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How to treat chronic prostatitis?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

How to treat chronic prostatitis?
Prostate disease is not unfamiliar to everyone, right? Many men are afflicted by chronic prostatitis, so what are the symptoms of this disease? In the end how to adjust it? Let's talk briefly today.

1. Chronic bacterial prostatitis

First of all, we need to know that chronic prostatitis is divided into two types: bacterial and non-bacterial. Among them, chronic bacterial prostatitis has recurrent symptoms of lower urinary tract infection, such as frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, burning sensation during urination, Difficulty urinating, urinary retention, swelling and discomfort in the posterior urethra, anus, and perineal area, lasting for more than 3 months. In this situation, in Chinese medicine, we often refer to this situation as the syndrome of dampness and heat.

damp heat syndrome

In this case, traditional Chinese medicine generally uses the method of clearing away dampness and heat. For example, traditional Chinese medicine often uses classic prescriptions: Cheng Shi萆 (bì) Xie (xiè) to distinguish between addition and subtraction of clearing drinks. The medicines used generally include: 萆薢, Cortex Phellodendri, Shichangpu, Poria cocos, Atractylodes macrocephala, lotus seed heart, salvia miltiorrhiza, psyllium and other medicines, and some heat-clearing and detoxifying medicines can also be added. Some doctors also believe that this syndrome is chronic prostatitis Therefore, some heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs will be used to detoxify and dissipate stagnation in addition to clearing damp-heat. I think that when the dampness and heat are severe, or when the heat and toxins are congested, the main method must be to exorcise evil spirits, so this kind of thinking should be adopted first.

2. Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis

Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis is mainly manifested as pain in the pelvic region, which can be found in the perineum, penis, perianal region, urethra, pubic region or lumbosacral region. Abnormal urination can be manifested as urgency, frequency, dysuria, and nocturia. Especially lower abdominal pain and low back pain tend to last longer. Due to chronic pain that cannot be cured for a long time, the quality of life of patients decreases, and they may have sexual dysfunction, anxiety, depression, insomnia, memory loss, etc.

At this time, Chinese medicine will summarize several types, such as: syndrome of stagnation of qi and blood stasis, syndrome of restless liver qi, syndrome of deficiency of qi and not solidification, etc.

Strictly speaking, these syndromes will also exist during the pathogenesis of chronic bacterial prostatitis, and we will appropriately add corresponding drugs according to the degree. But in chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, there will be more such syndromes.

Qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome

For the syndrome of qi stagnation and blood stasis, we can use Shaofu Zhuyu Decoction in "Yilin Gaicuo" in the Qing Dynasty. , Cinnamon, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Puhuang, Wulingzhi, boiled water for drinking, you can also add some medicines such as peach kernel, safflower, Danshen and so on as appropriate.

Liver-Qi Discomfort Syndrome

As for liver qi stagnation syndrome, it is more common. The factors of liver qi discomfort will play an obvious role in the development of the disease. This syndrome is more common in patients with melancholic tendencies. It is caused by emotional distress, mental depression, stagnation of liver qi, stagnation of qi and blood stasis, long-term stagnation of heat, and internal disturbance of the sperm chamber, which eventually leads to this disease. The main symptoms are: distending pain in the lower abdomen, groin, perineum, and testicles, feeling depressed all day long, general discomfort, headache, bitter mouth, insomnia, yellow fur, and rapid pulse. As for the treatment, you can use Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills, or Bupleurum Shugan Powder and other prescriptions for conditioning.

Kidney Qi Deficiency Syndrome

The syndrome I have encountered the most is actually the syndrome of deficiency of kidney qi. Under normal circumstances, if a person is healthy and has sufficient righteousness, he will not suffer from this disease. It is the lack of righteousness, such as too much sex, old age and frailty, deficiency of the kidney meridian, weak essence, and then the accumulation of dampness and heat. Therefore, in such patients, most of them suffer from deficiency of both kidney yin and kidney yang, insufficiency of essence and blood, and damage to the extra-medium, which is the basis of the disease. Some old Chinese doctors even pointed out that this disease is a disease of strange scriptures, and it is really a insight.

