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I use Yinhuo Decoction and Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction to treat my illness

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

I use Yinhuo Decoction and Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction to treat my illness
I am a Chinese medicine enthusiast. I have benefited a lot from listening to Dr. Luo’s audios since 2022. Next, I will share with you my experience of two illnesses.

On the second day of May 2023, my tonsils became inflamed and swollen overnight. When I woke up in the morning, I found that I had lost my voice and my throat was in severe pain. It was as painful as swallowing a razor blade when I drank water. My husband immediately brought me anti-inflammatory drugs. I refused. I wanted to use the Chinese medicine knowledge that I listened to Dr. Luo every day to regulate myself.

I remembered what Dr. Luo had said about Yinhuo Decoction before, so I quickly searched it out and compared it: I was originally blocked in the middle Jiao, with heat at the top and cold at the bottom, and a weak constitution with insufficient kidney qi. This sudden inflammation of the tonsils was definitely a deficiency of fire. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs would treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Yinhuo Decoction Totally symptomatic!

Rehmannia glutinosa nourishes kidney essence, cinnamon induces fire downwards, Ophiopogon japonicus nourishes yin and moisturizes dryness, and Poria cocos strengthens the spleen and removes dampness. I just took four simple medicines and drank them. My tonsillitis was half cured after just one drink. My husband was shocked. He didn’t believe that I was doing this at first. He was just waiting for me to take anti-inflammatory drugs if it didn’t work.

After taking the medicine for one day, the tonsillitis was cured by 80%. A total of two medicines were used to cure the tonsillitis! I myself was shocked by this miraculous result. Chinese medicine is so amazing~

From then on, I fell in love with the medical records and health tips shared by Dr. Luo. Medicine and food come from the same source. I also learned more and more about how to regulate the body in time. I often make millet and yam porridge to regulate the spleen and stomach. Everything is going well, and my health has been good since I was busy in July and August.

Summer passed and autumn came, and in September, physical problems suddenly came to light. Because I was in a bad mood for several days, one day I was very hungry at dinner, so I ate half a portion of Dai-style cold eggplant. Dai-style food is sour and spicy, and it is still a cold dish. I ate so much on an empty stomach, and it suddenly irritated my stomach. , I had stomachache that night. Alas, this disease was entirely caused by my own carelessness...

I quickly read the medical records that Dr. Luo had mentioned. Astragalus Jianzhong Decoction is completely symptomatic: 6 grams of astragalus, 30 grams of maltose, 9 grams of cinnamon twig, 18 grams of white peony root, 6 grams of licorice, 9 grams of ginger, and jujube. twelve.

In view of my weak spleen and stomach and stagnation of liver qi (spots on my cheekbones), I added 20 grams of yam tablets to each medicine to strengthen the spleen, and a small spoonful of panax notoginseng powder to remove blood stasis. The pain was relieved with one medicine, and the stomach pain was gone after two medicines. , the three medicines returned to normal. Insist on continuing to take the medicine for about ten days, so that the stomach can heal more completely.

My weak spleen and stomach did not develop in a day or two. I have been fond of eating fruits since I was a child, and have been picky about food. Sometimes I even eat fruits as food. Without understanding the common sense of traditional Chinese medicine, my good spleen and stomach have been tortured for many years. I just regret it so much... Coupled with my sentimental personality, I tend to feel depressed in autumn, and my liver-stagnation constitution gradually develops. So this stomach trouble, in the final analysis, is related to my ignorance since childhood, and also to my personality characteristics.

Confucius said: If a parent does not know medical treatment, it is said to be unkind; if a child does not know medical treatment, it is said to be unfilial. ——I lived in ignorance for 31 years. Fortunately, I came into contact with traditional Chinese medicine when I was 31 years old. After hearing the medical cases explained by Dr. Luo, I finally cleared away the layers of fog and saw the sun! Spring is born, summer is long, autumn is harvested and winter is stored, follow the weather, return to nature, and recuperate the body and mind.

I can't express my gratitude to Dr. Luo. As a loyal fan of Dr. Luo, I will continue to follow Dr. Luo and learn some knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine every day. At the same time, I hope that more people will be inspired by my story. I hope that everyone can learn more about traditional Chinese medicine. Live a healthy and happy life under the guidance of knowledge!

Medical Records Commentary by Xiang Zhi

The author "tonsils became inflamed and swollen overnight", and he said "the middle burner is blocked, the upper part is hot and the lower part is cold, and the body is weak and the kidney qi is insufficient. This sudden tonsil inflammation is definitely a deficiency of fire. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Qinhuo Decoction is completely symptomatic!" "So, let's first review these prescriptions by the famous doctor Chen Shiduo.

The composition of the fire-inducing soup is: 90 grams of Rehmannia glutinosa, 30 grams of Morinda officinalis, 15 grams of Poria, 30 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, and 6 grams of Schisandra chinensis.

