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If you don't eat well, you may suffer from depression!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

If you don't eat well, you may suffer from depression!
What I want to talk to you today is: Don’t starve yourself!

Many people will be confused: Hungry yourself? What era is it now? It's not Li Dongyuan's famine era when there was a last meal but no next meal. Now it's not bad if you don't eat enough! Can you still starve yourself?

That's right, everyone, don't worry. In this era, people will not only starve themselves, but also make themselves sick from starvation. Let me talk about it in detail.

The life of many white-collar workers has the following characteristics: going to bed as late as possible at night, feeling sorry for themselves if they go to bed early. Of course, the result of this is that they cannot get up in the morning - they cannot get up because they have just slept a little. Well, after the alarm clock rang countless times, I got up very angry, smashed the alarm clock first, and then remembered that the time I saw one second before smashing it was eight o'clock - late for work!

So I put on my clothes, ran out of the room, and took the light rail Batong Line from Beiyuan Station to Sihui Station to change to Line 1, then Jianguomen to Line 2. I took the Dongzhimen Line and ran to my work, but it was still too late.

I just ran into the manager at the door, hey! Why are you late again, how many times have you said how can you not remember. Talk to you later. Come on, our goods just arrived, well, it's up to you, you can help move it.

This batch of goods was so heavy that I almost fell down from exhaustion. After I returned to the office, I looked at this person and he was already wilting. All he could think about was: When will dinner be served at noon?

Then at noon, I went to the cafeteria to eat wildly, and ate an astonishing amount of food.

This is a fragment that often happens. If you analyze the process carefully, you will find that this is the same state as the soldiers and civilians of the Jin Kingdom in the besieged city. They were hungry, working under the condition of hunger, and moving stones to build the city wall. After the rescue, eat like crazy.

Many white-collar workers do not eat breakfast for a long time, and some just take a little snack to deal with it, and then do various tasks in the morning.

Western medicine believes that the biggest problem of not eating in the morning is that people are prone to gallstones.

But Chinese medicine believes that there will be other problems.

Li Dongyuan believes that once a person's spleen and stomach are injured, the vitality of the body will also be injured, and many diseases will appear in this way.

Especially when you are hungry, if you are tired, the harm is even greater.

I often encounter many white-collar workers asking me: How can I treat my fatigue syndrome? My symptoms are weakness, lack of energy, tiredness from work, colds, low immunity, stomach troubles, and so on.

Take a look at the main treatment scope of Buzhong Yiqi Pills in the current textbooks (this is Li Dongyuan's prescription): "deficiency of spleen and stomach qi, lack of energy and laziness, weakness of limbs, sleepiness, less food, intolerance to exertion, shortness of breath when moving", etc.

Needless to say, you've figured it out, there's not much difference between the two.

Yes, that’s right, if a person does not eat for a long time in the morning, and then works in the morning, the damage to the body at this time will be very great, and it will eventually lead to a decrease in the overall health of your body.

During the period of the Republic of China, there was a famous doctor named Zhang Xichun. He treated many such cases. Among them, a coachman ran for seven or eight miles on an empty stomach in a state of hunger. After eating, my limbs were sore and weak, and I felt short of breath when I moved a little. In the end, Zhang Xichun cured it with the method of nourishing the middle and replenishing qi.

Some people think that this disease has nothing to do with not eating breakfast, but in Chinese medicine, they are very related.

The above are the ones who end up suffering from very serious diseases.

The less serious one is the so-called fatigue syndrome.

Many white-collar workers suffer from the so-called fatigue syndrome, because when they go to Western medicine, the doctor will think that he is not sick and needs to rest, but after resting, he finds that it is useless.

This kind of situation is especially common in foreign countries. There are also a large number of white-collar workers who have such reflections. Then the doctors feel that they are under a lot of pressure-they can't solve other people's problems, so they are making various efforts, and some even claim to have found Some kind of virus or something that caused fatigue syndrome.

