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How to deal with the annoying "four-bend wind"?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

How to deal with the annoying "four-bend wind"?
I wrote an article before, talking about the mutual influence between relatives, one person’s bad mood will cause physical diseases of other family members, among which, I gave an example, talking about a skin problem called "four bend wind ", as a result, several netizens left a message asking how to treat this disease. I will talk about it here. You can use this question to reflect on whether there is such a problem of "troublemaking" among family members.

This kind of four-curved wind is more common in children, but it is also common in adults. We call it eczema. So, why is it called "Four Bend Wind"? The reason is that the location of the skin lesions is mostly in the bends of the limbs, such as wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, buttocks, etc., typically at the bends of the two upper limbs and two lower limbs, so it is called four-bend wind.

So, how is this disease caused? How to adjust it?

It is generally believed that blood heat generates wind, and the poison of dampness and heat accumulates in the body, which leads to eczema on the skin. Therefore, most traditional treatment methods are to cool the blood and detoxify, and disperse wind and pathogens.

I can't comment on traditional treatments. Maybe some work and some don't. I have observed that these friends who found me seem to have other reasons for their physical problems.

At the earliest time, I observed the shape of the tongues of these friends, most of them were pointed, which is what I described as the tongue shape of uneasy liver qi, which made me connect the bad mood with their skin problems, and started to look for them For emotional problems, it was found that the indications of liver qi discomfort widely exist in such patients.

However, medicine is rigorous, and the condition of liver qi discomfort can widely exist in all people. Is this an important cause of the disease?
Regarding this point, we can deduce it according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine:

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lungs govern the fur, and when the liver qi is uncomfortable and the liver fire is flaming, it will lead to wood fire punishment, that is, the liver fire melts the lung gold. In the current language system, it is the disorder of the emotional system, which will cause the respiratory system. Change. The theory of lung governing skin and skin in traditional Chinese medicine tells us that skin problems may be caused by the discomfort of liver qi.

So, why does the disease only occur in the joints?
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver governs tendons, and this tendon appears most at the part where the bones connect. Therefore, some liver diseases will be reflected here.

In this way, whether from clinical symptoms or theoretical analysis, it can be determined that the discomfort of liver qi is related to the disease. Chinese medicine is a very interesting field of knowledge. If you do not have a profound theory of Chinese medicine, relying on experience and prescriptions alone may be effective for a while, but it cannot cope with unpredictable disease states. The reason why ancient Chinese medicine has vitality is entirely because we have a The theory of the system is there.

So, what is the effect of using such theoretical guidance?
For this kind of situation, I basically use Xiao Bupleurum to add flavor to reconcile the liver and gallbladder, soothe the liver and regulate qi, and the result is actually good.

I remember a friend came to me and said that she had eczema on her skin, mainly on her neck, elbows, wrists, buttocks, and knees. I looked at her tongue and it was a condition of uncomfortable liver qi. I asked her about her emotions before the onset of the disease. She said it was a family relationship problem, mainly the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which made her feel bored all day long and difficult to resolve, almost to the point of collapse. Insomnia all night, bitter mouth and dizziness.

So, I used Xiao Chaihu Decoction, and added a little medicine to soothe the liver and regulate Qi, and the result was that the skin lesions subsided. She was very grateful, but as for the issue of her family relationship, I really didn't have the energy to follow up later. Therefore, I don't think the final outcome of the disease will be optimistic.

Therefore, I now feel that the real solution is to treat the disease, to treat the family's disease.

Let me give another example of a child. A friend of my elder brother who has a very good relationship found me and told me about the child’s condition. : "2 years old and 2 months old, I am stopping breastfeeding, I have been sick for a long time, I scratch very badly every night, from 12 o'clock in the night to 3 o'clock in the morning, I will definitely bleed or bleed, I have taken the heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine from a hospital in Beijing As a result, my sleep became worse and I rolled over. The child has a bad temper, is easily irritable, easily agitated and fatigued, and the bags under the eyes are big and blue. At the beginning of 2016, he drank another Chinese medicine from Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and then began to have tooth decay. Now the front teeth are broken, and I drool a lot..."

In fact, there are many illnesses described by the parents. I just excerpted them. From the description, we can see that the problem often occurs in the liver meridian. here. At the same time, the child's irritable temper is caused by the discomfort of liver qi.

So, at the beginning, I used WeChat voice to talk about emotional issues to parents, but at this time I didn't involve too much, because some parents would be disgusted by this, and think how to push the problem on us? Therefore, there are also parents who stop consulting at this point.

At this time, I felt that the child's righteousness was insufficient, so I had to support the righteousness first, so I used three ideas: digestion and stagnation, nourishing the liver yin, and nourishing the spleen and stomach. This is to do the pioneering work, and Chinese medicine is called "opening the way".

Prescription: 6 grams of raw malt, 6 grams of Jiao Sanxian, 6 grams of fried chicken inner gold, 3 grams of fried radish, 6 grams of white peony root, 6 grams of cornus, 3 grams of cassia twig, 6 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala, 6 grams of Poria cocos, Six grams of yam, six grams of fried barley, and six grams of roasted licorice.

Except for the white peony root, almost all of them are food grade, boiled water instead of tea. Drink according to the child's acceptance.

