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how to take care of yourself

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

how to take care of yourself
Two days ago, a couple came to visit me from Maryland. When I was doing acupuncture for the wife, she suddenly asked me if there is any Chinese medicine that can be used to maintain the body for a long time. It can not only keep you healthy but also young and beautiful? This question is troublesome, such a simple question but contains the highest wisdom, it touches me very much, and I want to pay her the highest respect.
I have always treated my business as a business of conscience, and I don’t want to treat it as a normal business, giving people a sense of profit, so I have always told the truth and am not afraid of offending patients, even if I offend my colleagues, I don’t care. Wrong, no way, no way, it’s the most immoral thing to delay the patient’s condition and make the patient waste money. The so-called quack doctor misuses people. This is what I hate the most. A life that could have been saved is caught in the hands of a quack doctor , I know that I can't cure it, and I don't recommend it to a good doctor. I treat the patient as an experimental product and don't let it go until the patient dies. How many sad and bitter stories are hidden behind a life, which quack doctors can't see, because they only see Not only can I see money and fame, but I also feel as sad as losing my own relatives. Everyone has a life span, but we can ask to live a healthy life, free from the threat of disease, free from pain, and always keep youthful and beautiful From the beginning of the article, if you think that I am advertising for Chinese medicine, please don’t read it anymore, because I don’t like you to read it, you are not worth it, but you are pursuing health, longevity, beauty and youth. People who don’t think I am like a newspaper There are some irresponsible and irresponsible people on TV who sell some calcium tablets and multi-vitamin advertisements that kill consumers and deceive consumers, please continue to watch.
If we can negotiate with God, spend a little money to buy 30 years of youthful and healthy life, and don’t want to die from diseases or infectious diseases such as SARS, the following suggestions can make your wishes come true, and everyone can afford it Affordable, it is definitely not something that rich people can do. The real way to live a healthy and long life has nothing to do with the amount of money. If you follow the advice below, you just need to find a good fortune teller and calculate whether there is a fortune every year. It's fine if an accident happens and you die, because you won't die from illness.
1. When you wake up every morning, before your feet touch the ground, take 30 capsules of Liuwei Dihuang Wan prepared before going to bed last night, and use the cold boiled water prepared in advance to add a little salt, and use this light salt water to swallow the medicine , Liuwei Dihuang Wan is a pill that has been handed down for two thousand years, but it is generally made with the same amount of Liuwei medicine sold in the world. This is not correct, but many Chinese medicine merchants have continued to use it until now, which is most of the fault Traditional Chinese medicine does not follow the ancients at all, completely misunderstood the original meaning of the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing. The real Liuwei Dihuang Wan is completely different from the dosage ratio on the market. It should be prepared according to the original ratio of the ancient prescription. Modern Chinese medicine can’t understand the original prescription, so it is made with the same amount , so the effect is completely different. The reason why this medicine is easy to use is because it conforms to the principle of new metabolism of the human body. We eat whole grains into the body every day, and they all rely on the liver, spleen and kidneys to metabolize them. Therefore, we must take care of nourishing them We should also consider cleaning them. It is as important as cleaning the bowls quickly after eating. If you wipe them regularly every day, you will definitely not get sick.
2. Take some traditional Chinese medicine for soothing the liver and detoxifying before going to bed every night, because the environment we come into contact with in modern life has been extremely polluted, and there are too many types of food, it is difficult to distinguish whether it is polluted or not, and we often When eating in restaurants outside, I don’t know how much MSG they add or how long the food has been stored, so some residual toxins will accumulate in the liver every day. Over time, the liver will not be able to bear the burden, and then we will get liver disease. If we still only rely on Liuwei Pills are not enough, unless we can go back to the old-fashioned rural life, we must have stronger maintenance medicines to prevent liver disease. If you want to ask whether there are really good medicines that can prevent liver disease, I can be sure Let me tell you readers that it is the liver-soothing and detoxifying medicine in our traditional Chinese medicine. If you had hepatitis B when you were young, and you are afraid of getting liver cancer in middle age, then I would say that you’d better take the liver-soothing and detoxifying medicine once a day, and you will be able to Don’t worry, you won’t get liver cancer. Of course, you have to cooperate not to drink alcohol, exercise more, don’t stay up all night, get enough sleep every day, eat a normal diet, don’t eat food containing preservatives, eat less food containing MSG, if this is the case, you will die I have never had liver cancer in my life.