The composition of Shuhuo soup is: 90 grams of Rehmannia glutinosa, 30 grams of cornus, 15 grams of Poria cocos, and 6 grams of cinnamon.

The record of Yinhuo Tang in "Diagnosis of Syndrome" is as follows:

"People have swelling and pain in the throat, which is light during the day and heavy at night. Moths grow in the throat, which is like a yang syndrome, but not very painful. When the throat is dry, there is a thin line of consciousness. When it is dry, the water cannot be swallowed quickly, and water enters the abdomen. , and the abdomen is restless, and there is a lot of saliva, put the saliva into clean water, and it will immediately disperse into water. People think that this sore throat is caused by moths, and they also use medicine to purge fire, but there is no test, and it has the opposite effect. Increase its weight. There are also cases where spoonfuls of water cannot be swallowed, indicating that this syndrome is Yin moth. Yin moth is light in the day and heavy at night. If it is Yang moth, it is heavy in the day and light at night. This is Shaoyin kidney fire, and there is nothing in the lower part. Where it is hidden, inflammation goes straight up to the throat. The treatment method is to use a large amount of kidney-tonifying water, and add the flavor of replenishing fire to draw the fire back to the hiding place. Use the fire-inducing soup: three ounces of Rehmannia glutinosa, one ounce of Morinda officinalis, and 5 qian of Poria cocos. , Ophiopogon japonicus one tael, Northern Five Flavors two qian.”

The main difference between Yinhuo Tang and Shuohuo Tang is that Yinhuo Tang is a combination of Rehmannia Rehmanniae and Morinda officinalis, which means "seeking Yin from Yang, inducing fire and replenishing water"; Shuihuo Tang is a large dose of Rehmannia Rehmanniae combined with a small dose of cinnamon, which is intended to "Take fire and return to the origin". The four herbs chosen by the author are Rehmannia glutinosa, cinnamon, Ophiopogon japonicus, and Poria cocos, which is more similar to the idea of "shuohuo decoction".

People with "Shuihuo Tang" who have "kidney essence deficiency as the basis" often experience some symptoms of upper heat and lower cold, such as coldness in the lower limbs but flushing of the face, headaches, oil production, dizziness, tinnitus, and sore throat, It is prone to ulcers and sores on the upper body skin.

Astragalus Jianzhong Decoction

Later, the author suddenly suffered from stomachache after eating the cold, sour and spicy "Dai-style cold eggplant". According to his "weak spleen and stomach, stagnation of liver qi (spots on cheekbones)", I added 20 grams of yam tablets to each medicine to strengthen the spleen. , combined with a small spoonful of Panax notoginseng powder to remove blood stasis, "and the effect will be obvious. Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction is made by adding astragalus on the basis of Xiao Jianzhong Decoction. According to the "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", "Astragalus Jianzhong Decoction can cure all kinds of deficiencies due to fatigue".

Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction is good at relieving pain and relieving pain. It can be used as a long-term treatment for old stomach problems. The focus of this prescription is on "deficiency" and "cold". Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction can warm and nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the lungs and qi deficiency, and can cure stomachache caused by deficiency and cold. It is used for qi deficiency and internal cold, abdominal cramps and pain, people who like warmth and massage, spontaneous sweating, lack of breath and laziness, which will get worse with exertion. , pale complexion, pale tongue with white coating, weak pulse, etc.

Compared with Xiao Jianzhong Decoction, which "relaxes internal heat, warms the body and dissipates cold", Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction, with the addition of astragalus, can increase qi, reduce sores, and has the effect of "relieving pain", and is more suitable for chronic gastric cancer. People with ulcers and duodenal ulcers, but those without qi deficiency syndrome, are more recommended to choose Xiaojianzhong Decoction to avoid increasing the risk of abdominal distension and qi deficiency.

If liver stagnation is long-term, liver stagnation will suppress the spleen, and there is a high probability that epigastric distension and pain, chest and hypochondrium fullness and tightness, vomiting and acid swallowing will often occur. If this is the case, you can use Shugan Hewei Pills to soothe the liver, regulate qi, and strengthen the spleen and stomach. Most of the long-term stomach pains are caused by long-term illness, and the spots on the cheekbones may also be caused by blood stasis blocking the collaterals. It is still possible to add Panax notoginseng powder to activate blood circulation, remove blood stasis and relieve pain. If the pain point is fixed and the pain is relatively strong, you can also add Shi Xiao Powder, which will have better pain relief.

Spring is born, summer is long, autumn is harvested and winter is stored, follow the weather, return to nature, and recuperate the body and mind.

The simple numbers not only express the ideas of disease prevention and health preservation, but also provide inspiration for life. The wind will not end, and the shower will not end, so it will be natural.
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