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How should “antiviral” drugs be chosen?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

How should “antiviral” drugs be chosen?
Jingfang decoction is easy to "adjust and subtract according to individual conditions and syndrome differentiation", while patent medicine granules are more "efficient and convenient". Today we will talk about the "Chinese patent medicines" that are tailor-made from Jingfang and can prevent epidemics.

Cauldron to boil medicine

We often say that traditional Chinese medicine decoctions need to be tailored to individual conditions and treated based on syndrome differentiation, but why do movies and TV dramas often appear to "boil medicine in a big pot to provide relief to the victims" whenever there is a disaster year and epidemics occur frequently? What about the bridge section?

Is this kind of plot for the artistic sublimation of plot development, or is it a practical epidemic prevention strategy?

In fact, microbial demons have existed since ancient times. According to incomplete statistics in the "History of China's Famine Relief", there have been more than 200 epidemics in our country from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. In the long history of fighting against epidemics, we have had failures as well as successes, and we have learned lessons. There is also experience. There is Zhang Zhongjing's family "Since Jian'an, especially in less than ten years, two-thirds of the dead, typhoid fever accounts for seven out of ten." Similar prescriptions and other methods to "overcome the epidemic".

After countless summaries by their ancestors, they discovered that the "epidemic virus" is different from ordinary daily miscellaneous diseases. Although this disease belongs to the category of exogenous diseases, it is more contagious, popular, and explosive. In this way, disease syndromes that broke out in the same period also have more "similar patterns", and finding this "similar pattern" has become the "method" of syndrome differentiation, and only then has the concept of "boiling medicine in a big pot to provide relief to the victims" feasibility basis.

It was only then that the Ginseng Baidu Powder from the Song Dynasty's "Taiping Huimin He Jiju Prescription" appeared, Li Dongyuan's Puji Disinfectant Drink in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, Ye Tianshi's Manna Disinfectant Pill in the Qing Dynasty, Wu Jutong's Angong Niuhuang Wan, and today's We are going to talk about the famous prescriptions contained in the Chinese patent medicine "Antiviral Oral Liquid".

Antiviral oral liquid

Antiviral oral liquid came into being in the 1970s in response to respiratory diseases such as Japanese encephalitis and influenza that were prevalent in the Northeast. It is a Chinese patent medicine jointly developed by pharmaceutical companies in the north and south. It originated from the "anti-epidemic name" in the Qing Dynasty. The prescription "Qingwen Baidu Drink" is inextricably linked with the prescription "Baihu Decoction" for typhoid fever.

Later, it obtained the new drug certificate in 1989. After more than 30 years of verification, it is now produced by more than 20 pharmaceutical factories, all of which are produced according to the "isatis root, gypsum, anemarrhena, reed root, rehmannia glutinosa, patchouli, forsythia, turmeric, This recipe is "Stone Calamus".

Antiviral oral liquid has the effect of clearing away heat and dampness, cooling blood and detoxifying. It can be used daily for influenza symptoms, such as fever, chills, sweating, thirst, runny nose, sore throat, cough, and body muscle and joint aches.

Next, we will start with the prescription and talk about which stages of influenza this medicine is suitable for, as well as several Chinese patent medicines with similar names and similar medicinal properties, such as "Four Seasons Antiviral Oral Liquid", "Qingrejiedu Oral Liquid" and "Isatis Granules" ”, how should we choose when dealing with influenza?

Qingwenbaidu drink

Ji Xiaolan's "Notes of Yuewei Thatched Cottage" contains: "There was a doctor in Tongcheng who used a heavy dose of gypsum to treat Ji Hongxingshi. People were shocked when they saw her, but she was almost breathless, and she recovered easily. Anyone who followed his method would be a living person. No calculation."

The first doctor in Tongcheng was the author of "Epidemic Rash Yiyi". Yu Shiyu, a famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty, and the Qingwen Baidu Drink was created during the great epidemic in the capital from the 57th to the 59th year of Qianlong's reign. It is an antiviral medicine. The idea of ​​prescribing oral liquid comes from this recipe.