After using it, the feedback from the parents is: "The edema of the wrists and ankles is reduced, the itching is reduced, the scab area is reduced, the sleep at night is lighter than before, and the water in the mouth is reduced."

Then, the child caught a cold once, and I thought it was due to sufficient righteousness, and the body began to respond to get rid of evil spirits. So let the parents treat the cold normally, and use the children's Chaigui Antipyretic Oral Liquid to expel evil spirits and go out.

After the child recovered from the cold, he began to prescribe a prescription for soothing the liver and regulating qi for the child to soak his feet:

Six grams of Bupleurum, six grams of Scutellaria, six grams of Codonopsis, six grams of Jiao Sanxian each, six grams of Fried Chicken Neijin, six grams of Tangerine Peel, three grams of Fapinia, three grams of Zhuru, three grams of Citrus aurantium, six grams of Paeoniae Alba, Six grams of Atractylodes macrocephala, nine grams of Poria cocos, six grams of Chinese yam, six grams of fried barley, six grams of forsythia, and six grams of roasted licorice.

Originally, when I opened it, I said that I could drink a little, but the child refused, so I used it to soak my feet. Later, the prescription was adjusted several times, all of which were additions and subtractions. Later, after the tongue turned red, yin-nourishing medicine was added, but they were all used to soak the feet.

At the same time, the black bean distillate I introduced was applied on the outside, and the parents bought it on the Internet. Cooperate with oral three beans plus ume sugar soup. Use a handful of black beans, a handful of soybeans, a handful of mung beans, five ebony plums, two spoons of white sugar, boil water for two hours, and give the child a drink as a drink. The specific amount can be increased or decreased according to the child's preference.

At this time, I chatted with the parents and talked about the pressure on the parents.

Many friends think that it is because the child is sick and the parents are worried that the parents are also unhappy, but in fact, this direction is secondary. What I have observed is that most of the parents have tense personalities, the work pressure is huge, or the family environment is complicated, and their own liver qi is uncomfortable, which will cause physical problems in the children.

Such a two-year-old child, so young, how can there be such complicated external disease factors? Reasoning can know that most of them come from their parents. Most of them are the long-term bad mood of the parents, which causes the child's physical problems. There are genetics and breastfeeding. These two channels will directly affect the child. In addition, there is a kind of "aura" that we cannot see. "The impact cannot be underestimated.

At this time, the child's father also asked me, what should I do about his own skin problems? When I looked at the photos, it was also a typical skin problem caused by liver qi discomfort, on my hands. When I asked, it turned out that the parents of the children were under a lot of pressure and needed to adjust. This is such a typical example. In fact, it would be better if the father took medicine for conditioning at the same time. So, I also introduced to him the prescription of soothing the liver and regulating qi. Then there is the mother of the child, who is also anxious. Therefore, I think the only way for the whole family to improve their mood and adjust the atmosphere is to truly create a recovery environment for the child.

For this kind of situation, I usually ask the patient’s family to have a meeting. Do you want the child’s illness to be completely improved? If you are determined, you must reach a consensus. Only in this way can we better provide the environment for children to recover.

As a result, since then, the child's conditioning has improved day by day. Parents reported that the child's sleeping state is much better, and he no longer cries. After more than a month of conditioning, his skin has improved a lot compared to before. You can see the previous picture, compared with the current one, it has been improved a lot, and you can basically see the original state of the skin.

However, after sending the last photo, the child's father suddenly asked me: "Ms. Luo, how long will it take for the rough skin on the child's hands to return to normal?"

At that time, when I saw his question, my heart sank, why? Because this shows that the father's anxiety still exists. In fact, if you see a positive change, it means that the direction of conditioning is right. At this time, you must trust your child's body and the power of nature. If you are still counting the time to recover at this time, it means that your heart is still urgent. This urgency reflects that the anxiety has not been adjusted, and these anxieties are not good for the child's recovery.

Therefore, the road to heart adjustment is very long. If we can pay attention to the adjustment of ourselves and reduce the anxiety about the disease, it will be very beneficial to the recovery of the disease.

At present, this child is still undergoing treatment. In fact, under normal circumstances, I will only introduce the idea, and then ask the parents to ask a nearby doctor for treatment. However, the child's skin photo really worried me, so I followed it up. This time I wrote down my thinking, not to tell everyone, you can copy this prescription and use it, this is just to provide ideas, for specific applications, you can ask the nearby Chinese medicine practitioners to help prescribe prescriptions for conditioning, after all, this is not for health preservation The problem is the specific disease, each person's situation is different, and the prescription needs to be added or subtracted.

However, when I write this, I also hope that everyone will know that, in fact, this disease is just a warning, a small warning. It is a good thing to realize as soon as possible: "Parents' bad emotions will lead to children's diseases", because if you realize No, if it continues like this, it will have a bad impact on the child's whole body and mind. This impact will last for a lifetime, and the consequences will be more serious. This is probably something that the parents hadn't thought of before, so I bring it up here, hoping that everyone can get to know it together.

Sometimes, from another perspective, disease is a good thing, it is a kind of alarm, it reminds us that it is time to adjust, it is time to reset, this kind of warning is a lesson in our life, if you realize it, it will be of great help to you in the future life is a lucky thing.
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