney essence, while in Jinkui Shenqi Pills, a little warm cinnamon and aconite are added to assist the kidney essence to transform and produce kidney yang.

Judging from the amount of the medicine, the main ingredient in Jinkuishenqi Pills is Liuwei Dihuang Pills. Why does adding a little cinnamon aconite turn it into a prescription for nourishing kidney yang?

Let me explain to you!

The ancients believed that yin and yang are mutually rooted. If there is no yang, there will be no yin. Similarly, only when yin is sufficient can yang be born. Without any one of them, the other will become a lonely yin and yang, and will die. Therefore, the abundance of yin is the basis for the survival of yang. In this recipe, the yin is supplemented first, and then cinnamon and aconite are used to guide them to transform into yang.

Let me make an analogy, this yin is the material foundation of the main tranquility and the main moistening, we can compare it to a barrel of gasoline, the gasoline itself will not catch fire, what does it need? I need a match, light this match, and throw it into the oil barrel, the gasoline will become a raging fire. At this moment, do you need a box of matches? No need, one is enough, that's the reason.

The drug ratio of this Jin Kui Shen Qi Pill seems to be like this.

Well, this prescription, I will stop here today, but let me remind you, we are talking about the Jinkui Shenqi Pill in "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber". Now the name of this medicine in the pharmacy is: Guifu Dihuang pill.

Now the Jinkui Shenqi Pill in the pharmacy is actually called Jisheng Shenqi Pill. For the effect of removing dampness, if you have heavy dampness, you can choose the Jinkuishenqi pill in today's pharmacy.

The principles of Chinese medicine, let’s talk carefully, there are many interesting contents, this prescription, let’s talk more when we have a chance!
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