I think they said the opposite, because the decline in the health level of patients leads to the easy invasion of bacteria and viruses.

Of course, there are other reasons for "fatigue syndrome" in Chinese medicine, such as emotional reasons, but spleen and stomach injury is definitely a very important factor.

So everyone, don't make things difficult for yourself, and you must have a good breakfast.

There are also some people who starve themselves, that is, those girls who want to lose weight. These people torture their bodies to the same degree as the soldiers and civilians of the Dajin Kingdom under the siege. They refuse to eat normally for a long time. Chips and apples are the main food. At the same time, fearing that my perseverance is not enough, I also bought some western medicines on the street to reduce appetite.

Because they don't know the serious consequences of spleen and stomach injuries, they go forward bravely, ignorant and fearless.

But the consequences are serious.

In traditional Chinese medicine, we believe that once a woman's spleen and stomach are injured, the source of qi and blood will be severely hindered, and the various systems of a woman's body, especially the reproductive system, are particularly dependent on qi and blood. Insufficient qi and blood will cause menstruation, There are problems in the pregnancy, delivery and other links.

This is not my scaremongering, there are many such cases now, due to weight loss, severe malnutrition is caused, some begin to anorexia, and then start menopause in their twenties, and the next development is ovarian atrophy, which eventually leads to infertility child.

The husband dislikes her, her husband's family turns against her, and she suffers.

There are many such tragedies.

Once I followed the organization to a free clinic in Zhangjiakou City, not far from Beijing. The patients stood in a long line. It was the turn of an eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl. I started to check the pulse. When she stretched out her arm, it was very thin. After taking the pulse, I knew in my heart that this was a patient with serious problems, so I asked her father next to her: "Why is her Qi and blood so weak!" His father said in a low voice: "I lost weight."

The girl is in college, because she lost weight, she started to anorexia, and she has not had menstruation for two years.

His father was very anxious, but the girl herself was still smiling.

I thought to myself, I haven't said anything about the more serious consequences, but I'm afraid she won't be able to sleep.

She has already taken a lot of medicines for invigorating blood circulation and stimulating menstruation. I told her and her father not to take medicines for promoting menstruation anymore, because there is no way to get rid of menstruation. For example, there is no water in the river, and you are still digging ditches to dry it up. Well?

Hurry up to regulate the spleen and stomach, nourish qi and blood, the function of the spleen and stomach is restored, and the qi and blood are sufficient to regulate the menstruation.

After the free clinic, I returned to Beijing. I don't know what happened to this girl.

But I know that even if I can treat her, I cannot treat so many similar patients in the world.

Because diet pill manufacturers and the modeling industry are still vigorously promoting the beauty of skinny skin and the charm of thinness.

The world is crazy, and the girls are still going forward.

I hope that all brothers will take a close look at their girlfriends after watching it, and use violent means to solve it when necessary-smashing the diet pills.

Let me explain to you the prescription of Buzhong Yiqi pills sold in pharmacies.

The composition of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction (now changed to pills) is: astragalus, ginseng, angelica, Atractylodes macrocephala, tangerine peel, cohosh, Bupleurum, and roasted licorice. The main symptoms of these eight herbs are due to overwork. , spleen and lung qi deficiency and middle qi depression caused by improper diet.

What is a sag in the middle?

This is a term in traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that there is "middle qi" in the human chest, which supports the normal functions of the human body. If your nutrition is insufficient, resulting in qi deficiency, then this middle qi will go down. Such people often feel I feel that I have no strength, I can’t speak up, I don’t like to talk, my face is pale, and I feel dizzy. Originally, the food was in the stomach and intestines. With the support of Zhongqi, I can slowly go through the process of digestion, but now I can’t hold it anymore. , soon diarrhea out, the result is diarrhea, some people have prolapse of the anus, and some people have a physical examination, and it is found that the gastroptosis that Western medicine says, some lesbians have uterine prolapse, etc. For this, Chinese medicine believes that it is the spleen and lung Qi deficiency, because among the five elements, the spleen belongs to earth, the lungs belong to metal, and earth generates metal. Therefore, the root cause of this disease lies in the spleen and stomach. Because the function of the spleen and stomach is reduced and the absorption is poor, the lung qi is also insufficient.

