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How should moxibustion be used for people with qi deficiency constitution?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

How should moxibustion be used for people with qi deficiency constitution?
Traditional Chinese medicine health preservation takes "preventive treatment of disease" as the core, which includes a series of health preservation principles such as nourishing body and spirit, and coordinating yin and yang. Preventive treatment of diseases originated from the medical classic "Huangdi Neijing", which has a wide range of contents and has been guiding the clinical practice and disease prevention and health care of traditional Chinese medicine. In ancient times, there was a saying that "shanggong cures diseases before illness", which comes from "Suwen·Four-Qi Tunneling God Great Theory":

"That's why the sage, if you don't cure the disease, you can cure the disease, and if you don't cure the disorder, you can treat it before it is disordered. This is what it means. If the disease is complete, then heal it; It's not too late!"

It means that wise people focus on disease prevention rather than disease treatment. They don’t know how to use medicine to treat diseases until they are sick, and they don’t know that they need to be cured until they are in chaos. It’s like digging a well when you’re thirsty. Is it too late to know how to make weapons after a war? It can be seen that daily prevention is very important, rather than waiting for the disease to appear before treatment. Therefore, we must pay attention to the bias of our physique in our daily life, and adjust and treat it in time. Today, I will tell you how to treat Qi-deficiency constitution with moxibustion.

First of all, let's understand again, what is Qi deficiency constitution?

Qi-deficiency constitution refers to the physical state characterized by low breath and low visceral function due to the lack of Qi in the human body. The main characteristics of Qi deficiency are fatigue, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, etc. The body is mostly loose and loose muscles. Usually low voice, shortness of breath, lazy speech, easy fatigue, lack of energy, easy to sweat, pink tongue, tongue with teeth marks. People with qi deficiency physique are introverted, like quietness and dislike movement. Susceptible to colds, visceral drooping and other diseases, and slow recovery after illness. The ability to adapt to the external environment is poor, and it cannot tolerate the invasion of wind, cold, heat, damp and other exogenous evils. People with qi deficiency constitution are mostly related to factors such as congenital, natural environment, emotions, diet, daily life, chronic illness and so on.

So, what are the related pathogenesis of qi deficiency?

The lung governs the qi of the whole body. The lung is delicate and weak, and it is also the viscera of the canopy. When exogenous evil invades, it is most likely to invade the lung. The deficiency of the five internal organs often starts from the lung, and the deficiency of the lung gradually spreads to the spleen and kidney. The spleen governs qi, transports and transforms water and grains, and is the foundation of acquired constitution, the source of qi and blood biochemistry. The kidney is the root of qi, the foundation of innateness, and the ups and downs of the essence of the parents determine the thickness and strength of the endowment of the offspring. Therefore, the formation of qi-deficiency constitution is closely related to the lungs, spleen, and kidneys. Congenital, natural environment, emotions, diet, daily life, chronic illness and other factors work together to cause weak lung defense, dysfunction of the spleen and stomach, insufficient kidney qi, insufficient production of qi, blood, essence and body fluid, eventually leading to the formation of a constitution with deficiency of qi.

People with qi deficiency constitution can be treated with moxibustion at the following points:

Yongquan point

On the sole of the foot, where the center of the foot is most depressed when the foot is flexed and the toes are curled. Yongquan is the acupoint for longevity in the human body. It has the functions of strengthening kidney essence, hearing and eyesight, and making people energetic.


On the outer side of the calf, 3 cun below Du's nose, 1 finger horizontally outside the anterior crest of the tibia, on the line connecting Du's nose and Jiexi. It is a strong and healthy acupoint. It has the functions of invigorating the spleen and stomach, cultivating the soil and transforming the essence, nourishing the acquired, strengthening the body and eliminating pathogens. It can regulate the body's immunity and enhance disease resistance.