Antiviral oral liquid also uses gypsum. Some people often say that this idea comes from the classic prescription Baihu Decoction. However, Qingwen Baidu Decoction is exactly the combination of Baihu Decoction from "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", Xijiao Dihuang Decoction from "Qian Jin Yao Prescription", and Xijiao Dihuang Decoction from "Elbow Preparation". It is a combination of ideas such as "Coptidis Coptidis Jiedu Decoction" and "Taiping Huimin Hejiju Prescription" Liangge Powder.

1 Gypsum, Anemarrhena, Radix Rehmanniae, Reed Root

I remember that when I was in school, I would only study textbooks to prepare for exams. I knew the "sweet, pungent, and cold" properties of gypsum by heart, and I was even more afraid of Baihu Decoction, because the book said that Baihu Decoction is suitable for People with "severe fever, profuse sweating, severe thirst, and strong pulse" are very rare.

Later, I followed a famous old Chinese medicine doctor to visit and write prescriptions. Among the people who came for follow-up consultations with the old Chinese medicine doctor, it was common to see "cancer patients with weak constitutions". Most of these people were troubled by repeated low-grade fevers, but they did not dare to overuse antibiotics for fear of affecting their white blood cells.

Old Chinese doctors don’t use Western medicine, nor do they read laboratory test sheets. After checking the tongue coating and pulse, they usually use 3 to 5 doses of Bamboo Leaf Gypsum Decoction. It is especially effective in relieving annoyance and fever."

After reading the experience of some famous doctors, I gradually understood what Zhang Xichun said: "Gypsum is cool and can be dispersed, and has the power to penetrate the surface and relieve muscles. For those with excessive external heat, use it boldly and it will beat the golden elixir." Only then did I understand Gypsum. When paired with japonica rice, raw gypsum is paired with Anemarrhenae for its "febrile-reducing effect." Gypsum and Anemarrhena in the antiviral oral liquid are also used in conjunction with each other, and they are used for their functions of clearing away heat, removing troubles, and promoting fluid production.

The science of febrile disease believes that "epidemics, poisons and pathogens will injure yin and consume qi", consuming qi first and damaging yin later. When heat enters the blood vessels, it is necessary to "clear heat and cool blood". So, how can we "cool blood"? Of course, "sheng rehmannia" can nourish yin and clear away heat. This is also the meaning of rehmannia glutinosa commonly used in rhinoceros rehmannia soup and Qinghao turtle shell soup. Generally, when the stomach is very hot and thirsty to drink, most people will choose "just decoction of reed root and boil water" to relieve stomach heat and polydipsia. It is better to combine raw rehmannia glutinosa and reed root to produce fluid and quench thirst. The four herbs of Gypsum, Anemarrhena, Radix Rehmanniae and Reed Root are combined, and together they have the effect of "reducing fever and detoxifying".

2. Forsythia suspensa, Isatis root, Patchouli, Acorus, and Tulip

It is often said that antiviral oral liquid is a common medicine during the flu season. There is a certain truth to this statement. Epidemic diseases are caused by a mixture of dampness and heat, which is different from the "sneezing and runny nose" caused by colds. Epidemic diseases often cause If there are obvious "pain" symptoms, such as sore throat, mandibular lymph node swelling, headache, and muscle pain, modern medicine says that this is called "inflammation caused by bacteria or viruses", while traditional Chinese medicine says: "This is the fire-heat poison evil. Treat It should be used to clear away heat and detoxify.”

In fact, this is also a tip for distinguishing "Taiyang syndrome of typhoid fever" from "the onset of febrile disease".

Both typhoid fever and febrile disease will cause aversion to cold and fever. However, if the external symptoms of the disease initially appear, such as a red tongue, obvious pain in the throat and muscles, constipation, and the tongue coating becomes more and more yellow, and then turns from moist to dry, more treatment is required. Antipyretic and dampness-relieving."

