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How to treat rhinitis with runny nose?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

How to treat rhinitis with runny nose?
Autumn is here, and many friends suffer from rhinitis. In my previous article, I introduced a prescription for the treatment of allergic rhinitis: Bellflower Yuanshen Decoction.

Everyone should pay attention, this prescription treats allergic rhinitis with runny nose and watery nose. If you have yellow nose, don't take it, it is not symptomatic. So, how to treat the rhinitis with yellow snot?

Let me tell you a little story first. Once, at a gathering, a friend said, "Dr. Luo, I cured my rhinitis by myself. Let me tell you about it. It's very interesting!"

He told his story, which surprised me. He said that when he was a soldier, he suffered from rhinitis, with a thick nose, dizziness, headache, and stuffy nose, which was very painful. In the end, he went to the company's hospital, but he couldn't be cured. Later, he thought to himself, isn't there inflammation in the nose? Then I will eliminate the inflammation! So, I asked for purple syrup from the hospital, poured it into my nose, and then held it in for a while. He himself said that within a few days, the rhinitis healed and he never had it again.

I was speechless at the time, it was the first time I heard of such a vigorous treatment.

Everyone, don't follow suit, because some studies have said that this purple potion can induce a certain percentage of tumors, so it is rarely used now.

But this example inspires us a bit.

The nature of this rhinitis, the runny nose, is completely different from the clear nose we mentioned earlier. This is the invasion of external pathogens, which stay in the nasal cavity and cause fever.

From the perspective of Western medicine, this means that there is an infection inside, such as acute and chronic sinusitis, which means that there is inflammation in the sinuses, and even pus, which is different from the previous allergic reaction.

This kind of rhinitis is quite annoying, it can cause headache, dizziness, groggy feeling, obstructed breathing, and even cause many chain reactions, for example, the pores of our five sense organs are connected, and it can also cause problems in other parts.

So, for this kind of rhinitis, what should we do?

We recommend another prescription by Huang Yuanyu, five-flavored gypsum soup. This prescription has a good effect on treating rhinitis with yellow nose. Huang Yuanyu himself said: "Cure lung heat and stuffy nose, turbid mucus sticky yellow."

The composition of this prescription is: 3 grams of schisandra, 9 grams of raw gypsum, 9 grams of almonds (pounded, below), 9 grams of Fapinia, 9 grams of Yuanshen, 9 grams of Poria, 9 grams of Campanulaceae, and 9 grams of ginger.

Usage: Boil water and decoct into two small cups, take one cup hot in the morning and evening; add dried ginger to stomach cold.

The raw gypsum in the prescription does not need to be boiled first. The almonds are crushed and put in the last ten minutes.

For this prescription, Huang Yuanyu himself discussed:

"When the lung qi is reversed at the beginning, the nasal discharge will be clear; later, the lung qi will become stagnant, and the clearing will turn into turbidity, which will be stagnant and sticky. If it is late and turbid and stale, it will turn white and turn yellow, and it will be stinky and filthy. It will not heal for a long time , color and smell like pus, so-called nasal carbuncle, all caused by retrograde lung qi. Among them, the qi is not transported, and the lungs are full of gold, that is, they do not feel the wind and cold and the turbid nasal discharge is called nasal sinusitis. Nasal congestion, turbid nasal discharge Not only that. The stagnation of lung qi is always caused by soil dampness and stomach rebellion, and stomach rebellion causes turbid qi to be stuffed, and the lungs have no descending path."

Therefore, in this prescription, Poria cocos is still used to dispel dampness and enhance temper, pinellia to reduce stomach qi, and licorice to keep the middle. Then add schisandra to restrain lung qi, raw gypsum to clear away heat, and almonds to lower lung qi, making the heart fire descend.

For rhinitis patients with yellow nose, this prescription works well.

There was once a netizen who suffered from rhinitis and read my article, but did not pay attention to the color of the nose. It was originally yellow nose, but he ate the platycodon root ginseng soup to treat rhinitis with clear nose. It didn’t work, and he was puzzled. I just noticed that the color of my nose is so important, so I realized that I should eat five-flavored gypsum soup. As a result, after eating a few times, the rhinitis was really under control, so I sent a message to tell me.

In addition to this five-flavored gypsum soup, I have another idea, that is, a long time ago, when I was in my hometown in Northeast China, many people around me suffered from rhinitis and asked me for prescriptions, so I began to think about this disease. At that time, our family had a book In the Chinese medicine books published during the Cultural Revolution, there were many methods of external treatment, all of which were prescriptions given by barefoot doctors. At that time, telling one's own experience was a contribution to the motherland, so they were not conservative, and they talked about what they had learned. There are several prescriptions for rhinitis in it. I observed that there is a medicine called hibiscus leaf in it. This hibiscus leaf has the effect of clearing lung and cooling blood, reducing swelling and draining pus. In ancient times, it was often used to treat sores and carbuncles. At that time, I ground the hibiscus leaf into powder, put it in the interlayer of the mask, and gave it to my friends to wear on the way to and from get off work. As a result, the rhinitis was cured. The only side effect is breathing the powder, which makes the face and nose around green ash, which is very embarrassing.

In fact, the correct usage is to blow your nose clean, then fold it with paper, put a little hibiscus leaf in it, and blow it into your nostrils. It's just that it needs help. Usually blowing twice a day is enough.

If the rhinitis is severe, there is a lot of yellow nose, and it cannot be cured for a long time, you can also use hibiscus leaves to form a prescription, which will have a better effect. According to several prescriptions in the book at that time, I selected the medicinal materials as follows:

30 grams of hibiscus leaves, 15 grams of Houttuynia cordata, 10 grams of cocklebur, 10 grams of Angelica dahurica, 10 grams of magnolia, and 3 grams of asarum. Grind into powder, take out a little at a time, and blow into the nasal cavity. This secondary medicine is ground into powder, and it is estimated that it can be used for a long time.

Another way of thinking is to boil this prescription into a thick juice, use an empty eye drop bottle every time, inhale the medicine juice, drop some into the nose, and then slowly turn the head in all directions, so that the medicine juice is in various parts of the nasal cavity All flowed, and then lowered his head to let the medicine juice flow out of his nostrils. This method is simple, but the effect of the medicine is not as long-lasting as spraying powder. Friends who are not used to spraying powder can try this method.

Dear friends, regarding rhinitis, I talked about a fever this time. In fact, most of this kind of rhinitis is caused by exogenous pathogens that have not been cleared away and lurk in the nasal cavity. However, it is difficult to eliminate this hidden external evil, and many people are lingering and suffering. But don't worry, I think the method of Chinese medicine can help everyone!
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