3. Women who love beauty, please read this paragraph in detail. It is a woman’s nature to pursue youth and beauty. If you don’t have one, it’s like not a real woman. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies have taken this into consideration and began to vigorously develop whitening drugs to maintain youthful vitality. Medicines or drinks, etc. , In fact, it is not only helpless to the human body, but even destroys the functions of the body. Every day, behind the beautiful advertisements on TV, there are invisible murderous intentions hidden, but women who love beauty are attracted to things for the sake of beauty, and they are not afraid of death. In fact, there are Contains many functions of this kind. I really don't want to get involved in this category because I am concentrating on research and treatment of diseases. However, I see that many unscrupulous businessmen make false advertisements to deceive female consumers by all means in order to make money. It is really annoying , It is not difficult to be a youthful, beautiful and energetic beauty. First of all, you must maintain a happy mood. No woman is beautiful when she is angry. People who lose their temper all day long will naturally have more wrinkles and have ugly eyes. Eat less sweets and instant noodles, because too many artificial seasonings and preservatives in them will make the skin thick and dry, the hair yellow and withered, and gain weight. Women who love beauty must cook by themselves or find a restaurant you trust Come to eat. The most common problem is constipation. Many women are troubled by it. Chinese medicine believes that the large intestine and lungs are the exterior and interior. Therefore, if the large intestine is dry, the turbid air will inevitably enter the lungs, which will not only cause bad breath , and make the skin worse and rough, so it is absolutely necessary to keep the stool smooth. To solve the problem of constipation, you can't solve it by taking laxatives or cleaning the large intestine regularly. You must start from the root, in addition to taking symptomatic Chinese medicine In addition, you must have good living habits, go to bed early, get up early, and have three regular meals, regular exercise and walking, in order to solve it completely. People who take Liuwei Dihuang Wan or some Chinese medicines for soothing the liver and detoxifying for a long time will not be constipated. It is a prescription used by the palace in the past, and it is specially used for queens or concubines. From the internal conditioning, it can make the skin radiant and soft, and make people look younger and more beautiful. There are also some Chinese medicines that are used to nourish the brain and grow hair. Bald women will look good Is a woman with blank eyes and a stupid look beautiful?
4. When women are cooking at home, please buy some pork fat and squeeze some lard for cooking. The food cooked with lard is not only fragrant but also delicious, and I guarantee that you will not get heart disease such as coronary artery sclerosis and For cardiovascular diseases such as vascular blockage, don’t you see that everyone is eating salad oil now, because businessmen want to make money, so they ask western doctors to come out and advocate that eating animal oil will lead to cardiovascular diseases. Readers, please don’t listen to their nonsense. There is a problem with eating lard in our country Thousands of years of historical verification have created many centenarians, and there is no need for further verification. In the past 30 years, businessmen have tried to make money by any means, so they joined forces with Western medicine to deceive the people that salad oil is good, so everyone eats salad instead. Oily, now it turns out that a large number of people have cardiovascular disease, which is caused by everyone eating salad oil. You just need to go to the outpatient department of the cardiology department of the hospital to do a survey and ask those waiting patients what they usually eat Oil, I’m here to answer for them, they all eat salad oil, so if what Western medicine says is correct, why so many people have problems and eat salad oil, readers will know when they think about it with Common sense .
5. Hunger and fullness, if you are not sure what is the quantitative intake of food, please don’t be nervous, I tell readers a simple rule, it is far healthier to keep a little bit hungry from time to time than to have a full stomach and intestines all the time A lot, and it is not easy to get old, and it is long-lived, and it does not get sick, so if you are going to work, you should have two meals a day. Don’t eat too many snacks. The most taboo is to eat midnight snacks. Unhealthy and easy to get sick. But you must not be too hungry, too much diet will be harmful to your body. Don’t eat any healthy food, choose good food to eat, the more original the better, rough food is the best, after Modified food is not good.
The conclusion is that if everyone wants to pursue health, longevity, youth and beauty, you must rely on Chinese medicine to achieve it. Chinese medicine has been clinically experienced for thousands of years, and there is nothing wrong. Please believe that Chinese medicine is right.
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