"Anti-pyretic" requires clearing away heat and detoxifying, while "dampness-reducing" mostly uses aromatic substances to reduce dampness. Therefore, anti-epidemic prescriptions often include "honeysuckle, forsythia", "wetley, peilan" and other ideas. Antiviral oral liquids include forsythia, forsythia, forsythia and forsythia. Isatis root "clears away heat and detoxifies"; Acorus calamus is warm in nature, bitter in taste, pungent and dredges, dispelling dampness and eliminating phlegm, repelling impurities and resuscitating the mind; Patchouli is fragrant and dispels turbidity, and is pungent and warm. It is compatible with Acorus and enhances its ability to dispel dampness and harmonize the stomach. ,

Turmeric is a pure yin product. Its nature is light and rising. It is good at entering the heart and envelope, and also enters the lung meridian. It is an agent that promotes qi and relieves stagnation, and can cool blood and remove blood stasis. When combined with Acorus, it can remove dampness and eliminate phlegm, clear the heart and open the mind. .

The combination of all the medicines is a ready-made antiviral oral liquid. This medicine can be chosen by both adults and children. This medicine is a superficial antidote and should be taken 2 to 3 times a day. It should be taken half an hour after a meal. When choosing this medicine , you can start from the following three aspects:

First, start with daily life and take it within 24 hours after being exposed to people with influenza to help aromatize dampness, clear away heat and detoxify. In this case, you only need to take it for 1 to 2 days. If there are no further symptoms, there is no need to take it again;

Second, start with febrile diseases and observe red tongue, greasy white or gradually yellow coating, red and swollen throat, dry or sticky stool;

Third, start with the characteristics of the symptoms: fever, sweating and feeling thirsty, and always feel that drinking water cannot quench the thirst. Eye pain, sore throat, ulcers, dry nose, red cheeks, poor appetite, etc. can also be seen.

If you have one of the above three conditions, you can choose "antiviral oral liquid". We will also briefly talk about the heat-clearing and detoxifying traditional Chinese medicines with "similar names" and "similar properties" to this prescription to avoid confusion in choosing.

I often receive some inquiries, saying, "Can a certain medicine replace a certain medicine?" In fact, I want to say, "Both radish and cabbage have their own strengths, and medicines learn from each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses." , we should find the characteristics of the prescription and exploit its strengths and avoid its weaknesses.

1. When "you only have sore throat", you should choose "Isatis Granules". Isatis Granules are composed of "Isatis Root" and are a simple "heat-clearing and detoxifying" agent. It is good at "detoxifying, soothing and dispersing stagnation". Modern medicine explains that it "can "It can effectively inhibit the invasion and replication of herpes virus", so it is suitable for those whose main symptoms are "itchy throat and unfavorable throat".

2. For those with severe fever, dry throat and severe pain, choose heat-clearing and detoxifying oral liquid. This medicine is "gypsum, honeysuckle, scrophulariaceae, rehmannia root, forsythia, gardenia, sweet root, skullcap, gentian, isatis, anemarrhena, wheat. "Winter", the formulation idea is similar to that of antiviral oral liquid, but its "aromatherapy and dampness" agent is weakened and the "heat-clearing and detoxifying" agent is added. Therefore, when heat and poison enter the body and dry throat and sore throat are obvious, it is better to It is suitable to choose this medicine.

3. The patent medicine with a similar name to the antiviral oral liquid is undoubtedly the "Four Seasons Antiviral Mixture". This medicine is composed of "Houttuynia cordata, Platycodon, mulberry leaf, forsythia, schizonepeta, mint, perilla leaf, bitter almond, and reed." "It is composed of root, chrysanthemum and licorice". The ideas of the two medicines are completely different. The "Four Seasons Antiviral Mixture" is more similar to Sangju Yin and Yinqiao Powder. It is suitable for runny nose, cough, headache and fever and chills at the beginning of febrile disease. Those who are not obvious.

That’s all for today.

In the face of epidemics, viruses, and evil, everyone is weak and helpless. Only by gathering the wisdom of everyone and uniting the hearts of everyone can we achieve something for everyone. Finally, I hope that today’s experience can clear up some of everyone’s confusion. , allowing us to be more calm and less anxious when facing diseases.

Okay, see you next time.
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