The prescription of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction was conceived by Li Dongyuan with a lot of thought. Needless to say, the ginseng in the prescription is a medicine for strengthening vitality, and then there is Astragalus, which is a delicious medicine. Astragalus can play a role in fixing the surface. What is fixing the surface? It is to strengthen the defense system outside the human body. Some friends always suffer from sweating and colds when the wind blows. You can use this raw astragalus to strengthen the skin, and add Atractylodes and Fangfeng at the same time. It is called Yupingfeng Powder, which is sold in pharmacies. If Astragalus is roasted with honey, it will have the effect of tonifying the body and replenishing Qi. Therefore, Astragalus is the most important medicine in this prescription, and the dosage is also the largest. At that time, Li Dongyuan only used one penny of Astragalus, and the rest of the medicine It only takes a few minutes. Nowadays, doctors use tens of grams of astragalus. There are also hundreds of grams, and the effect is pretty good. But when you buy medicine, you should know that raw astragalus and roasted astragalus are separate. If you only write a simple astragalus, the rules of medicine shops in the north and south of the country are different. Some will give you raw and some will give you honey-roasted. . According to my experience, the amount of raw astragalus can be large, but the amount of honey-roasted astragalus must strictly comply with the prescription, because honey-roasted astragalus can easily generate heat.

The licorice in the prescription also replenishes the qi of the spleen and stomach. Li Dongyuan believes that astragalus, ginseng, and licorice are the holy medicines for eliminating irritability, which is a deficiency of fire caused by insufficient qi. There is also Atractylodes in the prescription, which is used to remove dampness and replenish the spleen meridian. Because Li Dongyuan believes that the key to this problem lies in the spleen. He said that "when the spleen is weak, the lung qi will be extinguished first", so the prescription also takes special care of it. Spleen meridian.

So since it is to replenish qi, why is tangerine peel added to the recipe? It turns out that if this qi-replenishing medicine is taken all at once, so much qi will be injected into the human body at the same time, the human body will not be able to bear it. The biggest feeling is shortness of breath, chest tightness, and a bit of a blockage. At this time, a little more qi regulation will be used. The dried tangerine peel does not have this problem.

While replenishing qi, we must also take care of blood. Why? Because Chinese medicine believes that yin and yang are mutually reinforcing, and so are qi and blood. When qi is deficient, the blood must also be deficient. If you replenish so much qi at once, you must consider converting it into blood, so Angelica sinensis is added. , so that the transformation of qi and blood can be normal.

However, this is not enough, because although the Qi has been replenished, the main problem now is the subsidence of the middle Qi. How to solve this subsidence?

So, Cimicifuga and Bupleurum were used in the recipe, both in very small amounts. Cimicifuga is used to promote Yangming Qi, and Bupleurum is used to promote Shaoyang Qi. Everyone, this is quite magical. Don’t look at it. As for these two medicines, we say that their medicinal properties are upward. After adding them, the entire medicinal power really goes up. They can treat prolapse, uterine prolapse, etc., which are caused by Qi deficiency. After using them, they are really effective. Can go back.

Some netizens have already experienced this. Some netizens suffered from hemorrhoids and sent me emails saying how long they had been prolapsed. I just told them what hemorrhoid medicine to buy and combined them with Buzhong Yiqi Pills. As a result, they started to retract. Please reply to the email. The feedback effect is very good. Sometimes, if you really experience Chinese medicine once, your feelings about it will be stronger.

If you have injured your spleen and lung qi due to the reasons I mentioned and have corresponding symptoms, you can consider taking some Buzhong Yiqi Pills to replenish it.
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