Such patients are often lingering, dizzy and fatigued, eat less and feel tired, have backache and low back pain, and even have white discharge from the urethra after a little fatigue, soreness and pain in the lumbosacral (dǐ) and perineum, and lower limbs are not warm or faint. Cold, weak knees, clammy scrotum, impotence, premature ejaculation, even slippery sperm, pale and fat tongue with scalloped edges.

For the treatment of this type of syndrome, I have an empirical prescription, which I write to everyone for reference:

Rehmannia glutinosa 15 grams, Chinese yam 15 grams, raw astragalus 15 grams, angelica 9 grams, medlar 9 grams, dodder 9 grams, psoralen 9 grams, fairy spleen 9 grams, Morinda officinalis 9 grams, fried Eucommia 9 grams, 9 grams of mulberries, 9 grams of antler cream, 9 grams of Anemarrhena, 6 grams of Cortex Phellodendri, 15 grams of Hedyotis diffusa, 9 grams of mulberry branches, 9 grams of loofah, and 6 grams of licorice.

Most of the medicines in this prescription are for invigorating the kidneys, and a small amount of medicines for clearing away dampness and heat are combined with a little help for dredging collaterals. If the tongue coating is particularly thick and greasy, you can consider dissolving phlegm and eliminating dampness first, and then use this formula to tonify. The selection and dosage of the Chinese medicine are for reference only. You can ask the nearby Chinese medicine practitioners to add or subtract according to your own situation.

medical case

There was once a man with chronic lower abdomen pain. At the beginning, he didn’t know the cause for a long time, and there was no problem in the intestinal examination. Later, he had a problem with the prostate. As a result, after using one pair, I felt that most of the symptoms of lower abdominal pain were relieved, and the second pair almost felt no pain. Later, the smell of the medicine was reduced, and the medicine continued to be taken, and the physique recovered significantly.

However, it should be noted that because this prescription contains more medicines for warming and tonifying kidney yang, after taking the medicine, you should pay attention to controlling sexual intercourse to protect kidney essence and kidney qi.

In addition to the syndromes of deficiency of kidney yang and kidney qi I mentioned, there are also conditions of deficiency of kidney yin, which can be adjusted with prescriptions such as Zhibai Dihuang Wan according to the condition.

Now, I have found that there are many people who lack righteousness. This deficiency of righteousness is the basis of many diseases. In the process of recuperating, if you can't straighten the body, it will be difficult to completely eliminate the evil energy. In fact, in the Ming Dynasty, various supplementary methods were perfected day by day. For example, the usage of Shudi, which I have been talking about a few days ago, was already very mature in the Ming Dynasty. However, in the Qing Dynasty, some doctors put forward such a statement: that is, when there is evil energy, if the tonic method is used, the evil energy will be "replenished" and "inside". Including the famous doctor Xu Lingtai, etc. have said such things, and they have more criticisms about the tonic method. The reason may be that the doctors at that time abused the tonic method. However, the physicians in the Qing Dynasty had good literary skills. Their criticism made this kind of statement very popular. As a result, they could have strengthened the health and exorcised evil spirits, so they dared not use tonics. felled. This is an overkill. Today we need to look at this issue with a fair perspective, and we must be aware of this.

In fact, I don't quite agree with the saying of "replenishing evil spirits". Zhang Zhongjing uses ginseng in Xiaochaihu soup, will it make up evil spirits? Doing both offense and supplementation has always been a method that can be used, and it is just a matter of mastering the scale of the two. A saying of "repairing the evil spirit" will delay how many future generations will be delayed.

Diseases like chronic prostatitis have many types of syndromes, but in the stable stage of the disease, if we can grasp the main cause of kidney deficiency, improve kidney qi, and at the same time clear away dampness and heat, the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine for this disease will be very prominent.

There are not many Western medicine treatment methods for this disease, but the incidence is relatively widespread, and Chinese medicine is very useful. What I wrote today is just to throw bricks and start jade. I hope that more treatment ideas and methods will be summarized, and ultimately help patients maintain their health.
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