Zhongwan point

It is Renmai point, 4 cun above the navel. It has the effects of warming the stomach and relieving vomiting, dispelling cold and relieving pain, harmonizing the stomach and invigorating the spleen, and lowering the qi of the internal organs. It is suitable for weak spleen and stomach, etc.

Shenque point

in the center of the navel. Acupuncture is prohibited here. Moxibustion with moxa cones separated from salt or moxa sticks suspended from moxibustion is often used, which has the functions of warming the middle and dispelling cold, health care, warming the yang and resuscitating the adversity, resuscitating and resuscitating, and regulating and nourishing the kidneys.

Guanyuan point

In the lower abdomen, 3 cun below the middle of the navel, on the front midline. It is the meeting point of the Renmai and the three yin of the feet, where the vitality of the triple burner originates, and connects with the true yang of the gate of life, which has the effect of nourishing vitality and strengthening.

*Acupoint pictures are from "Illustrated Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine" produced by Zitu Books

Operation method:

Gentle moxibustion with moxa sticks on each point for 10 minutes, once a day, for 1 week, and then use after 1 week interval. 1 course of treatment takes 3 weeks.

Yongquan is the longevity acupoint of the human body, which has the effect of strengthening the kidney essence and making people energetic. Zusanli and Guanyuan have the functions of nourishing vitality and strengthening the body. Shenque has the functions of health care, warming the yang and rescuing the adversity, warming the yang and tonifying the kidney, regulating the Chong and Ren. Combined with Zhongwan to invigorate the spleen and invigorate the middle, harmonize qi and blood.

Moxibustion can invigorate yang, invigorate the spirit, make the body full of yang, strengthen the power of defense against the outside world, and have the functions of exorcising evil spirits and supporting righteous qi. The selected Yongquan, Guanyuan, and Shenque all have the functions of nourishing the foundation of the former and the acquired, and nourishing and strengthening. "Waitai Secret Yao": "Three lis nourish the acquired Qi, and moxibustion three lis can keep the vitality alive." At these acupoints Applying the method of moxibustion gradually accumulates moxibustion effects to mobilize the body's internal defense against disease and stimulate the body's righteousness, thereby improving the constitution of qi deficiency.

In addition to moxibustion, in daily life, it should also be combined with other methods to comprehensively treat Qi-deficiency constitution:

1. Exercising properly: People with qi deficiency tend to like to be still and hate to move, which is not conducive to the circulation of qi and blood. Exercise can help qi and blood flow through the whole body, and it is even more conducive to the generation of qi. According to individual conditions, you can choose to walk, jog and dance, etc., especially suitable for practicing Tai Chi and Ba Duan Jin. However, people with qi-deficiency constitutions have low physical fitness. Exercise should be moderate and should be done step by step and not excessive. It is important to persist every day, which can benefit the spleen and lungs, strengthen the kidney qi, strengthen the muscles and bones, and gradually improve the physical condition.

2. Reasonable diet: The diet should be flat and sweet or sweet and warm, and eat more nutritious and easy-to-digest flat tonic foods, such as japonica rice, chicken, silver carp, jujube, cherries, grapes, peanuts, yams, etc. Avoid eating gas-depleting, cold, greasy, spicy food.

3. Healthy daily life: Ensure adequate sleep, keep your mood stable before going to bed, it is best to soak your feet in hot water, do not drink strong tea or coffee, you can drink a glass of milk. Develop good sleep habits, go to bed before 23 o'clock in the evening, it is best to sleep for 8 hours a day. People with qi-deficiency constitution have poor tolerance to cold and heat, and are especially afraid of cold. Therefore, people with qi-deficiency should change clothes in time according to climate changes, especially in winter and when the weather turns cold, they should keep warm to prevent invasion of external evils. You should also maintain a comfortable mood at ordinary times and avoid excessive worries, thoughts, and fears.

The formation of our physique is related to many factors. In life, we must adjust the above aspects according to our own situation and apply moxibustion correctly in order to improve and adjust our physique.
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